You aren't smart enough to be trusted with a gun. Only celebrities like Rosie O'Donald who can afford hired guns will get protection from criminals. You'll be told to "just call 911".
Semi-auto rifles are now being confiscated in California due to the recent passage of SB23.
Semi-auto pistols will be next. Other guns like revolvers will go after that (from non-criminals only of course).
Watch a Video of three guys who had their guns confiscated, one of whom is a cop....
California Gun Confiscation (RealPlayer)
It's vitally important that you vote in November for the party that supports individual rights and resists the totalitarian desire to spend your money for you.
Leftists WILL take away your right to self defense. Leftists WILL tell you where to send your kids to school and what they will learn. Leftists WILL give away your money to whichever group of "victims" are fashionable that year.
Under the socialist utopia the demoncrats envision there will be no private hospital rooms. Your mother will recover from her hip operation 3 feet from some junkie dying from HIV who never worked a day in his life (because his monthly check made working unnecessary).
Socialism didn't work in the Soviet Union and it won't work here.
Semi-auto rifles are now being confiscated in California due to the recent passage of SB23.
Semi-auto pistols will be next. Other guns like revolvers will go after that (from non-criminals only of course).
Watch a Video of three guys who had their guns confiscated, one of whom is a cop....
It's vitally important that you vote in November for the party that supports individual rights and resists the totalitarian desire to spend your money for you.
Leftists WILL take away your right to self defense. Leftists WILL tell you where to send your kids to school and what they will learn. Leftists WILL give away your money to whichever group of "victims" are fashionable that year.
Under the socialist utopia the demoncrats envision there will be no private hospital rooms. Your mother will recover from her hip operation 3 feet from some junkie dying from HIV who never worked a day in his life (because his monthly check made working unnecessary).
Socialism didn't work in the Soviet Union and it won't work here.