thank you ,mike
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Originally posted by Tom Yum View PostWhat was the topic again?
Oh yes, Jamaican Jerk Chicken. mmmmm. Delish!
anyway, back to the topic, here is the oldschool style of toilet that is prevalent in the middle east. back when i was a young kid and my mom tricked me into going to the middle east, i was immediately confronted with the horror of having to use these disgusting pits of despair as toilets. look at those ridges on the sides, that is were you are supposed to plant your feet while you squat. thats so not cool man. and what made it worse is that sometimes after you would take a dump in there, all the cockroaches hiding in the hole would be disturbed by the feces dropping on their heads from above, and begin to scurry out of the hole before you even get a chance to wipe your asswhen i was over there, i made damn sure to demand access to the "western toilet" every time i had to go. cause even though they would try to make you take craps in those black pits, there would alwats be some wanker on another floor who had a western style toilet. i refused to use the ditch, i would str8 up demand the western toilet or i was gonna shit all over the fucking rug at whoevers house i was in. what the hell.....i aint gonna fall into no black hole full of feces....
also, i was forced to go to school there, and they also had these disgusting hole in the ground toilets in the schools, but the kids would stick apples and oranges into the holes and flush them so all the feces and urine would just flood out of the bathrooms.
Dick, down the country (deep south) they had out houses back in the 60's and I must say your porta potties are a big improvement over the out houses of the 60's. LOL An outhouse was a wooden bathroom way in back of the house basically it was a hole in the ground surronded by a outdoor room. No running water just a huge tank of feces that smelled like all hell.
buy the way my photo is clean without any body part showing like belly or butt or any thein i have a nice jacket on with my profore head gaer on so i can protect my face form all the dan shit going on here on this board
Originally posted by DickHardman View Postcan you guys get back on topic? i was really hoping to get deeper into our toilets and dumpsters discussion.
Did you know there's a process for turning urine into drinking water? or using urine as an electrolyte to provide battery power?
You could also turn sewage into biofuel.