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Time Travel a possibility ? (very interesting)

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  • Time Travel a possibility ? (very interesting)

    watch this first

  • #2


    • #3
      it makes sense, this is how beings from other star systems are able to travel such vast distances throughout the universe. for example, interstellar beings may take hundreds of thousands of years in our time to arrive at a certain destination, but their ship is so advanced and can go so fast that mabye it only comes out to a few weeks/months/days etc for them .....


      • #4
        I love the way Dick validates the theory with a totally unsubstantiated theory, presented as "fact."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
          I love the way Dick validates the theory with a totally unsubstantiated theory, presented as "fact."
          as you said yourself, its just a theory, so of course its not substantiated by fact. at least not at this certain point in time.


          • #6
            i think the whats really interesting is Einsteins theory where he described something like this:

            if you have a man in a space ship traveling at very high speeds in space, what seems like an hour to him may be something like a year to us..... kinda of like what happened to the space crew in Planet of the Apes. if we could develop a space craft that traveled so fast, the man in the space ship would essentially be traveling into the future, but he could never go back


            • #7
              I enjoyed the film you posted. To be honest my flippant answer to people pratling on about time travel was this - Of course it can never happen because, if it could..... where are they? Why haven't they come back in time to see us?

              But this theory states that they could only go as far back as the time that the first machine was put into operation, which does make a little more sense.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thai Bri View Post
                ..... where are they? Why haven't they come back in time to see us?
                how do you know they havent?? maybe they have and we just dont know it.

                like what if a time traveler was sent back into time to assassinate jfk or something like that???

