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I don't think Obama is qualified to be President

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  • I don't think Obama is qualified to be President

    YouTube - Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States

    Where do they find these idiots?

  • #2
    YoYo Yo-Yo


    Must be that confounded rapper math.


    • #3
      Maybe the sniper fire has him nervous. LOL


      • #4
        Now he did it, he slipped up and outed the secret states where the aliens run the world from.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
          Now he did it, he slipped up and outed the secret states where the aliens run the world from.
          dont the federal reserve bankers run the world??


          • #6
            Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
            dont the federal reserve bankers run the world??
            naw, they just decide who gets to eat and who gets to die...


            • #7
              "Every time I try to get out, they drag me back IN!" - Godfather III

              And at least Obama and Edwards both pulled their investments out of Darfur last year (oh, these two poor misinformed 'human rights advocates' - too busy plotting their political careers to notice the genocide going on over there these past few years). So much for Edward's 'war on poverty' and Obama's 'no more business as usual when I'm President.' What hypocrites!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                Undoubtedly, he meant "47." Also undoubtedly, that won't stop anyone from jumping all over the man and beating him into the ground for a slip of the tongue.

                I say cut him some slack. He hasn't been sleeping well, and he's been campaigning non-stop. I'd say an occasional slip up is forgivable.

                I mean, at least he's not associating with known, admittedly unrepentant terrorists or anything.

                YouTube - Fox News: Weatherman Bill Ayers Was Obama's "Mentor"
                YouTube - Obama's terrorist friend William Ayers

      , maybe he does hang out with terrorists. But, hey, at least he's running a clean, honest campaign and not misrepresenting and smearing his opponents. I mean, he's telling the truth about McCain's idiotic "100 years of War" speech, right? That counts for something, doesn't it?

                YouTube - That's just not accurate Senator


                I got nothing. Sorry.
                Man, that "Yes we can" at the end was a riot! Anyone know how to splice things together like that - boy, the things I could cook up with that skill! Kudos to whomever put that one together - no, Mr. Obama, no we can not just make shit up as we go - oh, wait, he was misinformed - "historical speech" time - another damned politician!

                Perhaps Reverand Wright was right after all - perhaps "God" did in fact dam America - through its politicians!


                • #9
                  this just came out about the fed reserve...i cant even begin to understand it...
                  News From The West: Who Owns the Federal Reserve?


                  • #10
                    I didn't see my name.........


                    • #11
                      The Obama folks just love the "3rd term of George Bush" line, but I sure as hell don't want a second term of Jimmy Carter and that's exactly what we'd get with 'ol Barrack.


                      • #12
                        I agree.
                        The Obama folks just love the "3rd term of George Bush" line, but I sure as hell don't want a second term of Jimmy Carter and that's exactly what we'd get with 'ol Barrack.
                        More than half of my adult life has been under the rule of the Bush/Clinton Dynasty. Time for a Change......But I'm not to sure of the choices.


                        • #13
                          Obama can rest now... He won the nomination. Lets see if he wants a woman VP?


