Yeah, you stay home alone and keep telling yourself that, champ.
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Originally posted by slimdog View PostI am not a lazy shit, asswipe. I don't have time to look things up on-line, ok?
There, I helped you out a little - no worries.Last edited by gregimotis; 05-16-2007, 05:36 PM.
Originally posted by slimdog View Posti aggree, if you dont like the way i spell words, dont read them,lol
What? You expecting sympathy or something? LOL
Live and learn, eh? Or not...
Originally posted by GQchris View PostUnrequited love. 'Tis the human condition. When I was going through a breakup I went through a cycle of revenge dating, depression, binge drinking, and then I gradually decided after some time that I would get through and I did. I found God in the shambles of my life and I am totally healed now.
Maybe some roadwork and kicking the thai pads will do you some good.
Why Tanto1, you are an ass, you dont have a grip on anything. I am not an idiot. Her girlfriend didnt have any thing to to with it. So will you stop criticezing me over my spelling. This is whats wrong with the world, assholes like you sit on the computer all day and do nothing but criticezing people to make them feel better about them self. Pretty sad man. I have a question for you, did i ask to be messed with? No i just wanted so advice about it all.
Thank you GQchriss.
Originally posted by eXcessiveForceyour 16 and you want advice, so here it is.
realize you don't know crap about crap. You mostly likely won't even worry about a girl you knew when you were 16 when you are 30.
You need to worry more about education than girls anyway. Learn grammar, learn to spell, or at least learn how to use spell check. (firefox, use it)
Don't be stupid and hit hard inanimate objects that are harder than your fist with your first. It shows a lack of control and a lack of intelligence.
take my advice and go out and create a good life, or don't and get good at saying "you want fries with that" it really is your choice.*Claps*
Now that is good advice that E.F. just gave so in the helpful spirit here is some more:
Go to school tomorrow and do every piece of homework assigned whether you feel like it or not. Join one of the sports teams and show up ten minutes early for training - work at it a little on non-training days whether you feel like it or not. If you've got a car you wish was cleaner, clean it; if you play video games, practice.
Start training yourself today to put in just a little more effort than you have to at everything you decide to do. Once you decide to do a thing, do it even on days-do it especially on days -when you don't feel like it.
Learn to control yourself. It's a thing few men ever learn, and those that do are the most powerful men among us.
Hey Slimdog
Don't worry about it you're sixteen girls will come and go and teenage "relationships" may seem seroius but when you look back you will laugh at how you were. It takes most people untill their mid-twenties to get relationships right much less find the one they want to marry. Just focus on other stuff right now. Take care of your hand as well ok.