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Female relations....

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
    I'm lookin' for a good gal - in every respect of the word.
    uh, yeah.....whatever.


    • #62
      I once went to the gym before a date. Did a 50-min full body weight-training workout, then went on my date; slightly pumped, showin' mah gunz...


      • #63
        How'd that work out?


        • #64
          It was a great workout!!!

          the date that is. because funny things kept happening and we kept each other laughin'! And nuthin' works the core better than mutual laughter


          • #65
            Is that some kind of sexual innuendo?


            • #66
              Negatory. The mood was lax and we just found everything funny. I'm not a particularly funny guy, but I felt like it for the first time.


              • #67
                So, you felt funny? You sure the salmon wasn't bad or something?


                • #68
                  how to get a girl

                  Just be yourself


                  • #69
                    Unless you're an asshole. Then be someone else.


                    • #70
                      Some of my friends in the past have said that I'm too nice - and looking at how few women were coming my way and the kinds of women I was dating, they had a good point.

                      Ending a series of dates with "you're such a nice guy, but..." seems contradictory to what women say - something that a certain bad-ass, psy-ops moderator here has tried to tell me all along.

                      I've got no problem with a girl telling me straight up that she just wants some play or just wants to chill if what she says adds up to her personality.

                      There's nothing wrong with guarding your heart and trying to be smart about the women you are seeing, especially if they're seeing others as well - since this is what dating is.

                      If you get strange vibes, doesn't seem real or the woman isn't a good fit, then you have to be stern and from the receiving end this might seem assholish - but if the girl is genuinely a good girl, doesn't BS too much and good fit by all means let her in.

                      Trust your instincts and your experience.


                      • #71
                        It all depends on what you want and what you are looking for, you just have to make sure that you are also realistic.

                        Don't ever settle, but also pursue someone that you can't see yourself living without, as opposed to some gal who's just available.


                        • #72


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                            Unless you're an asshole. Then be someone else.
                            LOL. Here here!!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by GQchris View Post
                              It all depends on what you want and what you are looking for, you just have to make sure that you are also realistic.
                              Of course.

                              Originally posted by GQchris View Post
                              Don't ever settle, but also pursue someone that you can't see yourself living without, as opposed to some gal who's just available.
                              I agree with this.


                              • #75
                                We seem to agree for the most part Tom, although you may be slightly more on the conservative side towards how you go about relationships than I am, but only because you have more wisdom and good sense than I do.

