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  • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
    wtf? are you for real? did some girl trick you into this shit????????????????
    I was a musician for 8 years, ending on my 20th birthday - played the trumpet. During that time, I performed in an orchestra, large wind ensemble, marching band and a few different jazz-type bands.

    I was in a small music ensemble at the University of Texas; one of the few non-music majors that got in - about 1/5 to 1/4 of us were non-music in other words, we sucked

    In that entire time-span, I played a good deal of classical pieces - like the Pines of Rome, Pictures at an Exhibition, The Carnival of Venice, Carmen: The I used to be versed in classical/opera, but I don't talk about it because not many people are genuinely interested in it or worse, they try to one-up you with their knowledge.

    The best time to talk about classical music is right before or right after a venue: if they have a deep appreciation for it or have ever touched an instrument, you can feel it...
    Last edited by Tom Yum; 06-30-2007, 07:24 PM.


    • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
      so I used to be versed in classical/opera, but I don't talk about it because not many people are genuinely interested in it or worse, they try to one-up you with their knowledge.
      I like some classical and opera. I'm not very knowledgeable about the subject...but I do enjoy Wagner, I liked "Blue Beard's castle", I LOVE every rendition of Dr. Faustus (Mefistophele, Faust, Dr. Faustus...etc)...and I caught a glimpse of one I want to see called "Requiem for a Flea" that looks pretty damn boss.

      One thing I HATED was a opera version of "grapes of wrath". It was as horrible as can be expected. John Steinbeck was probably rolling in his grave.


      • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
        I was a musician for 8 years, ending on my 20th birthday - played the trumpet. During that time, I performed in an orchestra, large wind ensemble, marching band and a few different jazz-type bands.

        I was in a small music ensemble at the University of Texas; one of the few non-music majors that got in - about 1/5 to 1/4 of us were non-music in other words, we sucked

        In that entire time-span, I played a good deal of classical pieces - like the Pines of Rome, Pictures at an Exhibition, The Carnival of Venice, Carmen: The I used to be versed in classical/opera, but I don't talk about it because not many people are genuinely interested in it or worse, they try to one-up you with their knowledge.

        The best time to talk about classical music is right before or right after a venue: if they have a deep appreciation for it or have ever touched an instrument, you can feel it...
        That was a wonderful performance. I've always wanted to go check out opera but I'm afraid I won't understand the story (where the true moving power of the music comes from) and end up confused . Is it easy to understand and catch on to the story when watching opera in a different language?


        • Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
          Is it easy to understand and catch on to the story when watching opera in a different language?
          Sure it is...most places have screens w/ subtitles. No shit.


          • [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

            They played an altered version of this at my graduation. Everyone started crying....

