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Narrow Minds

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  • Narrow Minds

    For years the argument has been “Most Fights Go to the Ground”. Let me say this this….Some will, some won’t, and there is no way to predetermine this fact. There are too many variables.
    That’s not the argument; the argument is as a traditional martial artist we train for the most part for a good stand up defense. We’ve been justifiably criticized for this, because we have little or no ground game. I’ve recently added ground fighting to my curriculum at my school and have come under fire by some of my traditionalist friends for this. I want to add it to my belt requirements, but they say that would water down the Kempo system. I feel it would enhance it. I had been teaching it as advanced training only, not incorporating into the system, and not charging for it. My motivation is not another time slot or more paying students, but the evolution of my art. I am a firm believer that for Traditional Schools to survive we have to evolve. And change isn’t a rejection of the traditional; it is part of the learning process. As Martial Artist committed to our training, we have to take a good hard look at what is we do, and what is effective and works, and what is obsolete and needs to be deleted or changed, and what is missing from the whole picture and needs to be implemented. I’m not claiming a hybrid art, just a more complete one.
    I would appreciate and respect your opinions on this, Thanks, Brian

  • #2
    Hi Brian, the way i see it, many fights end up on the ground but... 100% of fights start standing up.
    So you have to have the stand up part, the ground in terms of self defense is to me an extra.
    A lot of grappling is largely not needed as it is only required by the rules systems and if the rules are removed it is possible to escape a vast majority of stuff with illegal moves.
    Howver there is still a large chunk of seriously useful stuff. so i would add it.
    I really care little for what organisations think and care all about the safety and wellbeing of my students

    my students>organisation

    so id do what you want mate. If you think its for the best then teach it. Just be wary of getting into extended grapples on the floor, the are faster finishes if you remove the rules.

    As for traditional schools evolving. Im afraid that doesnt realy work, to me the traditional schools are by definition static.
    To evolve would be to break tradition. Thats pretty much the dividing line between traditional and progressive teachings.
    So you have to make a decision. i hope something there helps mate


    • #3
      you are right, what I want to teach is no rules. And I've been riding the fence, but I know in my heart, I am no longer a traditionalist.


      • #4
        Ground Fighting

        I always tell people, "you may end up on the ground whether you want to or not"


        • #5
          Traditionally, martial arts were about fighting and the best way to beat your opponent. To think adapting your style to the times is going against tradition is wrong IMO. These days many people have a good ground game, and to not learn some grappling is delusional. For myself, my fighting days are over, and I hate grappling anyways.

          That being said, I would say that 100% of fights go to the ground. At least for the other guy.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hardball View Post
            I always tell people, "you may end up on the ground whether you want to or not"
            That's worthy of being a sig line.


            • #7
              Sig Lines

              Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
              That's worthy of being a sig line.
              My current sig line is from the Book of 5 rings. Have you read it?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                My current sig line is from the Book of 5 rings. Have you read it?
                Many times. Every time I read it I find something new, and some new meanings.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ghost View Post
                  ... 100% of fights start standing up.

                  Not 100%


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post

                    Not 100%
                    so many as it might as well be.


                    • #11
                      100% of ghost's dates end up in his guard...


                      • #12
                        100% of Tom Yums dates never happened.


                        • #13
                          100% of non-sport related fights start standing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                            100% of non-sport related fights start standing.
                            Nope I've seen plenty that have started over tables or attacks on seated people from behind or from the side. Have even see a guy that fell over start a fight from the ground but he got his face caved in pretty quickly.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                              Nope I've seen plenty that have started over tables or attacks on seated people from behind or from the side.
                              Buses and subways too!!

