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NRA wants terror suspect to have acccess to guns

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  • NRA wants terror suspect to have acccess to guns

    Seems the NRA thinks terror suspects have the same rights to guns as any other US citizen


    What are your thoughts on this?

  • #2
    Bill o' Rights.


    • #3
      Who is a terrorist and what are the criteria? Who gets to label who as a terrorist? Unfortunately it is a paranoid government who chooses, and left unimpeded, they can choose anyone just for having some view different from their own including the local gun club membership for speaking about the tyrannical government for suppressing our second amendment rights. Remember ruby ridge?

      A society willing to give up “freedoms” for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety. The right of the people (says that in the 2nd amendment) to keep and bear arms was placed in the constitution not for hunting or to protect the rights of competition shooters it was placed there because our founding fathers knew that an armed society cannot be tyrannized.


      • #4
        I especially like the way the headline is worded. Just a hair's breadth from saying "NRA wants terrorists to have guns."

        The headline could have read:

        "Congress attempts to deny constitutional rights to citizenry based on secret list."


        • #5
          You all are terrorist now turn in ALL of your guns to your local police department. We will pay you retail value for every gun you turn in. Yeah, Right keep dreaming. (Signed: The Good Ole Boys)


          • #6
            this is the very thing that some insurgents in iraq tried to warn us about. the bush administration will use the "war on terror" as an excuse to take away our rights and they will pass new laws that will stifle our freedoms. its happening before our very eyes.


            • #7
              Originally posted by darrianation View Post
              Who is a terrorist and what are the criteria? Who gets to label who as a terrorist? Unfortunately it is a paranoid government who chooses, and left unimpeded, they can choose anyone just for having some view different from their own including the local gun club membership for speaking about the tyrannical government for suppressing our second amendment rights. Remember ruby ridge?
              Not from your country, I do not know the Ruby Ridge story.
              I still have some other questions, Isn't quantanamo filled with suspects? aren't they stripped from their rights? ( keep in mind that the majority of them is still waiting to be procecuted and therefore are still suspects)
              What makes them different from domestic suspects?
              Both are suspects but only one is stripped of the basic human right of freedom for years now without any courtdate being set
              The other is about to be stripped of the right to bear arms

              a bit out of wack I would say, same as the fact that some people seem to get more upset over the latter

              Be honest how would you have reacted is is only stated, Assocation want to lift the restriction of human rights of terror suspects, without mentioning guns and the NRA? I'm not saying that you would see it differently but I'm sure many would

              Someone buying more than 500 pounds of Fertilizer storing it in a shurgard box ( centralized storingspace you can rent) and doesn't have a farm or a huge garden and regularly inspects the bag of fertilizer, is in my view a valid suspect.
              would I strip him of his right to bear arm, sure I would, but then I do not live in a country where it is a constitutional right but a privalige that has to be earned ( heck cops get taken from active duty if they do not visit the range and have a minimum score, because their gun will be taken away)

              last question, how does you having a handgun prevent the tyranny of a shooter in a blinded van, shooting people at random from some distance?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL] View Post
                Someone buying more than 500 pounds of Fertilizer storing it in a shurgard box ( centralized storingspace you can rent) and doesn't have a farm or a huge garden and regularly inspects the bag of fertilizer, is in my view a valid suspect.
                would I strip him of his right to bear arm, sure I would, but then I do not live in a country where it is a constitutional right but a privalige that has to be earned ( heck cops get taken from active duty if they do not visit the range and have a minimum score, because their gun will be taken away)

                last question, how does you having a handgun prevent the tyranny of a shooter in a blinded van, shooting people at random from some distance?
                These instances of domestic terrorism are beyond what we normal civillians will be able to prevent. That's why there are organizations like the FBI and CIA anti-terror units here at home.

                Having a pistol, shotgun or semi-automatic rifle can protect innocent people from violent crime on an a more personal level.

                Would you trust a stranger, breaking into your home or approaching your car late at night with your (or your family's) safety in mind?

                If you tune into the local news stations here and listen to reports of violent crime, it would probably frighten you if you're not used to it or familiar with the areas.
                Last edited by Tom Yum; 05-07-2007, 02:38 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                  this is the very thing that some insurgents in iraq tried to warn us about. the bush administration will use the "war on terror" as an excuse to take away our rights and they will pass new laws that will stifle our freedoms. its happening before our very eyes.

                  The Bush administration does not run congress my friend, that'd be the democrats. As in the sponsor of the bill: Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey


                  • #10
                    Mike you said it I just want to second it, there is a big difference between U.S. citizens on U.S. soil being picked up by men in black in the dead of night and not being heard from for an indeterminate period of time and suspected terrorists over seas in a “war” zone who are captured.

                    Tom: These instances of domestic terrorism are beyond what we normal civillians will be able to prevent. That's why there are organizations like the FBI and CIA anti-terror units here at home.
                    As far as civilian matters go it is true the private citizen does not investigate terror networks and organizations or make arrests but when Abdullah Allahdickhead opens fire in a mall parking lot yelling “Allahu Akbar” (God is great), God willing i'd be there, I would hope Joe private citizen would sneak up behind him with his CCW weapon and blast him in the back.

                    Most of the folks I hang around with would love to have the chance to snack on some sand surfing rag head as a tasty afternoon treat (bring it on).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by darrianation View Post
                      Most of the folks I hang around with would love to have the chance to snack on some sand surfing rag head as a tasty afternoon treat (bring it on).
                      Be careful dude, they might do a fly-by on their magic carpet.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by darrianation View Post
                        Most of the folks I hang around with would love to have the chance to snack on some sand surfing rag head as a tasty afternoon treat (bring it on).
                        you sound like a racist Klan member.

                        with people like this going off to iraq, its no wonder the iraqis are doing everything in their power to resist us.


                        • #13
                          The fertilizer example was what happened recently in the UK and for the purpose of domestic attacks

                          BTW Mike my point was more that stripping certain rights seem to upset people more than the stripping of a Basic Human Right
                          You can't strip them from the right to carry arm but you can keep them incarcerated for years without access to legal assistance
                          Guns are somehow more sacred than freedom is
                          You are clouding the issue a bit by connecting Gitmo detainees to guns.

                          I understand both sides, innocent until conficted and therefore entitled to every constitutional right.
                          They are absolute but shouldn't human rights be too?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                            with people like this going off to iraq, its no wonder the iraqis are doing everything in their power to resist us.
                            Your jumping to conclusions, Hardman.

                            I don't think he means all peoples of the Middleast; he's talking about guys like those who tied their headbands on during 9/11 and killed 3,000 innocent people.

                            Did you know that there were 115 nations whom lost citizens on that day? And that of all 3,000 that died - 289 bodies were found in tact, and 19,858 bodyparts were found !?

                            I don't know about you, but I say F U C K terrorists.

                            Death, destruction, charity, salvation, war, money, real estate, spouses, babies, and other September 11 statistics.

                            146,100 jobs were lost in New York and probably an equivalent amount were lost across the continental U.S., while you were barely getting your drivers license...

                            People are still suffering today due to lost parents, lost spouses, PTSD and the health effects of charred debris in the air.
                            Last edited by Tom Yum; 05-07-2007, 04:54 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                              Your jumping to conclusions, Hardman.

                              I don't think he means all peoples of the Middleast; he's talking about guys like those who tied their headbands on during 9/11 and killed 3,000 innocent people.

                              Did you know that there were 115 nations whom lost citizens on that day? And that of all 3,000 that died - 289 bodies were found in tact, and 19,858 bodyparts were found !?

                              I don't know about you, but I say F U C K terrorists.

                              Death, destruction, charity, salvation, war, money, real estate, spouses, babies, and other September 11 statistics.

                              146,100 jobs were lost in New York and probably an equivalent amount were lost across the continental U.S., while you were barely getting your drivers license...

                              People are still suffering today due to lost parents, lost spouses, PTSD and the health effects of charred debris in the air.
                              yeah you are right tom. the tragedy of 9/11 makes it perfectly fine for us to drop racial slurs. makes sense to me.

