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racial differences

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  • racial differences

    i hope this doesnt sound racist

    all of the fastest people in the world are black

    all of the strongest people in the world are white

    most of the people who go to my thai boxing sessions are black

    most of the people who did taekwondo were white

  • #2
    and welsh!!!
    Last edited by retired; 03-30-2003, 11:03 AM.


    • #3
      Re: racial differences

      Originally posted by Crouchtig
      i hope this doesnt sound racist

      all of the fastest people in the world are black

      all of the strongest people in the world are white

      most of the people who go to my thai boxing sessions are black

      most of the people who did taekwondo were white
      Doesn't sound too racist.

      Yeah, black folks are really fast.

      And appearantly white folks can bulk up more than most other folks. But pound for pound black folks seem to be stronger in most cases.

      I don't know about your Thai boxing place, but there are VERY few black folks in Thai boxing, or martial arts for that matter.

      And yes, white guys freakin outnumber Koreans in TKD.


      • #4

        Geneticly there are NO reasons whatsoever for black's having these physical attributes and whites having those! the only factors playing in are enviromental and what kind of a society one have been braught up in! cultural differences play in, not physical attributes..


        • #5
          Yes. Thats why you never see champion black swimmers and champion white sprinters. Just cultural differences........... Yeah, right.


          • #6
            that's funny you say that..

            heavy weight boxing is BLACK..

            Light weigth is Mexican/Hispanic... or in the middle..

            Hispanics have always made a mark in boxing thru out the years.

            mixed martial arts.. hmm i gotta say it's an open ball court..

            Most of the champs were white..

            but now..

            tito ortiz: mexican....

            vandeli silva: brazil/port/ some spanish roots..

            matt hughs: white..

            heavyweight boxing.. CONTROLLED BY BLACK .. nobody is gonna take it from them... just the truth.. lol

            it verys..

            blacks are strong and fast.. just in the genes homie. but all people evolve strong. if you let that fear.. "oh he's black he's strong or he's from china he's knows kung fu" then your finished..

            steriotypical thoughts on a fight can end before you even start it.


            • #7

              The difference has been and will always _be_ cultural, if you look at the genes that humans have, there is NO difference from blacks to whites to hispanics to asians.. the whole term "race" when it comes to human beings is wrong to use! Beacause we are ONE race.. the human race! it is more natural to say that we are one race than dividing us into several.. And results.. well.. there is _many_ cultural reasons why things have been as they have and are now! if anyone wants a more serious analyzis, let me know


              • #8
                When I lived in Tacoma, Washington, the area that we lived in was pretty much 50/50 black and white. Quite a bit of gang activity. My group of friends pretty much mirrored that statistic. There were tough black guys, as well as wimpy black guys. Same goes for the white guys. In the end, no difference. I've fought against both and I don't see any difference. Like CJ said, you let that stereotypical stuff into your head (black guys are tough or white guys are wimps), and you will likely lose before you start, or be in for a big surprise.



                • #9
                  My theory for the speed/stamina/jumping ability of African/black people vs the general lack in Caucasians:

                  It all boils down to environment and natural selection, and it makes perfect sense if you think about it. In Africa, the number and variety of large predators that can conceivably kill and or consume a human is enormous. Everything from lions to hippos will kill pretty easily. As a result of this, the pre-modern man in Africa survived by running, hiding, and climbing fast enough to escape these predators. Through many hundreds of years, the slower, weaker members of the human race in Africa tended to be eaten or starve. Hence, through natural selection, only the faster and stronger survived. We see this today in running--both competitive and just native speed. In my experience, the average black kid will easily outrun the average white kid.

                  The reason that white people aren't naturally as fast: the humans who had their civilizations based in Europe and western Asia did not have to deal with the same kind of pressures. Think of the major predators in Europe. A bear? A mountain lion? That's about it. Survival would be limited by the weather rather than other organisms. There was not natural selection based upon physical attributes to the same degree as seen in Africa. What do you guys think?


                  • #10
                    there is a diffrence. maybe no proven science.

                    An average white kid

                    takes on an average black kid..

                    from l.a. and he grew up regular...


                    not saying anything.. but i'd put my money on the black kid...and i note this is with no training.. cain probably never been in a street fight, where i have been in dozens..

                    why can't there be a white heavy weight in boxing?
                    why is it that russian, being themselves white, are the better fighters?

                    i've not once seen a white heavy weight.. in boxing.. for years..
                    dont get me wrong...
                    i think white dudes are one of the best fighters..

                    but where i'm at, where i grew up.. race means something. its' the reason why some can't get a job, the reasons, why people stick to their own kind, is the reason why police racial profile.

                    it's just the way it is.. as far as it being in your genes.. no proof of that, but ... tell that to shaq, and all the basketball players.. all the football players, all the heavy weight boxers..
                    explain why all the sports are dominated by black athletes? ..

                    i'm mexican, but it's not the same. i am tall.. i was born in this country so i grew up with good food, vitamins, shit like that.. other countries, lack of food and living conditions... you aint gonna be that tall.. my uncle is short as hell .. his kids.. through the roof.. so before all the kids were short.. something altered.. the lifestyle.. he came to the u.s. and the kids are not coming out the same they are taller.. so something happend...

                    some races i think are limitless when you take away their limbs.. fighting with just two fist is a science and it takes instincs..

                    and kicks, holds, submissions, then you have a fair playing field.
                    but fighting with fists is something that came to me as a child.. i learned it somewhere between first and third grade and just progresses.. it's not something you keep track of.. all you know is.. you wanna fight? lets do this! ..

                    no disrespect to my white people, nothing like that.. but honestly, everytime i went to jail.. whiteboys were getting rolled up.. that's real..

                    not all of em, but most of em.. its the mexicans and blacks that always fighting and it's instict.

                    yes yes it's all ignorance.. the point im trying to make is somewhere along the line.. living conditions, instict, pride, took apart of us. i dont know why but it is.

                    this would be a good project.

                    the whiteboys that grew up with us are crazy as hell and will knuckle up with anyone and win most of the time.. it's your statis.. maybe poor people can fight.. lol.. we all poor so .. maybe that's it.. lol.

                    if for example.. CAIN.. if he didn't have any training..
                    and he met some fool black dude with no training, just instinct and street knowledge.. then cain wont win.. (i'm using your name, just as an example.. i know you slap fight or what ever you do lol )

                    whites have another talent i think, their good with guns and killing people.. lol.. you guys are the serial killers..

                    if i see a whiteboy with a trench coat.. i'm headin for the hills!

                    but seriously..
                    there is no proof, so Technically YES we are all humans, we are all one.. but..

                    when your poor your a human science project to the rich. if you go to country hospital for example.. students that are in med school, will check you.. sick patients and they can us you as practice.. aint that funny? then the real doctor comes and checks the diagnosis.. and corrects it to the patient if nessesary..

                    i believe that each race has something in their genes.. i can't proof it but i've seen it.. lol..

                    i hope i didn't offend anyone.. i respect for every race, and everyone as a person.. just my experiances.. that's all. i white dude just beat me in the ring the other day, so i dont dout nobody.. lol


                    ps .. i think i explained my visual theory.. if not i'll try to explain again..

                    It's the water!! i knew it! lol

                    RYANHALL.. lol.. that's funny dog.. you say that whites are not as fast as blacks... other theory.. whites can't dance .. lol ...


                    • #11
                      i think it has to do more with culture then anything else. Ryanhall has a good point, and what he says is true to a degree. Iv heard that some tribes in africa hunt by simply running there prey into exhaustion. Thats why we see all those long distance runners from africa performing realy well. physical traits also are dependant on where you live africans are tipicaly tall and skinny, while the native people that live in the far north are short and stocky.

                      The problem is, in North america all the athletes who are at the top level take some kind of drug, dietery supliment, highly thought out training plan with state of the art technology or whatever, i think in that situation, the benefits of that kind of training outweigh any type of physical traits that where passed down through natural selection. its just that little bit of natural talent which is needed start the ball rolling. Lets face it there are not many intelectual black role models, most of em are athletes, where as there is a much wider veriety of white role models to follow. not to mention the poverty rates for minorities and the crappy american publich school system. Most of the time a poor persons use non-academic talents to get ahead in life. while rich kids have more oportunity.

                      There are alot of factors of why these things seem to occur. There are natural selection benifets that perhaps help some people of different ethnic backgrounds. But overall i think it comes down to the culture that the person is in. There financial state, there "typical" childhood, or any other factors that lead to them to not neccesarily have the talent but accualy make them persue it as a career.

                      but just remember the best raper is white, and the best golfer is black. so in the end it doesn't matter about your race, just how you where raised.

                      -lol rant over


                      • #12

                        that is what i mean with cultural differences. In norway they are brought up with skis on their feet.. they run around in the forests all day long, so norway win it all.. in brasil many kids grow up with a football almost glued to their foot! (not american "i need to have 100lbs of protective gear footbal:P).. so brazilians rule when it comes to football.. And if you look at those who play basketball.. what background do they have? the black basketball-players.. are they from rich suburbs..? with a great education? or..?


                        • #13
                          im pleased with the way this thread went.

                          my theory:

                          black people
                          you live in a hot climate = you will evolve to be tall and skinny (more surface area) = light but with long legs = runner!
                          more reach = natural boxers/kickboxers

                          white people
                          you live in a cold climate = you will evolve to be heavier (retain heat for longer) = more room for big muscless + more weight= players/worlds strongest man(alot of the events it helps to be heavy)!
                          more weight/strength = natural wrestlers

                          culture: eating more = more weight and height, hard life = more aggression


                          i know a black guy who is about seven foot tall, i know another black guy who is quite short. the short guy will lose a sprint against a tall white guy. tall black guy will beat them both. worlds heaviest guy...probably a white guy from a rich country.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by crazyjoe380

                            if you let that fear.. "oh he's black he's strong or he's from china he's knows kung fu" then your finished..

                            steriotypical thoughts on a fight can end before you even start it.
                            thats all very well but guess what i saw today... a chinese girl, guess what she was doing... KUNG FU!!!

                            dont ever fight someone from china, they might know KUNG FU

                            dont take this post seriously or ill get a chinese person do fly to your house(using kung fu flying power) and beat you up with chopsticks.


                            • #15
                              Check out this link for some info:

                              I also saw a study on the differences in black and white peoples muscle. From what i remember, black folks muscle was stronger and more reinforced on the cellular level. So I am convinced that they got something special going on in there.

                              If I may steriotype for a moment:

                              Black folks: Stay slim and cut, fast, will hit you hard and fast for the KO

                              White folks: Bulk up, heavy stuff, will throw you on the ground

                              Latino dudes: likes the hot food!!!, resiliant(sp), will light you up with combos

                              Oriental folks: Well coordinated, supple and precise, will hit you with a exact nerve strike for KO/kill.


                              Sound about right?

