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Cellphone got stolen!

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  • Cellphone got stolen!

    Yes this is just a rant, I should never trust strangers even if they have a nice car and ok clothes. So this guy stops his car, it isn't an old washed car so I thought yeah just listen to what he has to say, he says he was looking for a villa close to my house and I said I didn't know where it was, he shows me his cellphone which is out of battery(the model is one year older than mine), and asks for my cell, I know I shouldn't have given it to him while being in the car but hell he didn't look like he needed it so I just did, he calls some guy as he's handing the phone back, presses the pedal and off he goes!

    You might say don't fight back, because if he had a knife of some sort my life is more important. Hell my cellphone was even 3 years old and I wanted a new one, but the concept of it being stolen, it made me furious, but he kept going away in his car and I'm running after him screaming insults at the top of my breath and I know this looks stupid but my knuckles are swolen from punching the wall once right after he went off. And I don't mean to be cocky but if he did stop and fight or something, he probably would have needed a new face, my concrete wall was proof of that. Oh well, I never thought I'd do something so stupid and now I prove myself wrong.

    No I'm not seeking advice of any sort, I think I've learned my lesson. /end rant

  • #2
    Who the hell needs to steal a cell phone? Aren't the basic models almost free nowadays? He was just being a shit.

    You didn't get the plate number?


    • #3
      Report it to the police!


      • #4
        My cell phone got stolen about a week ago. It's a cheap old thing I got off a gift certificate to Best Buy. I was using it as a timer while jogging at my gym, so I left it by the side of the track. The track is only like 1/20 of a mile and I'd only run maybe two laps and it was gone. At least he left the piece of paper with my run times... I even got to talk to the kid that stole it when I called my number. He said it wasn't stolen, he "found" it at some other location he wanted me to pick it up at because the gym was "too far." I told him to keep it.

        Why somebody would steal an ugly fifteen dollar Kyocera Oystr is beyond me, but whatever.


        • #5
          People, generally, suck.

          Your average dog would be a shoe-in for sainthood as a human.


          • #6
            Originally posted by treelizard View Post
            My cell phone got stolen about a week ago. It's a cheap old thing I got off a gift certificate to Best Buy. I was using it as a timer while jogging at my gym, so I left it by the side of the track. The track is only like 1/20 of a mile and I'd only run maybe two laps and it was gone. At least he left the piece of paper with my run times... I even got to talk to the kid that stole it when I called my number. He said it wasn't stolen, he "found" it at some other location he wanted me to pick it up at because the gym was "too far." I told him to keep it.

            Why somebody would steal an ugly fifteen dollar Kyocera Oystr is beyond me, but whatever.
            I read your story through and through yet it still doesn't make any sense to me why he would steal it, but write down your lap times. This truly perplexes me.


            • #7
              He didn't write down my laptimes, he just failed to steal the piece of paper where I had written them (right by my phone).


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
                I read your story through and through yet it still doesn't make any sense to me why he would steal it, but write down your lap times. This truly perplexes me.
                Your classic case of stalker-trainer. See it all the time. Its a shame, really.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                  Who the hell needs to steal a cell phone? Aren't the basic models almost free nowadays? He was just being a shit.

                  You didn't get the plate number?
                  I know, that's why I didn't really give a shit if I gave it to him. I mean it's a long gone trend yet it still happend. And I couldn't get the license number because I wasn't wearing my glasses, go figure..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                    My cell phone got stolen about a week ago. It's a cheap old thing I got off a gift certificate to Best Buy. I was using it as a timer while jogging at my gym, so I left it by the side of the track. The track is only like 1/20 of a mile and I'd only run maybe two laps and it was gone. At least he left the piece of paper with my run times... I even got to talk to the kid that stole it when I called my number. He said it wasn't stolen, he "found" it at some other location he wanted me to pick it up at because the gym was "too far." I told him to keep it.

                    Why somebody would steal an ugly fifteen dollar Kyocera Oystr is beyond me, but whatever.
                    Mine was a one of those old smart phones, I mean it's 3-4 years old but it still was a good model. I want to buy a new one anyway since I'm moving and my phone wouldn't have worked in the usa....

                    I really don't care about the phone, but why he would steal a phone after wasting 5 minutes of my life helping him made me really angry !!!!


                    • #11
                      Where you at now?


                      • #12
                        I'm in Amman, Jordan.


                        • #13
                          Is this a common crime there?


                          • #14
                            4-5 years ago it was... Last time something a bit similar happend and I heard about it was 3 years ago. I mean usually it's people who find a cell lying around and steal it, but it's been ages since I've heard of anyone getting his cell stolen this way. Everyone has them here, my phone wasn't that appealing too I mean I didn't take good care of it to say the least. So yes the trend has been long gone, even people who can't really afford them buy them eventually.

                            Funny thing is I'm the only one out of all my friends who didn't lose a cellphone to something like this until yesterday lol. I mean I'm the most cautious person when it came down to things like this, but I never thought someone who looked like that would drive off with it, I was just trying to be nice. The model he showed me to prove that he didn't have any battery was newer than mine, nokia too.


                            • #15
                              About 5 years ago someone broke into my car while I was at Church and stole my cell phone. The Church is in a rough area of town and I believe they were looking for a pistol. Anyway, the alarm went off and some church members alerted me to the theft. I went home and called my cell number and some young punk answers the phone. I said, Dude you better not run my phone bill up. He starts taking shit and I tell him I'm old enough to be your dad. I tell him, I don;t like the way he broke into my car and he laughs and talks more shit. I cuss him out, hang up the phone and call up the cell company to report it stolen. It was funny, I just wanted to vent and threaten the young punk against any long distance calls. It worked, when I got my next phone bill it was all local. It only took one day to cancel the phone number. I was pissed.

