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Where the hell is everybody?

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  • Where the hell is everybody?

    I miss the days when no matter what you posted, people jumped all over the topic. Can we breathe some life into this forum?

  • #2
    It's like I showed up and everyone left.......


    • #3
      I even replied to the knowledge bot post.... Next up Sensei Saki


      • #4
        I guess people just got tired of all the trolls and bullshit.


        • #5
          It's too bad, this was a great place to hang out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
            I guess people just got tired of all the trolls and bullshit.
            You should have thought of that before bringing all your bullshit and trolling.


            • #7
              I blame TV.


              • #8
                and free internet porn....


                • #9
                  Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then He is not omnipotent.
                  He is able and omnipotent.

                  Is He able, but not willing? Then He is malevolent.
                  He is both able and willing to prevent evil, and in His infinite benevolence chooses not to interfere with the consequences of our free will, which too often lead to evil . Making such a choice grieves Him.

                  Is He both able and willing? Yes.

                  Then whence cometh evil? Evil is born of our free will and finite understanding.

                  Is He neither able nor willing? Then why call Him God?
                  He is able and willing and omnipotent and infinitely wise. Wiser than we can ever imagine and therefore worthy to be called God.

                  These questions are like those spoken by a child with no knowledge or wisdom. A child who doesn’t understand why he must take bitter medicine or endure painful surgery in order to be healthy.
                  Humanity’s rebellion against the perfect will of God has cursed even the earth and the skies and brought barrenness to the land, affecting everything; including weather patterns, geological stability and all of the natural world. We don't understand the consequences of our actions but even hurricanes and earthquakes are (a) the result of our sinful actions, (b) an opportunity for us to become more benevolent and God-like and (c) an opportunity for God to display His infinite power and wisdom "...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."


                  • #10
                    Free will= Do what I say the way I say it or spend eternity in anguish. BTW I'll provide no proof that what you are doing actually will get you into heaven, which there is also no proof of.

                    Faith= Last resort because I don't have self reliance I'll just blame a guy as real a Santa Claus for why thing went wrong.

                    Prayer= A way to feel like you're helping without actually doing anything.

                    Catholic Church= Raping small boys in the name of God for 100 of years.


                    • #11
                      These questions are like those spoken by a child with no knowledge or wisdom. [QUOTE/]

                      Children don't need an imaginary friend or a book of fairy tales to walk them through their life holding their hand. Adults question the contradictory nature of GOD whatever their leaders call him.


                      • #12
                        free will = do whatever you like, I will not interfere. HOWEVER - You may want to take My advice on matters where your knowledge is finite and your actions may cause consequences you won't like. BTW - I've provided ample proof of the existence of heaven but you continue to doubt.

                        Faith = "...the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Faith is simply believing in facts currently unproven. You say you have no faith, yet you walk into your bathroom each day convinced that you will find a toilet there. Such is the nature of faith.

                        Prayer = conversation with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. And yes, it is indeed a way to help in a situation when you find yourself helpless. Sad is the man who cannot assuage his despair with prayer.

                        Catholic Church = a religio-political organization purportedly created by Jesus Christ and subsequently run and managed by flawed men. It has historically been distinguished by all the virtues and sins of those who run it.

                        Children AND adults all do need a higher wisdom and power to guide them. Controlled by our short-sighted carnal appetites we would be little more than brute beasts without morality or conscience. Without such guidance and authority the "raping of small boys" would not be considered an evil thing.

                        The nature of God appears contradictory only when there is no understanding of His ways. By his "riddle" Epicurus betrays a lack of understanding and his arguments become specious, declaring his very limited knowledge and information required to draw an accurate conclusion. It's the sort of thinking that led humanity once to believe that the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth.


                        • #13
                          If you allow your appetites to control you, you have problems you need to resolve within yourself. You don't need an outward scape goat to point a finger at.

                          Have faith in yourself and you won't need some preacher telling you you're evil with out a higher power holding your hand.

                          Faith in magical being from outer space, who have zombie children, is different from knowing my shitter will be there in the morning. If it's not then it can be proven how it left, and HomeDepot will have one readily available.

                          I don't belive in Gawd in the christian sense. there is something out there controlling this mess called life, but it could give a F less about one individual in the whole scope.

                          People need to stop acting like they are so much better than everything else in the universe. As far as the universe is concerned your "immortal soul" is no more valuable then the dirt outside, in other words you all growed up Jr. take care of it yourself.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by osopardo View Post
                            The nature of God appears contradictory only when there is no understanding of His ways. By his "riddle" Epicurus betrays a lack of understanding and his arguments become specious,
                            LOL. And because someone wrote it down in a book thousands of years ago and your leaders tell you it's true, that's not a specious argument at all.

                            "Because I said so Billy, you don't need proof just believe enough and it will be true."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
                              LOL. And because someone wrote it down in a book thousands of years ago and your leaders tell you it's true, that's not a specious argument at all.

                              "Because I said so Billy, you don't need proof just believe enough and it will be true."
                              Excellent breakdown, DJForest.

                              Some people have to depend on the intangible so not to ever see the manifestation of their own weaknesses and bad decisions.

                              That would actually mean that they would have to take responsibility for their own "free will" and actions and not accuse the so-called devil for the evils they commit.

                              Adam bit the fruit because he wanted some pussy, not because some snake jedi mind tricked Eve into bartering ass for apples.

                              Yet still billions believe the latter and call themselves rational adults.

