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  • #16

    Man learn to ignore people like Dickhardman because they just can't help themself, everythime you post a
    Picture they "need" to make some remark
    Also lighten up a bit,there is nothing wrong with occasionally staying out late with some nice looking ladies unless maybe you're a BA christian

    @ DickHardman...darn man, I'm gonna send you the bill for the hole in my desk


    • #17
      Originally posted by Toudiyama View Post
      @ DickHardman...darn man, I'm gonna send you the bill for the hole in my desk
      why did u put a hole in your desk? did you carve a hole into the wood of your desk so you could fornicate with it while you were on the clock or what?? thats not a bad idea actually, especially if you also sanded down the hole real nice and even maybe add some silicone gel around the hole and let it dry. that way if you turn the heat up in your office enough it might just feel like the real thing. i work in construction though, so if i need to have myself at some point during work just to get myself through the day, i have to go use the shit stained portapotti that 4 out of 5 construction workers would tell you smells like absolute death


      • #18
        dick your a dick


        • #19
          Hey Matt, I trained my dog to surf the internet.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            hey hardball, here is one of the portable toilets at the job site i work at that i like to hang out in when my foreman has been busting my balls all day and i just need a few minutes to chill out and get my head straight.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Dick is this your ride?
              Attached Files


              • #22
                driving a car like that would surely entice females to act fanatical any time you are n their presence, and your chances of receiving good oral sex increases greatly, even if the car itself is an extension(no pun intended) of the owners penile insecurity.


                • #23
                  my ride looks more like this...


                  • #24
                    Celebrating my tax refund and hitting the lotto!!!
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      hey hardball, heres another portable toilet that i like to hang out in, these ones are located at a different job site thats being done for the school district. the 2nd to last one by the corner is my favorite one to hang out in, it has the most explicit drawings and shithouse poetry of all of them. sometimes i like to get high in there as well, and i have to be careful not to pass out and fall into the tank that holds all the 2 week old, lunch truck construction worker feces.


                      • #26
                        I could use a couple of those for my next cookout.


                        • #27
                          i like that dog i wish i could have one but not allowed in my appartment buliding


                          • #28
                            Try one of these then, they do good in apartments.
                            Attached Files


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Please ease off on this one. We're getting complaints about "fornication and porn" discussions in the Open Access area.
                              thats kind of odd, i mean i just looked at my user cp and saw that i had received a positive rep on one of the portable toilets that i posted.

                              ok ill try post better stuff.

                              will this video make smooth things over a bit??? its a good one, it really is.



                              • #30
                                this one too....


