Some well thought out opinions and some absurb verbal garbage here. I guess its like most long threads.
I'll put a few thoughts here as well.
First, regarding the original intent of the Second Amendment: scholars are arguing over it now, but there are pretty strong arguments that it meant state armies, not individuals. Remember that armies were originally raised by each state and then sent to the US government. You can speak all you want about your Second Amendment rights, but the case isnt that strong.
Second, the demographics of gun ownership are overwhelmingly middle aged and older white men. So guess what this means over the next few decades? This group will age and slowly die out, and the younger white men just arent as interested in owning guns as these older guys. This is a demographic fact, not an argument. Unless the NRA types can appeal beyond their older & white male base, it will die out in a few decades.
Third, regarding home defense, who the heck needs a handgun?! Personally, I much prefer a pump action 12 gauge! I have heard several ex military experts recommend this very weapon for home defense. Its easy to use, reliable and scares the living sheet out of any intruders.
Personally, I think this whole pro/anti gun argument is somewhat a proxy for the huge cultural, technological, economic and demographic changes underway in the US society. Many people see firearms as somehow representing the part of society that they dont want to change. I find it curious that the main firearm supporters are white guys over 40.
But I think that the gun control forces are winning and only need to be patient. Demographics will mostly do the job for them.
Some well thought out opinions and some absurb verbal garbage here. I guess its like most long threads.
I'll put a few thoughts here as well.
First, regarding the original intent of the Second Amendment: scholars are arguing over it now, but there are pretty strong arguments that it meant state armies, not individuals. Remember that armies were originally raised by each state and then sent to the US government. You can speak all you want about your Second Amendment rights, but the case isnt that strong.
Second, the demographics of gun ownership are overwhelmingly middle aged and older white men. So guess what this means over the next few decades? This group will age and slowly die out, and the younger white men just arent as interested in owning guns as these older guys. This is a demographic fact, not an argument. Unless the NRA types can appeal beyond their older & white male base, it will die out in a few decades.
Third, regarding home defense, who the heck needs a handgun?! Personally, I much prefer a pump action 12 gauge! I have heard several ex military experts recommend this very weapon for home defense. Its easy to use, reliable and scares the living sheet out of any intruders.
Personally, I think this whole pro/anti gun argument is somewhat a proxy for the huge cultural, technological, economic and demographic changes underway in the US society. Many people see firearms as somehow representing the part of society that they dont want to change. I find it curious that the main firearm supporters are white guys over 40.
But I think that the gun control forces are winning and only need to be patient. Demographics will mostly do the job for them.