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Pigging Out

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  • Pigging Out

    I used to eat healthy all the time, but lately i find myself pigging out on Double Whoppers with cheese, or late night take out. I've lost all self controll.
    When you pig out, what your favorite junk food.

  • #2
    I haven't pigged out lately, but when I do, it is almost always Pizza, endless slices of Pizza, and then I will feel guilty about it the next day and go for a grueling ten mile run.


    • #3
      Pigging out on Double Whoppers w/cheese, my gosh man.. what would Bruce Lee do..


      • #4
        Then after I pig out, ( I hide from my wife in the garage) smoke a cigarette. Ironic, most kids steal cigarettes from their parents, I steal them from my kid.


        • #5
          Ice cream. By god I love ice cream. I used to have a bunch of friends who worked at Cold Stone and I used to get free icecream. I'd go there tip them 2 or 3 dollars and they'd hook me up with a custom icecream of my choice. Usually it was french vanilla with cookie dough, chocolatechip, reese's peanut butter cups, twix, brownie, smothered with fudge in the largest cup they have.


          • #6
            hit the weights after you pig out, have all that food you consumed go towards building bigger muscles.

            i forgot that one asian dudes name who is a champion eater, he is pretty muscular. all that food and calories he eats just goes to his muscles since he lifts.



            • #7
              Yeah that hotdog eating champion is pretty jacked. I'm sure he uses that to his advantage too. High metabolism + Stomach anomaly = Hot dog eating champion!


              • #8
                I eat alot. Generally the portion sizes we all eat here in the USA kick the shit out of other countries...but I tend to eat a bit more...maybe timmy the tape worm influences my decisions...

                Anyway...I just got back from Hawaii and I've been force fed Vegan "raw" food the time that I was there (it was a school trip for wellness and creativity but my friends and I dubbed it "hippy fat camp", although all of us are in pretty fair shape)

                When I snuck out, I did it proper... anpan pies, moco locos, goody goods, and malasadas, kaliua pork, big terri burgers...assorted polynesian, chinese dim sum, and filipino food-- I had no idea what the hell I was eating half the time, I just grabbed whatever looked good.

