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  • #61
    Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
    Err no you weren't

    As for the captain I have no idea what he can or cant do.
    Teach Monkey is dick tucks utube SN so thanks for proving I was talking to him, while you were trying to prove I wasn't.

    But in all honesty, what people like you a jubaji, you keyboard warriors you, think about me doesn't really matter.

    I know too many people who have trained with me and my "camp" who are in the military fighting or LEO's on the street, that respect and agree with our methods and what we do.

    The 1 or 2 people who want to get wadded panties because they think that math formulas and shit they watch on anime are the "real deal" in fighting aren't going to change what has and continues to work for miltary and law enforcement.

    And for the people who say this is about a paycheck, I have not and will continue to not collect a single cent for training that goes on in my house.

    It's not about money.

    Go ahead and make your joke about it not being worth a penny either.

    Tant01 and Tom Yum seem to think it's invaluable, and both those gentlemen know their shit.

    Bye bye now.
    Last edited by kingoftheforest; 10-26-2009, 01:18 PM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
      But in all honesty, what people like you a jubaji, you keyboard warriors you, think about me doesn't really matter.

      I know too many people who have trained with me and my "camp" who are in the military fighting or LEO's on the street, that respect and agree with our methods and what we do.

      But you're too shy to tell us about how you personally have made use of any of this deadly, deadly training...



      • #63
        Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
        the "real deal" in fighting aren't going to change what has and continues to work for miltary and law enforcement.

        And for you? What about for you?


        • #64
          Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
          And for the people who say this is about a paycheck, I have not and will continue to not collect a single cent for training that goes on in my house.

          It's not about money.

          Why not? What's wrong with making money?


          • #65
            Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
            both those gentlemen know their shit.

            Well, you certainly qualify...


            • #66
              Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
              I was talking to cap'n dick tuck in that post, if you're into not taking things out of context.

              Or do you REALLY tink he can fight?

              Who? You mean Rudy?


              • #67
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                Teach Monkey is dick tucks utube SN so thanks for proving I was talking to him, while you were trying to prove I wasn't.

                But in all honesty, what people like you a jubaji, you keyboard warriors you, think about me doesn't really matter.

                I know too many people who have trained with me and my "camp" who are in the military fighting or LEO's on the street, that respect and agree with our methods and what we do.

                The 1 or 2 people who want to get wadded panties because they think that math formulas and shit they watch on anime are the "real deal" in fighting aren't going to change what has and continues to work for miltary and law enforcement.

                And for the people who say this is about a paycheck, I have not and will continue to not collect a single cent for training that goes on in my house.

                It's not about money.

                Go ahead and make your joke about it not being worth a penny either.

                Tant01 and Tom Yum seem to think it's invaluable, and both those gentlemen know their shit.

                Bye bye now.
                Well for what its worth....

                I worked for close on 15 years (10 years more than full time and 5 years part time whilst at uni) in inner city acute psychiatric admissions wards. My job was 1 on 1 work with at times serverely deranged people and some who were just fruit cakes.

                I am nowadays a researcher in human biomechanics. My first degree is in mechatronics.

                My approach to martial arts orginates from both these areas of work. I have had plenty of opportunity to find out what works and what doesnt. I also have the luxury of knowing the mechanical principles behind the practicality. (Something you calimed but were proven to lack).

                So do please excuse me if I find your continued inststance on the keyboard warrior thing frankly weak.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                  I also have the luxury of knowing the mechanical principles behind the practicality.

                  Careful, he doesn't like such things.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                    Well for what its worth....

                    I worked for close on 15 years (10 years more than full time and 5 years part time whilst at uni) in inner city acute psychiatric admissions wards. My job was 1 on 1 work with at times serverely deranged people and some who were just fruit cakes.
                    As a health care practitioner, I feel sorry for those ever under your care. Nice show of empathy and positive regard, asshole.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Garland View Post
                      As a health care practitioner, I feel sorry for those ever under your care. Nice show of empathy and positive regard, asshole.
                      Makes you wonder if 1 on 1 work doesn't translate to, he was not in there of his own free will.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                        And for you? What about for you?
                        All the times I've been in altercations.


                        • #72
                          I just fucking loathe people in the supposed helping professions who talk poorly about their wards. Anyone working in the mental health field who uses the word "fruit cake" to describe a client is hurting not only harmful to that person's wellbeing and everyone else on the unit, but is also hurting the entire healthcare profession.

                          To come here and boast about your low level psych tech job you got with a degree in fucking biomechanics (what the **** does that have to do with one on one interaction with people with psychological issues?) and worked with "dangerous fruitcakes"...seems out of place. Did you...what...rough them up? Have to hurt them? Feel threatened? Did you bully your wards?

                          It would be like hiring a klansman to teach inner city youth. You disgust me.


                          • #73
                            Good, that's the bottom line

                            Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                            All the times I've been in altercations.

                            Great, sounds like you have something that has worked for you.

                            For example...?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Garland View Post
                              I just fucking loathe people in the supposed helping professions who talk poorly about their wards.

                              I see and agree with your point but I think by that standard you'd end up fucking loathing just about everyone in those professions at one time or another, human nature being what it is.


                              • #75
                                Criminally Insane

                                Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                                I see and agree with your point but I think by that standard you'd end up fucking loathing just about everyone in those professions at one time or another, human nature being what it is.
                                Probably applies to State Run Institutions more than Private Institutions.

