Originally posted by Da Pope
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But in all honesty, what people like you a jubaji, you keyboard warriors you, think about me doesn't really matter.
I know too many people who have trained with me and my "camp" who are in the military fighting or LEO's on the street, that respect and agree with our methods and what we do.
The 1 or 2 people who want to get wadded panties because they think that math formulas and shit they watch on anime are the "real deal" in fighting aren't going to change what has and continues to work for miltary and law enforcement.
And for the people who say this is about a paycheck, I have not and will continue to not collect a single cent for training that goes on in my house.
It's not about money.
Go ahead and make your joke about it not being worth a penny either.
Tant01 and Tom Yum seem to think it's invaluable, and both those gentlemen know their shit.
Bye bye now.