Originally posted by jubaji
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That being said, you can tell somebody with an organic disturbance or a history of horrible a postori elements that causes them issues...and...
Let me give you an example of this distinction with drug addiction: somebody calling for help on a crisis line or coming into a unit with DT's and being violent or abusive. They will get my empathetic treatment. The guy is in agony, who knows what drove him to this point...you have to feel with them.
On the other side of the coin...When volunteering at a local venue for AA/NA/CA however, and I see a bunch of entitled douchebags tossing cigarette butts on the floors outside because they are too lazy to move and blame their addiction for it...no. Sorry, that shit doesn't fly. They are wholly capable of getting off their fat assess and moving ten feet to throw it in an ashtray.
Of course I consider the so-called "disease model" of drug abuse treatment to be akin to the "circle jerk" method. It's recidivism rate is just as high as those who NEVER do anything about their use. It has a few strengths, but it has multiple pitfalls...the main one being a sense of learned helplessness.