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  • #16
    Originally posted by JKD-Escrima
    another good way to ward off an angry dog is to eat a lot of kimchi (korean).
    far yeah kimchi is leathal it STINKS like sh{t man.
    and i agree with adacas i would have no problem eating cats i hate those little bastards


    • #17
      a good weapon against a dog is...another dog. My dog damn near killed almost every animal in the neighborhood. He is 10-0-1 most by knockout. that 1 draw is from a fight with a pitbull and we managed to break that one up with a shovel and a broomhandle. hell if he could climb trees we wouldn't even see birds or squirrels anymore in our neighborhood. He has no problem going after other animals but when it comes to people he is a sissy. If someone tried to break in he would run up to them with his toy in his mouth and ask for a tummy rub.


      • #18
        if a dog is racing towards you a good kick under the jaw or a inward cresent kick to its mouth should do the trick.


        • #19
          See this related thread:


          • #20
            the funny thing is that I always end up protecting the other animals from him lol.


            • #21
              The tip I read recently and the idea I always had, was try and give the dog something to bite that a newspaper of jacket, or if worse comes to worse your arm (better than your throat or nads). Then with your free hand you can punch the nose, slap the ears, gouge the eyes, or crush the larynx. Their ribs are vulnerable too apparently, but luckily I've never had to test these methods...


              • #22
                Just try to forget about the teeth issue. They are smaller then people and take less punishment. A good kick or punch to the head will have them out cold. And if you cant do that, aim the kick for a leg.

                But please dont go looking for fights with dogs...


                • #23

                  About dogs,

                  They breath and bleed!

                  Kick, punch, poke eyes, and choke'em! Just like a human~!

                  aka Spook~Dog!

