I just wanted to make a fellowship thread with the Christians on Defend, and I know there are many on here. Just wanted to get to know some people and the impact that their Faith has had on Martial Arts as well as in their personal life.
This thread is primarily for Christians, although every other belief is welcome too so long as we keep it civil.. what I don't want this to be about is a debate about the existence of God, the Bible, or personal attacks on the Faith.
I'll start off, I grew up from a Roman Catholic background and growing up RC almost made me an atheist. It was back in 1999 when I started going through some problems that I got saved and accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and my only regret thus far has been that I didn't do it sooner.
It hasn't been all peachy since I got saved, and I do have some days when I want to just throw in the towel and quit, but when I think back to what Jesus did on the Cross, it puts things to perspective for me and I can get through difficulties. It wasn't until about the 3 years ago that I started getting serious about my Faith. God has changed my life, and he's completely changed my life, he's changed my heart..
I train at a Boxing/Muay Thai gym in Oakland, California and God has given me courage not only training, but also in my personal life as well, and I decided that from here on out that I am going to fight for Truth, fight for Jesus Christ, and not compromise my morals and live for God.
I have gone through a process of growth the last few years and God has even used difficulty to mature me and when I look back, it wasn't fun the things that went through, but because of the refiner's fire it has made me a New Man, and I give God all the Glory for it.
This thread is primarily for Christians, although every other belief is welcome too so long as we keep it civil.. what I don't want this to be about is a debate about the existence of God, the Bible, or personal attacks on the Faith.
I'll start off, I grew up from a Roman Catholic background and growing up RC almost made me an atheist. It was back in 1999 when I started going through some problems that I got saved and accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and my only regret thus far has been that I didn't do it sooner.
It hasn't been all peachy since I got saved, and I do have some days when I want to just throw in the towel and quit, but when I think back to what Jesus did on the Cross, it puts things to perspective for me and I can get through difficulties. It wasn't until about the 3 years ago that I started getting serious about my Faith. God has changed my life, and he's completely changed my life, he's changed my heart..
I train at a Boxing/Muay Thai gym in Oakland, California and God has given me courage not only training, but also in my personal life as well, and I decided that from here on out that I am going to fight for Truth, fight for Jesus Christ, and not compromise my morals and live for God.
I have gone through a process of growth the last few years and God has even used difficulty to mature me and when I look back, it wasn't fun the things that went through, but because of the refiner's fire it has made me a New Man, and I give God all the Glory for it.