Wow this is all so interesting. Here I thought pretty much if you work hard then you would be better, but now I know it is all based upon my ethniticity or the lack of.
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racial differences
Sound about right?
Dude!!! Chill out!! Sheesh!!! I'm just generalizing. Guess what, you don't have to go postal on every little word in a "general" statement. And I'm sorry if I dont freakin proofread my post.
All I was giving you was a very general observation of some of the general things that general "races" like to generally do...generally speaking, of course.
So try to calm down. Breathe ryan...nice and slow. It's OK. No one said white guys are doomed to be fat wrestlers or black guys are inevitably skinny marathoners. Just havin a little fun with the topic.
Apparently there are genetic differences between the races though. Something to do with bone density and the muscle. I've heard that it explains why (generally) black people make great runners, both sprinting and long distance, and why white people make better swimmers. Apparently.
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- Aug 2002
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Mongrel Combative Arts
Coventry, Rhode Island
All you need is love........and a sharp blade.....a hardwood flat stick......Oh, oh, oh and a Paraordinance lda 14.45 loaded with 230 grain hydra shocks,ranger SXT's or golden sabres
I hate to even dignify this with a reply, so...Does anyone remember Jimmy the Greek?
Yes, I almost brought that up in my previous post. Then I changed my mind and deleted it. In the don't matter.
Thanks Chalambok, I'll e-mail you later today. Just that little paranoid part of my brain working away
Obviously there are genetic differences between races. Thats why you dont see people who are 100% asian with blonde hair, or Africans with blue eyes. Whether this extends into muscle and bone developement i cannot say.
I do remember reading one thing though, stating that those with african heritage ( i hate to say "black") normally have more creatine in their body than those from other regions.
Again, who cares?Last edited by Matthew; 04-01-2003, 09:08 PM.
next time a black person attacks me ill know to jump into the nearest swimming pool to gain an advantage with my superior caucasian swimming ability.
racial differences.
the reson only white people can have blond hair is to do with our skin colour, even if a black or asian person had blond genes their hair would still be black.
there arent enough races. i think ill create some new ones when im an evil genetic scientist
And black people have finer curlier hair because if you look at a slice of hair from a black person the hair is more oval as apossed to the white person's hair which is more round, the oval hair will curl tighter & finer because of the shape.
Khumalo NP, Doe PT, Dawber RP, Ferguson DJ. What is normal black African hair? A light and scanning electron-microscopic study. J Am Acad Dermatol 2000 Nov;43(5 Pt 1):814-20
BACKGROUND: The hair of normal black Africans forms a mat of tightly interwoven hair shafts. The effect of this on the structure of the hair shaft and the response to grooming is unknown. OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to use light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to examine the structure of Negroid-type hairs and effects of combing in black African volunteers. METHODS: Hair samples were collected, by combing, from Africans and compared with those from Caucasian and Asian volunteers. The volunteers had never used chemical treatments. Their hair had not been cut for at least 1 year and grooming had been limited to shampooing, drying, and combing. RESULTS: More than 2000 hairs in 12 African volunteers were examined by light microscopy. The hairs appear as a tight coiled springlike structure. Many shafts exhibited knots (10%-16% vs 0.15%) and appear broken compared with hair shafts from other ethnic groups. SEM of African hairs showed features consistent with repeated breaks of the shaft. Examination of hairs in situ showed interlocking of hair shafts. CONCLUSION: These observations provide an understanding of the physical nature of, and effect of combing on, black African hair.
Compare these cross-sections of three hairs, all of different racial types: (left) Asian, (centre) Caucasoid, (right) African
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- Jan 2003
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Clean Feet Pet Clean Up
Pet Waste Removal Omaha
We offer dog waste removal and cat waste removal services.
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Guess who's back
I don't know about that athletic shit, but I agree with a couple (I mean a COUPLE of ya'll).
1) Somebody said when they went to jail the "white boys" were getting rolled up. Well look at the environment most of the Blacks and the Mexicans come from, low income housing projects aka the PJ's or ghettos aka hoods and MOST, but NOT ALL white people come from those rich ass communities where breaking into cars & vandilism makes you hard and tough. Then they listen to rappers who come from these run down shithole environments and think because they talk and dress like them they're, just like them, but HELL ****IN NO they ain't. Living the street life desensitizes you to violence which then leads to a mentality of "**** the world" or "I don't give a ****" (that used to be mine). Anybody can have the heart to take another persons life it depends on their envoronment.
2) Who ever said that shit about blacks in Africa and whites in Europe, that was very intelligent. Now that makes since. If you look at animals its damn near the same for them also.
3) Of course thai people (in thailand) are hard look at the shit they do to their bodies. If you or I did that we'd be hard to. Just like shaolin monks they just train 18 hours a day. If you train like a Thai fighter from Thailand or a Shoalin monk for Asia you to 1 day will be as hard or harder. Come on guys, we've come to far to throw logics out the window.
Let's say it together L-O-G-I-C-S!!!!!
Originally posted by Crouchtig
thats all very well but guess what i saw today... a chinese girl, guess what she was doing... KUNG FU!!!
dont ever fight someone from china, they might know KUNG FU
dont take this post seriously or ill get a chinese person do fly to your house(using kung fu flying power) and beat you up with chopsticks.
BLACK MEN: One thing you CANNOT deny. Their genital fortitude puts any Whiteman, Chinaman or Mexican to SHAME.Last edited by JP Prideaux; 04-08-2003, 12:10 PM.