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"Joe, American" Challenges the Presidential Candidates

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  • "Joe, American" Challenges the Presidential Candidates

  • #2
    More copy and paste fu!


    • #3

      Just like the oil execs some peoples lame attempts at humor are self gratifying, completely inept and stunningly stupid all at once.

      What everyone fails to realize or admit is that if the Government in fact was still "For the people by the people" than we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

      We are all just some politicians slave labor. It was called something else in pre-civial war American South but it amounts to about the same thing. The only difference is we're dupped into thinking the money we get is worth something.

      Oh and I forgot we have Wal-Mart too.


      • #4
        not to mention offensive

        Originally posted by kingoftheworkersoftheworlduniteforest View Post

        We are all just some politicians slave labor.

        Oh the drama!


        • #5
          Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
          Just like the oil execs some peoples lame attempts at humor are self gratifying, completely inept and stunningly stupid all at once.
          Dude, Didn't you get the pm? It isn't PC to pick on the handicapped. By now everyone has seen that posts with actual content are beyond his limited abilities or he wouldn't have 7000 posts comprised entirely of dots and smileys. Anyone with a brain would realize what an ass they looked like commenting on someone else's copy and pasting information others learned from when the majority of their own posts could have been made by a 5 year old.... All this attention will make him go on a posting frenzy he's so starved for attention. He might even manage a whole paragraph if he makes 10 or 12 posts of lame one liners and dots but then he'll have to go rest.

          I've got some comments about his "plan" but I wanted to see what the adults on the forum thought first.


          • #6
            How 'bout a nice Table of Contents? Or someone else's Introduction?

            Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
            posts with actual content .

            Actually copied from someone else and actually pasted rather than actually posting anything actually his own.


            • #7
              Public consumption

              Well TTE it may have been copied and pasted but at least it's out there for public consumption. People who claim not to live in the U.S. have an easy time talking shit about these subjects.

              I bet it's easy for people who don't have a job and live in their mom's basement to debase the fact that politicians have been fleecing the American middle and lower class for decades now. Some of us who actually work for a paycheck feel it when we shop for food and pay for gas. Hell bro' you know I been riding my bike 12 miles both ways to work so I don't have to decide weather to buy gas, or buy food for my 2 year old.

              The people of America know we have oil reserves but everybody is too lazy or chicken shit to stop buying so much of it. The economy is tanking prices are rising due to this, all our enemies are benefiting from this and the war seems never ending.

              I guess if you spend all your time on the net laughing at your own jokes it's hard to face reality. Apparently reality is more than some people can handle because the shock of admitting what a loser they are would send them into a massive coronary.

              Or Dr. Phil would have to bring a crane to lift them out of their house.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                People who claim not to live in the U.S. have an easy time talking shit about these subjects.

                Um, ok. And who would that be?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                  I bet it's easy for people who don't have a job and live in their mom's basement to debase the fact that politicians have been fleecing the American middle and lower class for decades now.

                  Say, isn't that kind of like how Boring is living in your basement? Congratulations on having a job, but I'm afraid that doesn't justify socialist fear mongering, comrade.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                    The people of America know we have oil reserves but everybody is too lazy or chicken shit to stop buying so much of it.

                    Which is it? Do you want to drill or do you want to insult people for using gas?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                      Apparently reality is more than some people can handle because the shock of admitting what a loser they are would send them into a massive coronary.

                      Well, you and the rest of the theory-boys had better be careful then.

