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Female relations....

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  • Female relations....

    They say that behind every good Man, there's a good woman... but I know that in Life, such as in Martial Art, everyone is at a different stage of development, seems to be that they run the gamut on this forum.

    We have those who are happily married, and have been for years, those with girlfriends in a long term commitment, those that can't get a girl if their life depended on it due to many different reasons lol (dork, no style/game, severe drug/alcohol addictions.. etc); those who are just dating and haven't settled down yet (like myself); those with awful taste that pretty much don't care what they have as long as she's got a heartbeat, lol..

    I personally love women, but definitely took my lumps in this area as a young laddie. I can look back and laugh and wince at some of the stuff I used to do to land a chic. This is meant to be a lighthearted thread, so chime on in at will and have at it.

  • #2
    when it comes to women, i am Jim from american pie.


    • #3
      A wise man once said," Men pick a mate for who they are, women pick a mate they can mold into who they become. "


      • #4
        Many a man has been reduced to a piece of bread for the desire of love from a woman.


        • #5
          before I used to go after drop dead beautiful women who I knew weren't good for me at all in a relationship, I would get emotionally abused.. now I go after attractive women with better morals who won't open their legs up for any random stud that she happens to meet.


          • #6
            Remember that for every beautiful woman out there, there is some poor $%@@## tired of putting up with her crap.


            • #7
              Originally posted by shaolin-warrior View Post
              Remember that for every beautiful woman out there, there is some poor $%@@## tired of putting up with her crap.

              Very very true.


              • #8
                I've been married 24 years to the same person......If I killed someone 24 years ago in anger, I'd be out of jail by now and a free man. But nooooo ......
                I'm doing life without time off for good behavior.....


                • #9
                  Well they say that marriage isn't supposed to make you Happy.., it's supposed to make you ...married


                  • #10
                    We were going to get divorced, but neither one of us wanted the kids, and she wanted my dog.


                    • #11
                      Good to hear that you've both decided to stick it out. Divorce is so passe..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GQchris View Post
                        before I used to go after drop dead beautiful women who I knew weren't good for me at all in a relationship, I would get emotionally abused.. now I go after attractive women with better morals who won't open their legs up for any random stud that she happens to meet.

                        Sounds like you still don't get it.


                        • #13
                          I lost the most important person in my life because I spent six nights a week punching and kicking people. Thats not a criticism of martial arts, its just the simple fact that I'm a fucking idiot.

                          You can't find love with a punchbag...... well not without some serious accessories.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by shaolin-warrior View Post
                            We were going to get divorced, but neither one of us wanted the kids, and she wanted my dog.
                            is this what spawned the binge eating from the other thread, haha...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post
                              I lost the most important person in my life because I spent six nights a week punching and kicking people. Thats not a criticism of martial arts, its just the simple fact that I'm a fucking idiot.

                              You can't find love with a punchbag...... well not without some serious accessories.
                              Didn't sound like there was any balance there.. I think if we work/play/do whatever too much, there's bound to be bad results..

