Actually there has been heavy race mixing for the last 400 years. You won't find too many "african american" families without all the different skin tones in a couple generations.
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racial differences
the only major racial difference is the presence of the banana picking gene within populations of black people oh and just to prove im not racist white people are gay too and smelly asians
Anybody who thinks that the differences between the human subspecies are merely skin-deep is a fool indeed. You can see that the races look different. Good. But because you don't have a multi-million dollar genetic research laboratory to let you see the other subtle differences doesn't mean they're not there. On a side note, this is a very risque topic that many geneticists are loathe to discuss or research. How terrible would it be if the world found out that each race was predispositioned for certain tasks at birth? How could a white man get a manual labor job if the employer knew a black man could work twice as hard for the same price? How could a hispanic engineer get a job if an Asian gentleman applied as well, and e has extra "engineer points" for being Asian? Knowing that certain races were more effeciant at specific applications would certainly influence society.
When you start talking about one race being better at certain things than others, you open up a Pandora's Box that's filled with cans and cans of worms. Is there ONE race that genetically dominates the others (not in frequency of occurance in reproduction, but rather in usefulness of the traits)? Is there a "useless" race? Do interracial children take on the more powerful attributes of each parent? Dangerous questions better left unanswered. We're far better off leaving everyone to believe that thier skills and abilities were earned through education, training, environment, diet, etc... than reveal to the generally ignorant populous a genetc tendency towards those things from birth. I can imagine it now:
Not only will there be cries of "It's not my fault I'm fat! It's genetic!" (80% of the time it's proven not to be genetic, but is still used as an excuse), but it will be followed by "It's not Billy's fault he's stupid, he was born that way. Here, have a large government assistance check.", and "You've got to give the white boxer his racial handicap points to make it a fair match.", etc.. etc...
Oh the genetic differences are there... I've come across a few sources of information on it every once in a while, but the story is always kept from making big news... always hidden in the middle of some thousand page medical journal, or perhaps a small article on the second-to-last page of your local paper. Its there.
The question you have to ask yourself now is are you a success story for striking out in a path that is not your strongest, and giving your best against others who you will never be able to compare to on the genetic level, or are you a fool for not training your natural strengths instead?
Something to ponder.
Interesting post.
I take it you are going in the direction of socially enforced ethnic pre-dispositions with a slight angst for government subsidies (or checks). A little right winged?
Are you contributing value to this site about martial arts training or are you trying to make it a political-racial discussion baord?
Keep the politics in your office.
Thank you.Last edited by Tom Yum; 06-24-2003, 03:38 PM.
I take it you are going in the direction of socially enforced ethnic pre-dispositions with a slight angst for government subsidies (or checks). A little right winged?
Luckily, as eXcessiveForce pointed out in a previous post in this thread -most people never realize thier full potential in things they're genetically inferior at, let alone the things they're genetically superior at. An individual with a 150 IQ out of a 150 maximum is still smarter than a man with a 120 IQ and a 250 maximum. Training always beats genetics. Thusly, genetic disposition is almost negligeble. That is, unless people consciously start training thier strong points, knowing it would grant them an obscene advantage. This is, in all actuality, unlikely. But you never know.
Are you contributing value to this site about martial arts training or are you trying to make it a political-racial discussion baord?
Keep the politics in your office.
Thank you. [/B]
And I don't work in an office.Last edited by Yare; 06-24-2003, 05:54 PM.
Interestingly enough training can beat genetics. You're right about filling one's potential. In an ideal world, one has 0 obstacles but herself in fullfilling her potential. Its true in many fields, but in others its a matter of who is not the most gifted/talented, rather what methods they use to stay at the top.
If Vladimir Klitschko challenges Lewis for the Heavyweight title, you will not see Lewis stray far from the rules of boxing. He will not kick, elbow or bite Klitschko without disqualifying himself and possibly loosing his title. If Lewis whispers into the refs ear that Klitschko is going to lose, the referee will ignore him until someone gets knocked down or out.
If a European Thaiboxer beats a thai native (all things being equal), then the european fighter trained harder. Despite having home town and possibly a cultural advantage.Last edited by Tom Yum; 06-24-2003, 05:29 PM.
If we all have certain genetic advantages then I think we should know about it. If I have a natural ability in something then I would like to know about it. If we all played to our natural strengths then society in general would become more productive: The people with natural engineering ability would be doing all the engineering, the people with the natural running ability would be doing all the running and the people with natuarl mathematical ability would be doing all the equations. In short everyone would be doing what they were good at. Most of them would probably enjoy doing what they were good at anyway and you would see less people failing at things (they would not attempt things that they knew they were likely to fail).
True, but a society so homogenous raises a few problems. Read "A Brave New World" for a good perspective on being "predestined" even before you're born.
It raises questions like: What if the engineer's dream is to be a professional basketball player?
Then his dream can never be accomplished. Perhaps one day he will learn to dream about engineer related things like building the biggest dam in the world or building a stadium for basket ball players. We all have dreams that will never be realised. Hey I just worked it out: Real-ised, "made real".
i've often heard that a part of the reason that black people have the reputation for being high jumpers and fast runners is that there is one muscle that they can condition in their legs that other races can't. not sure if this is true.
other than that, race doesn't impact much of anything, imo. it's all about individual genetics and and hard work.
lizard, i recommend GATTACA as a movie to watch regarding genetic predisposition.
Genetics are important in one's physical and mental capacities. Development of those capacities occurs when a person chooses to actively develop them.
Carlos Newton, a top contender in the UFC middleweight division is black and is a pre-med student.
- See "Participants"
Cung Le is the US heavyweight San Shou champion and is a small business owner. He was previously a top ranked collegiate wrestler in California. He's from Vietnam.
Vitaly and Vladimir Klitschko are in the top 5 heavy weight positions in 2 of the 3 boxing title leagues. Both are quadrilingual and hold PhDs in Kinesiology.
or google search "Klitschko AND PhD"
Former UFC Lt Heavyweight Chuck "The Ice Man" Liddell holds a degree in accounting. Rumor is that he is a former CPA ???
GS: You have an accounting degree. Why have you decided to continue to fight instead of working in your field?
CL: I wasn't ever really that into accounting. I would rather do something I like. If you're going to do something every day for the rest of your life, you'd better like it. When I eventually stop fighting I want to run my own gym and train other fighters.
There are countless other folks who are your normal Jon and Jane Doe's who are engineers, lawyers, construction workers and professionals who are accomplished beyond the office.Last edited by Tom Yum; 07-07-2003, 10:04 PM.
Examples like those above show that people have a 'pre-disposition' to be successfull in a lot of different areas, regardless of race.
Can you imagine Chuck Liddell as the guy in the cubicle next to you in the accounting division?
Can you imagine a professional boxer writing a PhD thesis and translating 4 languages?
Or a black NHB fighter getting ready to enter med school?
How many Asian heavyweight wrestlers are out there and in the top of their league?
I guess these folks and the others like them never really stopped to think about their genetic predispositions.
I think the important point to remember is: The variation within ethnic groups is much greater than the average variation across different ethnic groups. Furthermore, I personally believe culture plays a larger role in racial differences than genetics does.
Yare hit the nail on the head when he said that advertising racial predispositions would change the world for the worse. I think it's best if we work under the assumption that people from all races are born equal, and encourage everyone to pursue his or her dream regardless of race.