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  • #76
    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
    I see and agree with your point but I think by that standard you'd end up fucking loathing just about everyone in those professions at one time or another, human nature being what it is.
    It's one thing to note that so-and-so is a prick and hard to deal with...but you treat everyone with dignity and care. I am saccharin when I have difficult clients. You never know what somebody else is going through, and you never know where you might be years from now or what could have happened should a few things had happened to you.
    That being said, you can tell somebody with an organic disturbance or a history of horrible a postori elements that causes them issues...and...


    Let me give you an example of this distinction with drug addiction: somebody calling for help on a crisis line or coming into a unit with DT's and being violent or abusive. They will get my empathetic treatment. The guy is in agony, who knows what drove him to this have to feel with them.
    On the other side of the coin...When volunteering at a local venue for AA/NA/CA however, and I see a bunch of entitled douchebags tossing cigarette butts on the floors outside because they are too lazy to move and blame their addiction for Sorry, that shit doesn't fly. They are wholly capable of getting off their fat assess and moving ten feet to throw it in an ashtray.

    Of course I consider the so-called "disease model" of drug abuse treatment to be akin to the "circle jerk" method. It's recidivism rate is just as high as those who NEVER do anything about their use. It has a few strengths, but it has multiple pitfalls...the main one being a sense of learned helplessness.


    • #77
      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
      Great, sounds like you have something that has worked for you.

      For example...?
      All the times I've been in altercations.


      • #78
        Originally posted by jubaji View Post
        Great, sounds like you have something that has worked for you.

        For example...?

        You know, like an example of a time that you have put to use all that great training you get in the playhouse - I mean compound.

        You don't have to be shy about sharing, I won't ridicule or dismiss out of hand your personal experiences. After all, you'll note I was not among those belittling your little film project. I might have some questions, but I'll take your word for it. And if what you train has worked for you then that's all that matters quite regardless of any theories, preferences, prejudices, or generalisms that I might hold.

        So, g'on...


        • #79
          Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
          All the times I've been in altercations.

          Right. Tell us about at least one. No need to be shy, really.


          • #80
            Originally posted by jubaji View Post
            And if what you train has worked for you then that's all that matters quite regardless of any theories, preferences, prejudices, or generalisms that I might hold.

            Glad you were finally able to admit it. Now you can move on with your life and I don't have to respond to you anymore.

            Ever again.


            • #81
              Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
              Glad you were finally able to admit it.

              Admit it? I've been telling you for years. You and the rest of the hairdresser gang are the ones insisting that no reality exists outside the dictates of the ponytailed prophet.

              Now, regale us with an example of your martial prowess at work.


              • #82
                Wow, he really lives on a compound?


                • #83
                  It's a long story...


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Garland View Post
                    I just fucking loathe people in the supposed helping professions who talk poorly about their wards. Anyone working in the mental health field who uses the word "fruit cake" to describe a client is hurting not only harmful to that person's wellbeing and everyone else on the unit, but is also hurting the entire healthcare profession.

                    To come here and boast about your low level psych tech job you got with a degree in fucking biomechanics (what the **** does that have to do with one on one interaction with people with psychological issues?) and worked with "dangerous fruitcakes"...seems out of place. Did you...what...rough them up? Have to hurt them? Feel threatened? Did you bully your wards?

                    It would be like hiring a klansman to teach inner city youth. You disgust me.
                    Let me have 'issues'?

                    You also dont seem to be able to read. I got me degree from a University (look the word up on Google) not from my job on psych wards. My job paid for my time at University (there's that word again).

                    I didnt 'rough' them up cockhead thats your own bizzare interpretation of what I said. I spent my time stopping them from attacking other people or harming themsleves. And on a number of occasions ahve been attcked by highly psychotic people and intervened during assults. So when I say I have practical experiences of altercations I mean it.

                    You need to get a grip Garland flying off like that without even taking the time to actually understand what you read.

                    I called somebody a fruit cake I must be an evil abuser of the mentally ill

                    Get a fucking grip dickhead!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Da Pope View Post
                      You also dont seem to be able to read. I got me degree from a University (look the word up on Google) not from my job on psych wards. My job paid for my time at University (there's that word again).

                      I called somebody a fruit cake I must be an evil abuser of the mentally ill
                      That explains it, they hired you with absolutely no background in the field. It's their fault for putting an ignorant prick in a position where they have to care for an at risk population.

                      I do have an issue, a big one...with you and your ilk that stigmatize and anchor down my choice of profession. It's because of people like you that people still make pariahs out of the mentally ill.

                      It's simple, people that don't have the prerequisite training should NOT be allowed to work with mentally ill, mentally challenged, elderly, or kids without extreme supervision and some screening to test for bias that may come through as some sort of countertransference issue.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Garland View Post
                        That explains it, they hired you with absolutely no background in the field. It's their fault for putting an ignorant prick in a position where they have to care for an at risk population.

                        I do have an issue, a big one...with you and your ilk that stigmatize and anchor down my choice of profession. It's because of people like you that people still make pariahs out of the mentally ill.

                        It's simple, people that don't have the prerequisite training should NOT be allowed to work with mentally ill, mentally challenged, elderly, or kids without extreme supervision and some screening to test for bias that may come through as some sort of countertransference issue.
               this really about you and your ego? Mebbe a lil' bit?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                 this really about you and your ego? Mebbe a lil' bit?
                          No. It is harmful to clients' wellbeing, it adds a burden to people who are already suffering not only from their illness but the toll it takes on their family, job, standing in the community, and their pocket book (do you have any idea how much it costs for inpatient treatment...imagine without insurance, phenomenal ****-over due to our pay-to-live healthcare system), it increases recidivism, it is harmful to how society views the issue of mental health and healthcare in general, and it hurts the profession itself...making people more reluctant to seek treatment or even comply with treatment because somebody is looking down on them.

                          People come first. If you can't summon enough empathy and compassion to care for the people you work with, you should NOT work in that environment. Having a degree in the field, so you ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THE **** is going on with people helps create this.

                          3 little words for working in healthcare; unconditional positive regard.
                          Anything less and you need to find other work, quick.

                          I'm sorry...I'm trying to be more calm about this and take a step back...but people like this just feel me with venom and contempt.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Garland View Post

                            Mebbe a lil' bit?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Garland View Post
                              3 little words for working in healthcare.

                              And how long have you?


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Garland View Post
                                Having a degree in the field, so you ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THE **** is going on with people helps create this.

                                And you have one, right?

