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The truth about Jethro

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  • The truth about Jethro

    This is what Jethro (we all know who Jethro is, yes?) is truly like.

    Here are some gems from KFO:

    Originally Posted by mkriii
    Unk...are you a lazy no good black man? Is that whats eating at you? Is it punk?

    Originally Posted by mkriii
    unk....I'd rather be a Jethro than a N***** like you.

    If that doesn't get you to fight me then your a bigger P**** than I thought.

    I almost forgot the PM he sent me over on KFO before he was banned. A real prince, that one.

    "2 rich, 2 proud, and 2 white


    Your just mad because your not me.

    I'm everything you wish you were or had:
    I'm white.
    I'm good looking.
    I have blondish color hair.
    I have blue eyes.
    I have money.
    I have a good job. A job I got because I earned it not because I was the token black boy.
    I have a college education
    And lastly, you wish you had the talent that I have in martial arts. "

    When he was on Dragon's List, he had a swastika as his user avatar. Does this say anything people? It seems that there is a closet Nazi/Klan member in our midst.

  • #2
    You do realise that we're not all white, don't you, Jethro?


    • #3
      Jethro's racist bile has polluted many a forum. He's been banned almost as often as tigerclown.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ben Grimm View Post
        You do realise that we're not all white, don't you, Jethro?
        And Ben Grimm is a grim man. Isn't that right? As for the comments that I made....I was accused of being a racist long before any of those comments. They were said out of sarcasim. You know.....if I'm going to be accused of being racist then I might as well say something to make it worth being called racist. My ex room mate is black. If I were racist why then would I have a black person living in my house......let me be politically correct an African-American????? I have many African Americans that are my friends. Thats just ludacris. Yes I said those things but they were said sarcastically. Ben is picking and choosing what to post. He's ignoring the hillbilly jethro comments and the others that Jubaji has said to me. But whatever. Ben is nothing to me. As is Jubaji.


        • #5
          Originally posted by RedneckDragon View Post
          As for the comments that I made....I was accused of being a racist long before any of those comments.

          And so they turned out to be completely accurate. Thanks for clearing that up, Jethro.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JadeDragon View Post
            My ex room mate is black. If I were racist why then would I have a black person living in my house.......

            If that isn't the most cliched racist cop-out of all time...

            "No, really, some of my best friends are..."

            Thin, very thin.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
              If that isn't the most cliched racist cop-out of all time...

              "No, really, some of my best friends are..."

              Thin, very thin.
              Thank you, I have lost some weight. I'm glad you noticed that I'm getting thin. As for the other comments all I got to say is whatever. Your rude, hatefull, and spitefull comments don't even warrant a response. I'm not going to debate or argue with you because your just not worth the time or energy. To put it simply (and this is all I'm saying to you) your a turd.


              • #8
                racist idiot

                Originally posted by JadeDragon View Post
                To put it simply (and this is all I'm saying to you) your a turd.

                You spelled it wrong again, Jethro...


                • #9
                  He says he has a college education, and that he got a job because he isn't the token black boy. That was the part which motivated this post Jethro. The token black boy part. I have black family members, I grew up with native Aboriginal people in Australia. I grew up in their community, play their cultural musical instruments, dance their cultural dances and so on. Does that make me inferior to other caucasian people? Does it Jethro? Because I don't think so.


                  • #10
                    Soon to follow: Lame, transparent denial


                    • #11
                      It's the typical behaviour of a closet (or in his case maybe not so much closet) racist.

