Ms. J Strikes out with a scathing lecture... er, I mean extended series of blows designed to wear The Bear's resolve...
Lee: Upon reading your site thoroughly, there is still no clear description of anything that you do specifically.
All 300 pages?
Here is the outline for the level one SDA program: this is just level one, and it is for the average person, without past victimizations. It deals with the highest instance of crime today. Each level of the program changes based on the instances of crime faced.
Level two and three cover the other 10 instances of crime detailed in the format for lifestyle scenario training:
Level 4 is left for instructors that wish to rank and teach the program to victims, they then have to spend an additional year training in crisis intervention, PTSD, Rape-DM and Victims of violent crime advocacy, contact levels, teaching ability’s, and on site experience teaching the program.
Its full outline covers all of the highest risks of violent crimes relevant to the average person’s life. Moreover, the program utilizes an adult-learning format comprised of instruction and assessment that encourages individual thought, synthesis of group contribution, and assimilation of practical, physical, and theoretical teachings through experimental learning. This learning format is the quickest and most effective way for an adult to retain the information they have learned.
For the victims program:
This is the same basic format taught to Victims, though it is taught at a different contact level and normal practice weapons are not used, other props and tools are replaced for the class for victims. This is done mostly to help keep flashbacks off the floor. Before victims are taught the SDA part of the program they are frist introduced to Foundation Tools found here:
Foundation tools is again based and taught on an adult learning format. Foundation tools are about giving victims options to deal with the past victimization. It is not about counseling them. It is about empowering them to bring positive change on their own.
When the core SDA part of the program is taught (after foundation tools have been presented), there is a full crisis intervention team on the premises.
This team is provided by the organzation we work with to teach a victims program. We don’t teach a program for victims unless its taught within a hospital, counseling center, or women’s center. Though many of us on the team have counseling experience and degrees, we do not counsel victims. There are strict rules that also apply to the victims before they can take a program with us. They are however required to receive counseling through the center we are working with wile training in the program.
Two weeks of pre-training with the crisis intervention team and the FATE team takes place before each program is taught. At that time all drills and program format is gone over with the team. Teams then set up floor singles to deal with a crisis wile teaching a victims program. When a problem arises, the crisis intervention team pulls a student off the floor and works individually with them to get them though the flashback or issue they are facing. After each possible instance I or one of my staff works privately with the student to deal with the instance they faced and just relived. Each student that applies for the program have to be prescreened by both myself and by the center that we are working with.
If a client is not stable enough to take the class based on their possible trauma or PTSD then they cannot take the course.
Domestic violence victims are taught but only if they are out of the relationship and living in a shelter or new home. This is because the majority of dm victims that die due to Domestic Violent attacks die after they have left or try to leave. Based on this fact its apparent they need training to protect themselves. However, if they are still in the relationship it only helps to keep the cycle of violence re-occurring by training them in full contact SDA skills. Because of this Fact FATE, organzation will not teach a DM victim that is still in a present DM Relationship. Instead, they are sent to a crisis team and a safety plan is made, after they are out of the relationship they can receive training.
After a victim has gone though the frist 40-hour training program at level one they are then offered long term empowerment training with any organzation that has a program that suits a victims special needs. Students are incorraged to take 4 weeks of organized class time in either more SDA training, Realty based martial arts training, long term traditional martial arts training or holistic healing modality’s
As stated above, this is to further the long term personal training that helps keep them on a growth path. Victims are most times victims of long-term abuse of some kind. The self esteem issues they face have to be dealt with long term or they just go back to the same mind set and the reoccurrence of victimization keeps happening. This is especially true of victims of DM or childhood victims of rape, abuse, and trauma from violent crime.
FMA-JKD- and other martial arts are taught via FATE but they are not taught as SDA programs, they are taught as long-term traditional or long-term realty based arts. All money from anything taught from this page
Goes to teach the program to victims freely. FATE Organzation is not a martial arts organization. We are a non-profit volunteer holistic healing organzation that teaches victims of violent crime using, SDA, Martial arts, and Self Awareness as creative arts Therapy.
Lee wrote: Your website places the majority of your SD training on the FMA. Now, I will ask the questions:
1. yes and the drills are on the website, keep looking
2. Yes, these concepts are taught throughout the program and are instance of violence based.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes, yes
Lee: It becomes obvious that the "question game" can be used to make another person's experience, etc. come into question. I've played that game many, many times before. The answer is that nobody does it all.****
Learning and knowledge come from questioning.
Lee:”My program focuses on fighting off the immediate threat.****
My core SDA program for the average person focus's on fighting off the immediate threat, creating a distance, stopping the threat and then saving your life, we just also make sure to cover all the issues.
Lee” Yours, from your website, devotes far more time and energy to the healing aspects and post-event treatment.****
Treatment for victims has to come first before they can train effectively; they have to have this kind of training before they are fit really to learn contact SDA. In addition, I assure you, I am not there to counsel victims. My job is to give then options, teach them how to avoid, deescalate, stop the re-occurrence of violence in there lives and to teach them how to protect themselves.
Government Funding and approval: In 2000 this program was evaluated by Rutgers university’s Masters Psychology Program, and social working department. At that time the full outline for victims and the intervention tools that were used were approved and cleared as appropriate for Victims.
In 2000 the US Justus department victims of crime unit in Washington DC evaluated and approved this program, at that time assuring FATE that this program will be paid for state by state via the victims of crime bill act for victims as part of their healing process after facing a violent crime. Not only for woman, but men, and children.
Again i appoligize to everyone here on this board for having to valadate and for having such a long reply. i have tryed to keep it short but i was unable to do so based on the questions asked. i also applogize for forgetting who Lee was, and for being so nieve. He is right he did play this game with me before. though i did not think it was a game then and nor do i feel its a game now. futhermore, if i recall, the last time this happend, he had an apprentace working with him on the game.
Ms. J bows deeply...
Lee: Upon reading your site thoroughly, there is still no clear description of anything that you do specifically.
All 300 pages?
Here is the outline for the level one SDA program: this is just level one, and it is for the average person, without past victimizations. It deals with the highest instance of crime today. Each level of the program changes based on the instances of crime faced.
Level two and three cover the other 10 instances of crime detailed in the format for lifestyle scenario training:
Level 4 is left for instructors that wish to rank and teach the program to victims, they then have to spend an additional year training in crisis intervention, PTSD, Rape-DM and Victims of violent crime advocacy, contact levels, teaching ability’s, and on site experience teaching the program.
Its full outline covers all of the highest risks of violent crimes relevant to the average person’s life. Moreover, the program utilizes an adult-learning format comprised of instruction and assessment that encourages individual thought, synthesis of group contribution, and assimilation of practical, physical, and theoretical teachings through experimental learning. This learning format is the quickest and most effective way for an adult to retain the information they have learned.
For the victims program:
This is the same basic format taught to Victims, though it is taught at a different contact level and normal practice weapons are not used, other props and tools are replaced for the class for victims. This is done mostly to help keep flashbacks off the floor. Before victims are taught the SDA part of the program they are frist introduced to Foundation Tools found here:
Foundation tools is again based and taught on an adult learning format. Foundation tools are about giving victims options to deal with the past victimization. It is not about counseling them. It is about empowering them to bring positive change on their own.
When the core SDA part of the program is taught (after foundation tools have been presented), there is a full crisis intervention team on the premises.
This team is provided by the organzation we work with to teach a victims program. We don’t teach a program for victims unless its taught within a hospital, counseling center, or women’s center. Though many of us on the team have counseling experience and degrees, we do not counsel victims. There are strict rules that also apply to the victims before they can take a program with us. They are however required to receive counseling through the center we are working with wile training in the program.
Two weeks of pre-training with the crisis intervention team and the FATE team takes place before each program is taught. At that time all drills and program format is gone over with the team. Teams then set up floor singles to deal with a crisis wile teaching a victims program. When a problem arises, the crisis intervention team pulls a student off the floor and works individually with them to get them though the flashback or issue they are facing. After each possible instance I or one of my staff works privately with the student to deal with the instance they faced and just relived. Each student that applies for the program have to be prescreened by both myself and by the center that we are working with.
If a client is not stable enough to take the class based on their possible trauma or PTSD then they cannot take the course.
Domestic violence victims are taught but only if they are out of the relationship and living in a shelter or new home. This is because the majority of dm victims that die due to Domestic Violent attacks die after they have left or try to leave. Based on this fact its apparent they need training to protect themselves. However, if they are still in the relationship it only helps to keep the cycle of violence re-occurring by training them in full contact SDA skills. Because of this Fact FATE, organzation will not teach a DM victim that is still in a present DM Relationship. Instead, they are sent to a crisis team and a safety plan is made, after they are out of the relationship they can receive training.
After a victim has gone though the frist 40-hour training program at level one they are then offered long term empowerment training with any organzation that has a program that suits a victims special needs. Students are incorraged to take 4 weeks of organized class time in either more SDA training, Realty based martial arts training, long term traditional martial arts training or holistic healing modality’s
As stated above, this is to further the long term personal training that helps keep them on a growth path. Victims are most times victims of long-term abuse of some kind. The self esteem issues they face have to be dealt with long term or they just go back to the same mind set and the reoccurrence of victimization keeps happening. This is especially true of victims of DM or childhood victims of rape, abuse, and trauma from violent crime.
FMA-JKD- and other martial arts are taught via FATE but they are not taught as SDA programs, they are taught as long-term traditional or long-term realty based arts. All money from anything taught from this page
Goes to teach the program to victims freely. FATE Organzation is not a martial arts organization. We are a non-profit volunteer holistic healing organzation that teaches victims of violent crime using, SDA, Martial arts, and Self Awareness as creative arts Therapy.
Lee wrote: Your website places the majority of your SD training on the FMA. Now, I will ask the questions:
1. yes and the drills are on the website, keep looking
2. Yes, these concepts are taught throughout the program and are instance of violence based.
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes, yes
Lee: It becomes obvious that the "question game" can be used to make another person's experience, etc. come into question. I've played that game many, many times before. The answer is that nobody does it all.****
Learning and knowledge come from questioning.
Lee:”My program focuses on fighting off the immediate threat.****
My core SDA program for the average person focus's on fighting off the immediate threat, creating a distance, stopping the threat and then saving your life, we just also make sure to cover all the issues.
Lee” Yours, from your website, devotes far more time and energy to the healing aspects and post-event treatment.****
Treatment for victims has to come first before they can train effectively; they have to have this kind of training before they are fit really to learn contact SDA. In addition, I assure you, I am not there to counsel victims. My job is to give then options, teach them how to avoid, deescalate, stop the re-occurrence of violence in there lives and to teach them how to protect themselves.
Government Funding and approval: In 2000 this program was evaluated by Rutgers university’s Masters Psychology Program, and social working department. At that time the full outline for victims and the intervention tools that were used were approved and cleared as appropriate for Victims.
In 2000 the US Justus department victims of crime unit in Washington DC evaluated and approved this program, at that time assuring FATE that this program will be paid for state by state via the victims of crime bill act for victims as part of their healing process after facing a violent crime. Not only for woman, but men, and children.
Again i appoligize to everyone here on this board for having to valadate and for having such a long reply. i have tryed to keep it short but i was unable to do so based on the questions asked. i also applogize for forgetting who Lee was, and for being so nieve. He is right he did play this game with me before. though i did not think it was a game then and nor do i feel its a game now. futhermore, if i recall, the last time this happend, he had an apprentace working with him on the game.
Ms. J bows deeply...