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Gun Confiscation Now Beginning in California

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  • I'm glad to see we're all still arguing! LOL.


    Fertilizer...closed vans...I've thought about this, to be honest. Maybe a limit on how much fertilizer can be purchased at once would be helpful. Sounds dumb, but it might have slowed the OK City bombers down a bit. I see your point, but how often does a fertilizer bomb built by two disgruntled Gulf War veterans blow up a building? Not very often, not as often as kids are getting shot by other kids (a weird, sickening phenomenon). It's like the Dutch boy and the dike -- you can't stop all the leaks. But you can get some of them.

    Jaguar Wong:

    You must never, EVER disagree with me. Ever. Close your mind to all other viewpoints, as I have done. LOL! Just kidding. Some of these guys have me half-convinced.

    John Bennett:

    An "acceptable loss rate"?!!! Well, at least you have the balls to say it. Actually, in a strict quantitative sense your point is valid, people die constantly on the highways. That's an argument for lower speed limits, but I digress. I guess there's a difference to me between dying in a freeway collision (hopefully quick), and the minutes of terror immediately preceding an execution at the hands of a deranged maniac. You may argue that the people are equally dead, but at least the auto victims didn't die on their knees, pleading for their life. That disturbs me, especially (again) with teenaged kids.

    Also, cars are not designed to kill people. They are much more critical to society than guns.

    Joe Manco:

    I thought I'd address your point before you make it, you predictable old dog, you. Obviously there is no way to prevent death. But that doesn't stop doctors from trying to forestall it. Why shouldn't the rest of society follow suit?

    Or are gunshot victims just "the weak", in need of culling in your opinion?


    • “An "acceptable loss rate"?!!! Well, at least you have the balls to say it. Actually, in a strict quantitative sense your point is valid, people die constantly on the highways. That's an argument for lower speed limits, but I digress. I guess there's a difference to me between dying in a freeway collision (hopefully quick), and the minutes of terror immediately preceding an execution at the hands of a deranged maniac. You may argue that the people are equally dead, but at least the auto victims didn't die on their knees, pleading for their life. That disturbs me, especially (again) with teenaged kids.”

      Minor point Ronin. I once listened to a van full of teenagers’ burn to death on the Coast Highway. I’ll take a bullet any day. My old neighbor was a fireman. They are the guys pulling chunks of charcoal out of cars and scraping remains off the street with a shovel. He told me stories I wish I had never heard. Once again, I’ll take the bullet. Carry On.


      • I hear ya Mickey, but the fact remains that we can live without guns a lot easier than living without cars.

        Well, SOME of us, anyway.


        • Ronin:

          You remain a bafoon, a bozo, and a tree-hugger.

          Your postulates emphasize exactly what is wrong with people and how they lose their gord.

          The word is CONTROL.

          You cannot "control" other people's decisions. You cannot "control" the fact death will happen in some kind of way.

          This is the insanity of the liberal. It is what this country originally fought AGAINST, but is now what it is becoming, and that is an island of CONTROL FREAKS.

          The idea that we will tell people what drugs they can and connot take is ASSININE.

          The idea we can tell people what kind of dogs they will have is ASSININE.

          The idea that we will tell people what kind of gun they will possess is ASSININE.

          The idea that we will tell two full grown men that they "cannot" fight each other in a NR contest is ASSININE.

          Do you see the pattern here, bozo?


          The attempt to "eliminate ALL harm" or "eliminate ALL suffering" is ASSININE.

          Suffering is part of life. In many ways is cleanses the world of the unfit. In many ways therefore it is to be desired. Not needLESS suffering, but needFULL suffering.

          The suffering a skinny pock-marked kid like Patterson feels (chuckle) when tyring to get a date is needFULL for a cretin like this to learn communication skills and to overcome his fears.

          The suffering two men go through in a fight to determin whose style of fighting is better is needFULL in order to reach some truth and clarity about reality fighting, fitness, diet, etc.

          The suffering a fat loser like you goes through in getting up in the morning to jog a half a block is needFULL in order to trim away your fat a$$ and replace it with something that will fit in a chair when you choose to sit down.

          So thie idea of "eliminating all suffering" is INSANITY. What we want to do is eliminate, to the best of our ability, needLESS suffering. I think we can both agree that some kid who shoots his little brother is needLESS suffering. But the SOLUTION to our attempt to eliminate such needless suffering isn't to "remove guns" ... you idiot ... because GUNS ARE INANIMATE OBJECTS THAT CAN'T DO THE SHOOTING. The solution is to outlaw ACTS, not eliminate OBJECTS. Leaving a loaded gun within reach of a child is the ACT of being an unfit parent. Therefore you eliminate the ACT of being an unfit parents through passing laws that would mandate EXECUTION for having a gun w/o having it in a safe or child-proof place in which to keep it.

          The idea isn't to eliminate alcohol, or even drinking, you just make DRIVING drunk punishable by EXECUTION. I drive drunk every weekend now, under the current laws, cause they are not a deterrant. You can bet your a$$ I wouldn't, however, if being caught was a first-offense CAPITAL crime ...

          Same with using a gun in any way connected with a robbery, rape, etc. If it was a first offense EXECUTION, w/o all of the bullsh!t, you can bet its use in that capacity would significantly diminsh.

          Try using a gun to steal something in Arabia ...

          Kinda like Hawk said ...

          I also applaud the idea of armed faculties in school ... or better yet, EXECUTE the kid if caught with a gun in school. Real simple. Who gives a flying f*ck if he's "sweet sixteen?" Just cull him as a dangerous, unworthy human specimen and move on.

          See that's the problem with ignorant, liberal f*cks like you ... they do everything bass-ackwards. Kiss and carress criminals with laws to "protect them" ... and meanwhile punish the instruments they use in their attack.

          LMFAO at that

          Do you realize how insane and stupid that is?!!?

          You sorry liberals have it all wrong. Let people have whatever instruments they want to use at their SAFE, SANE disposal. But as soon as someone harms another with them, eradicate SUCH UNFIT IDIOTS from the face of this f*cking earth.

          It's really simple.

          And the first people to eradicate would be the f*cking idiotic liberals who harm INNOCENT GUN OWNERS, not the criminals ...

          [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-14-2000 at 02:30 PM]


          • Here here! Might I add, I think anyone trolling on a MMA message board should be EXECUTED.

            Page 14 coming up.


            • I wish I owned a gun. Then I could shoot down those black helicopters hovering above my house.

              Having said that, laws that infringe on the rights of law abiding adult citizens to carry guns are stupid and dangerous.

              Vote Libertarian


              • A Question

                How many intellectually-challenged people on this thread felt the need to start hurling insults, apparently because they lack the mental capacity to engage in a respectful exchange of ideas?

                One: Joe Manco, now the biggest ****ing joke on this forum.

                P.D., you used to stand for some noble ideals, now you just come across like a lonely extremist venting his rage against the world on his computer. LMAO, what a ****ing joke! If you're such a badass, why don't you get in the ring and actually ACCOMPLISH something with your worthless life instead of spewing your venom on this forum? LOL, you are not even worth one minute of my time. I will only waste a couple more minutes of my life intellectually eviscerating you, you third-rate washed-up never-been-a-contenda bitter recluse.

                YOU may not wish to be a part of a society which you obviously feel superior to. The rest of us live in an increasingly dangerous world which some of us would like to contribute to and, if possible, improve on. Just because you feel no sense of common affiliation with other people is no reason to take it out on me, punk. I show more balls than you credit me with for taking an unpopular position on an obviously conservative-dominated forum. All I do is give my opinion and people attack me. Okay, fine, but at least most of them show some manners and make logical points, whereas all you have, as ever, is a lame grab-bag of insults. What're you really pissed at me about? That I blew your "cover", such as it was? That I make fun of you occasionally? God, you're pathetic. If you were as weak physically as you are mentally, you would never have lasted five seconds in a ring.

                You are used to bullying people and having them whine and cry about it, but get this prick, you are not worth one-tenth of me, and I don't mean monetarily. I have showed more class in the last year than I'm sure you have shown in your entire life. All of your ideas are watered-down versions of Nietzsche, Darwin, and Rocky Balboa. Go back to your dogs and lizards, and leave serious topics to those with the brainpower to actually handle them. Stay in your dreamworld where Mike Tyson can beat all NHB fighters with one hand, and someone like you is actually taken seriously. You don't belong on Mousel's Forum anymore.


                • ROTFLMFAO!!!

                  Oh brother

                  Ronin, wipe away your tears so you can see.

                  You just swallowed the hook, line, sinker, and pole.



                  • Here are my four tree-hugging gun control proposals:

                    1. Background checks, for criminal records and psychiatric disorders.

                    2. A brief waiting period, while the above checks are performed.

                    3. A reduction of the overall number of guns in circulation, by destroying all captured armaments.

                    4. A ban and/or a production limit on military-style weapons which allow repeat-action. If, as Mickey said, these guns are all single-shot, fine leave them. Also, I never proposed seizing the legally purchased weapons of a non-criminal gun owner. Anyone who inferred that is a bafoon, a bozo, and probably a Republican. j/k.

                    I am now finished justifying myself. Everyone have a nice day, with one exception.


                    • Here is my proposal ...

                      The following will solve everything:

                      1. Anyone can purchase whatever kind of gun they want, be it single-shot, repeater, simi-auto, or fully auto.

                      2. If you use a gun to shoot someone (undeservedly) you should be sentenced to have a conversation with Ronin for life.


                      • P.D.:

                        You go too far with your little jokes when you insult somebody's integrity, which you did to me in your initial post.

                        I have been through a lot this year, and I don't deserve to be personally insulted. If you had said that sh!t to my face right now, one of us would have ended up in the f_cking hospital, possibly both.

                        You're not the only one with a temper, or a sense of honor, and if you slap me across the face you're going to get hurt one way or the other.

                        Dont condescend to me, EVER.

                        Hari Rao, 207-9006


                        • I'm sorry, I didn't know you really did have a fat a$$.

                          Again, sorry if you're sensitive about it.

                          I'll make sure my Medi-Cal card is up to date if we ever meet ... and I'll let you borrow it.


                          • We will never meet, and you're not worth the aggravation.

                            I don't have a rippling six-pack, but that doesn't mean I'm not in shape, and I ALWAYS take responsibility for my actions. If you treated me with an ounce of the respect I've shown you we would get along fine, but you only respect yourself. Good for you, I guess.

                            Next time you want to insult me, call me up at the above number plus the 315 area code which I forgot. At least that way you'll come across like less of a cowardly bitch. I'll bet you lisp like Tyson, which would explain your need to belittle others.

                            Aren't you 35? Man, some people never out-grow junior high. You p!ss on your own message when you pull this sh!t. Whatever, you don't care. You're a sad case, California Jack.

                            Good night.


                            • Ronin:

                              You need to re-read everything after you've smoked a hooter. There wasn't one second that I was being serious, just (as you say) playing practical jokes.

                              Maybe it is harder for you too "get it" because of the fact it's hard to see humor in writing sometimes ... as well as the fact, well, you ARE the subject of my barbs

                              I thought it would be so obvious that what I was saying was just to rile you, that no one could possibly take it seriously ... but apparently I did a better job than what I had intended (he he).

                              LOL, you were playing along pretty well for awhile, so what happened? I mean go read your care-free post at the top of this page, and compare it to you now, because I am sorry to say I think you are being more than a little ridiculous in being so mad now. I must admit I take no small satisfaction into having played you so well to get you to this point, but I think it was OBVIOUS to everyone (but you) that it was just that: play.

                              Yes, Ronin, I am 35 years old ... hell I'll be 36 on the 26th of this month ... and yes this is all pretty juvenile. Just like your mock dialogues were pretty juvinile (and, for that matter, terribly-written). But I'd rather act like a kid all my life ... than an uptight women scorned

                              Still trolling you bro (he he he) and hope you wake up this morning able to laugh at it this time ... but don't worry I myself have been trolled more times than I'll ever care to admit

                              Yours truly,


                              [Edited by Joe Manco on 10-15-2000 at 08:59 AM]


                              • Alright, I admit I lost it, dammit.

                                You sound like such a madman ordinarily that it is difficult to tell when you are trolling. To me, it just sounded like you were pissed about the things I was saying and lost your cool.

                                As for my parodies: obviously they were juvenile, but it looked like I touched a nerve. Sorry. I was just making fun of your pointless bickering with Tez. BTW, most people thought they were funny - maybe you're a bad judge of writing.

                                The responsibility thing bugged me more than the 'fat' comment - although I'm never in as good shape as I'd like. I tried to go to my first BJJ class in three years this weekend - and my freaking jeep broke down five miles from the dojo. Needless to say, I'm a little touchy. My point was, tough-guy or no I would have smacked you one if you'd said that stuff to my face in the tone I thought you intended. I'm not calling you out, just letting you know how you come across sometimes. Then again, you probably already know that.

                                I'm willing to bury the hatchet if you are. I'm mad at myself for losing my cool more than I am at you now.


