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Are You Paying Alot for MA?

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  • Are You Paying Alot for MA?

    I'm thankful that my BJJ class only costs me between $5-40/month (it varies according to attendance, but $40 is max charge). However, I've heard reports of insane prices for MA.

    The Brazilians are making lots of money now. It cost my gym $150/per person just to attend a Brazilian training session within our own gym.

    When I took Shotokan Karate, I had to pay three months in advance, plus uniform—$225. The Instructor said the 3 months were in case I got into a fight. Yeah... 3 months is gonna prepare me for a fight.

    I notice many gyms are bringing in BJJ, or Muay Thai as a way to jack up prices. For instance, I was going to join this Danzin-Ryu club, but now they charge $75 instead of $60 because the instructor learned some BJJ. Insane, I tell ya.

  • #2
    when i took kung fu in 90 , 91 it was only 22 bucks a month because it was held at a rec center [very cheap place for some MA training}. When i took aikido three years ago it was pretty cheap in that it was a 1 unit course iat the university i attended. Currently I don't pay anything for my current setup. I went ot visit a local boxing gym by the college i go to right now, 99 bucks a month. Before that I went to a PFS school in my area pretty darn expensive.


    • #3
      I pay $35 a month, month-to-month. No contracts.

      It will go up to $40 a month in January. Inflation and all.

      To train with Kukuk is $50 a month (Tues Thurs for 1.5 to 2.5 hours) or $10 a lesson. He's an excellent instructor and it's a helluva deal.

      And...of course... Judo is free (after you buy a gi).

      Personally, with what I know of MA, I won't pay for any type of Karate, Kung Fu, TKD or anything else unless I know of the instructor and feel I'm getting my money's worth. Had my current sensei not advertised 'Full Contact Jujutsu' I wouldn't be training there either.

      I'd pay more for my own school, or to train with Kukuk (but don't tell them! ). I'd also pay good money to train Hapkido with Burrese or BJJ with Simco or Senshido with Dimitri. But, again, this is based on my perception/experience of the instructor and how they work within their discipline. Chalambok. SAM, and William would be on my wish list as well but I am unfamiliar with the specifics of what they do.

      There are a few others I'd pay large (time money or other) to train with, but they don't post and I haven't trained with them yet so I won't mention names.

      I'd pay huge sums of money to beat on any of my online bretheren. Oh Yes!

      Bottom line is more of who you are training with and what (skills) they are teaching as opposed to what 'style' they are teaching.


      • #4
        i pay 40 for bjj too- i just quit MT because it was 100 with a contract. 2X a week.


        • #5
          I've charged 65 a month for 10 years now. On a contract it's a bit less though


          • #6
            prices in the Netherlands(land of the cheapscates) used to be 40-60 guilders for a normal gym 75 for a luxurious gym ( modern equipment)
            But now that we have the euro I don't know yet, will find out on wednesday, will start MMA then but have a feeling the prices are the same but now in euro's ( 2.2X worth of the guilder) 40-60 euro as if all wages have been multiplied by that too

            I have a reasonable wage but only make 1950 gross a month
            others have to do it with 1400 gross, and have to pay the gym out of that as well as feed the kids and wife ( cheers for childsupport)

            Not ever will I pay 75 euro a month for MA training let alone 150 for a few BJJ lessons a week from a brazilian


            • #7
              I will be paying 15 euro a month, for 2 x a week training
              Kids pay 10 euro, but it is a foundation, and shouldn't make any profit ( in my country people start a MAfoundation because than they can keep control but have tax benefits, a club has tax benefits but the mebers dicide about things democraticaly, the board of directors is chosen
              A school gives you total control but you pay tax like any company

              my old club charges 47 euro per 3 months


              • #8
                i used to pay about 8 dollars (australian) per lesson but then then my sensai moved to japan so next place i train wants 13 per lesson
                each lesson being 2 hrs and the new place and 2.5 at the last


                • #9
                  Help me out guys !

                  I can't find a martial arts school any cheaper than $75 a month in the austin texas area. With a decent number of classes and no initiation fees that is.

                  If someone could help me out I'd appreciate it.


                  • #10
                    My experience has always been you pay enough just to keep the lights on. It has never been about money for my instructors but to pass on the ideal of we teach and train to keep the art alive.


                    • #11
                      That is what makes a good school. I pay $50 dollars a month flat rate. No contracts or anything. They have 4 classes(1 1/2) a week plus one 3 hour sparring session(technically 1 1/2 whatever you want and the rest sparring) on sat. The head instructor has never even asked for the payments. At one point the prices were lower, but that same instructor was having to take money out of his own pocket to keep the place running.


                      • #12
                        Last edited by ncassidy; 05-26-2009, 05:47 PM. Reason: account cleared


                        • #13
                          Re: Help me out guys !

                          Originally posted by allswoledup
                          I can't find a martial arts school any cheaper than $75 a month in the austin texas area. With a decent number of classes and no initiation fees that is.

                          If someone could help me out I'd appreciate it.
                          Check out some of the MA student orgs at UT. Talk to the instructor of one of their MA clubs and see if you can bargain for one to one lessons.

                          Have you checked Solis & Sahuim (N.Lamar I think)? They ran a tight gym.


                          • #14
                            Check out some of the MA student orgs at UT. Talk to the instructor of one of their MA clubs and see if you can bargain for one to one lessons.
                            Thank's I['ll check out the gym and the Ut clubs.

                            Appreciate it.


                            • #15
                              My sensai doesn't make me pay because he is a friend of the family...i guess that's not an excuse but it's still odd that he doesn't make me pay

