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Anyone train in a beltless system?

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  • Anyone train in a beltless system?

    This Saturday at 2pm. I will test for my third degree black belt. It has been about 4 years since my last test and I’m for the first time in my life scared to test. I’m 47 and serious about my training, I’m in real good shape for my age, but I’m testing with younger kids. I know that I can defend myself, it’s the BS. mind games and the hazing that I hate. I run my own school, and I don’t reward my students for a job well done by torturing them on test day. You either can or can’t, and if you can’t, oh well…. you don’t make rank. I’ve had some parents mad at me and they pulled their kids out of our program. The way I look at it, the best lesson I can teach a kid is not to confuse effort with results. Train hard come to class, give 100%, and act like you want to be here. I give 90 days’ notice for test cycle. We test 4 times a year. You can’t wait for the last minute to take things serious. I wish I could do away with the belt system, but the kids find such a real sense of accomplishment when they make rank. Anyone train in a beltless system? How does it work? Is there any recognition for levels of ability other than student or Instructor?

  • #2
    No belts in wrestling. You can beat the other guy or you can't.


    • #3
      I've trained in both belt systems and not and I prefer the no-belt systems. Simply put, you don't waste time doing crap for a grading that looks good but is totally impractial and would never work in reality.

      You can set a high standard of training for yourself in systems such as wrestling, MT, boxing and still get a sense of accomplishment without having to wear a different coloured belt around your waste every few months.

