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Gun Confiscation Now Beginning in California

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  • Gun Confiscation Now Beginning in California

    You aren't smart enough to be trusted with a gun. Only celebrities like Rosie O'Donald who can afford hired guns will get protection from criminals. You'll be told to "just call 911".

    Semi-auto rifles are now being confiscated in California due to the recent passage of SB23.

    Semi-auto pistols will be next. Other guns like revolvers will go after that (from non-criminals only of course).

    Watch a Video of three guys who had their guns confiscated, one of whom is a cop....

    California Gun Confiscation (RealPlayer)

    It's vitally important that you vote in November for the party that supports individual rights and resists the totalitarian desire to spend your money for you.

    Leftists WILL take away your right to self defense. Leftists WILL tell you where to send your kids to school and what they will learn. Leftists WILL give away your money to whichever group of "victims" are fashionable that year.

    Under the socialist utopia the demoncrats envision there will be no private hospital rooms. Your mother will recover from her hip operation 3 feet from some junkie dying from HIV who never worked a day in his life (because his monthly check made working unnecessary).

    Socialism didn't work in the Soviet Union and it won't work here.

  • #2

    I watched a bit of this on television a few nights ago (I think it was an NRA infomercial)....

    I confess I have mixed feelings about firearms. As a martial artists, I don't want anyone except police and military to have them. You want to hurt me, get close enough so that I can bring my skills to bear against you.

    However, as a husband, I don't want my wife to have to go toe to toe with a bigger, stronger nutcase. I want her to have the option of a weapon that trumps anything the bad guy has.

    Thanks for bringing this up.


    • #3
      Ha... they can try to take my sheet.


      • #4


        • #5
          Right wingers will take a womans right to chose, but will be for the death penalty.
          Right wingers will subject our children to un-wanted school prayer.
          Right wingers want the rich to stay rich and the poor to stay poor.
          Right wingers will make it harder for middle class children to go to college by getting rid of programs like americorp.
          Right wingers are against programs like midnight basketball which keep kids off the streets late nites.
          Right wingers are against affirmative action, because they are not prejudice, most of them have at least 2 color tv's in there house and there maid is usually a minority.

          You right wing tight assed bastards make me sick. For all male pro-lifers on this forum I hope you get raped by some big juiced up ex-con who thinks you have a pretty mouth and holds you accountable for him being in prison 10 years on a BS marijuana charge.


          • #6
            I've never owned a gun in my life.......


            • #7
              You watch too much TV big bird.

              Right wingers believe the government has no business telling a woman what to choose, nor paying for her choice.
              Right wingers support the constitution, the 1st Amendment of which prohibits school sponsored prayer in public schools.
              Right wingers don't give a flip whether you want to be rich or poor. That's your choice.
              HA! Americorp, one of the most wasteful, fraud-ridden government programs ever invented. What a joke.
              It's not the government's resposibility to pay for ANYONE to go to college.
              Right wingers are against "affirmative action" because they don't believe in discriminating against people because of what color they are.

              The government is not resposible for your care and upbringing. If you want a government that is, move to North Korea.


              • #8
                You must not know to much about americorp. I have a few friends that went thru it and all they can say is positive things about it. When it comes to republicans and choice there party stance is pro-life except for rape or incest and alot of tight asses er. republicans dont believe in abortion for that. Why shouldnt the gov. help poor kids go to college. We all werent born wealthy enough to go to school. But you wouldnt understand that? How do you tell some kid that is from a poor family that wonders why he cant go to college even though his mom and dad work full time jobs,are productive members of society,so he looks to someone for a helping hand and that someone is the gov. and the gov. says no we dont owe you a college education. That is bullshit. All kids rich,poor or middle class deserve a chance at college. Not just rich kids who's parents can afford it. But republicans want just rich kids to go to college. That way the cycle of poverty or being working class which in my opinion is worse than being poor continues. Well go back to riding your rice burner and being a wannabe biker! Have a good day.

                [Edited by BIG BIRD on 10-03-2000 at 01:17 PM]


                • #9
                  Yikes. I guess the Cold War is still alive in some households!!


                  • #10
                    Preach on, Brother Big Bird!!! Hallelujah!


                    Your stereotyping got countered, hard.

                    I'm a self-proclaimed liberal. Believe it or not, I don't want to ban all guns, but certain weapons like semi-autos have no legitimate purpose other than to vaporize human tissue. Don't be such an extremist. Liberals DO support the Constitution you know, as flawed as some of it may be for a 200-year-old document. The NRA has to learn to compromise a little bit.

                    Are you an expert on AmeriCORPs? I doubt it.

                    Do I want to give your money to "victim" groups? Just the kids. I like kids.

                    American liberals don't have a damn thing to do with "socialism" or Stalinist governments in North Korea. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. I don't want TOTAL government control, I just want the government to do what it can to protect and improve peoples' lives, without infringing on the Constitution. I know you hold the Second Amendment inviolate, but the Founders didn't know what kind of firepower we would have today.

                    If you keep up this kind of rhetoric, I will send my personal fleet of black helicopters to your house to take your firearms, shoot up your mother with heroin, and send you to the reeducation camps in Wyoming. Watch your step, bourgeosie pig!


                    • #11
                      No "big government".......but beef up the military!

                      "Pro-Life" all the way.......but supports the death penalty.

                      Government has no right dictating family affairs......but it's alright for the government to interfere the connection between Elian Gonzales and his father.

                      I know that the democratic party has similar woes, but let's face it people. WE ARE NO LONGER LIVING UNDER A TWO-PARTY SYSTEM. Both parties are literally clones of one another. A vote for George Bush isn't necessarily a vote for the second amendment. This California Gun Crisis has been part of the governmental agenda for a long time.

                      The government....and our lives, in many ways, have suddenly become beyond our grasp. What are we voting for this November? It sure as hell beats me. The general apathy of the people shows its contempt for a political system that yields little choice in our fates. Are you voting this year? For the first time in my life, I'm beginning to doubt that I will.


                      • #12

                        Simple. We're exercising our Constitutionally-protected right to choose a President and a Congress, who make important decisions every day that affect the long-term destiny of our country. Will your single vote make a difference? No, but if you don't vote, you allow your choice to be made by others, which defeats the purpose of democracy.

                        No, voting itself does not "make the future". It takes a lot more than that. But it's a start. At least it shows you give a $hit about the country and our world.

                        Buck up, Lac! Bush is gonna be in the fetal position crying for mommy after the debates!

                        He he he!!!


                        • #13
                          A Familiar Story from a fellow Forum Member:

                          Like most people I've been shot with BB and pellet guns, but I was always kinda curious what it felt like to get shot with a real gun.

                          Once while rabbit hunting as a lad with two "friends" they started fighting over whose turn it was with the .22 (we only had one rifle between us).

                          They started grappling with the rifle, trying to take it away from one another. Friend #1 got the end of his 1st finger blown off when the gun discharged.

                          Moral of the Story: a) 12-year olds shouldn't shoot w/o adult supervision. b) Choose your "friends" wisely.

                          .....makes you want to put more guns in your house....doesn't it?


                          • #14

                            "I know that the democratic party has similar woes, but let's face it people. WE ARE NO LONGER LIVING UNDER A TWO-PARTY SYSTEM. Both parties are literally clones of one another. A vote for George Bush isn't necessarily a vote for the second amendment. This California Gun Crisis has been part of the governmental agenda for a long time.

                            The government....and our lives, in many ways, have suddenly become beyond our grasp. What are we voting for this November? It sure as hell beats me. The general apathy of the people shows its contempt for a political system that yields little choice in our fates. Are you voting this year? For the first time in my life, I'm beginning to doubt that I will."

                            That's pretty right-on. You should vote, though. Vote for a third-party or a write-in if you don't like the choice.

                            Why not consider what's really happing behind the curtain here while the media distract us into only paying attention to Dem & GOP squabbling?

                            Who really wields the power in our virtual government, regardless of Bush, Gore, Clinton, or Bush (hey! that's two!) being elected?

                            Open that door, and most would think differently after seeing what's inside.

                            Alas, we (as a people) sleep. Zzzzzz. Lulled to sleep... why vote... it doesn't matter... keep sleeping...


                            • #15

                              Maybe Ralph Nadar wouldn't be such a bad candidate to vote for this election. I'm somewhat impressed with his direct approach to politics and desire to shake up the system.

                              Jello Biafra, a pseudo-famous punk rocker (just hear me out on this one) had an interesting idea about putting a "None of the Above" option on the electoral ballot. If more than 50% of the general population voted for "None of the Above", then new candidates must be chosen for re-election. That sounds like interesting solution to our nation's political apathy.

                              Either way, I'll probably find myself voting for Gore, but the Free-Lancing Third Party (The Green Party) is starting to become more and more appealing to me.


