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  • dogs

    sorry bout this, but i didnt have a clue where else to post this as it wont fit under any of the other forum headings....but anyway

    just wondering, we're always talking about how to fight against humans, but how woudl u defend against a dog attack?

  • #2
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    • #3

      Fighting with dogs?? That's kinda funny. Why not just shoot a dog and then eat it!! If you barbeque a Dachshund just right, those little legs taste just like buffalo wings...


      • #4
        You must be a Vietnam vet...jj. Daschunds are a threat to no one.


        • #5
          Yeah maybe and then again maybe not...if you don't cook em right you get sick.


          • #6
            Why don't you share a recipe?


            • #7
              Dachshund legs go best if you cook em' real slow on low flame. The best sauce I have found is Stubb's Spicy Wing Sauce (Austin, TX.) then you gotta serve em' up with homemade corn bread!!


              • #8
                haha I made a post in another forum here stating that I wondered what a dog tasted like. Buffalo wings you say...mmmmm. I'm a dog person. I got a big german shepard but he's not mean. He's a sissy. We tried to get him to bite people but instead he just runs up to them and rolls over asking for a belly rub. He is such a poser. Anyways as for being attacked by dogs my neighbors had an akita that got loose one time and went after me. That dog was nuts. I gave it one good kick to inside of its hindlegs and then a good punch to the snout. It gave up on me and ran back to its house. Later on that month the dog attacked another person and a few days later mysteriously died.


                • #9
                  Hey Adacas, yeah I'm a dog person too. I'm just pullin' yer legs! How's things down in the valley? I'm not too far away from there, where do you train?


                  • #10
                    To defend against a dog, give it a few straight rights straight on the nose, and kick it in the ribs. If its on top of you, pull its front legs out like a wishbone--------snap!


                    • #11
                      Remember if the fight goes to the ground don't try a triangle choke. Dogs are known to bite.


                      • #12
                        The valley is just fine. Its actually starting to cool down here. I don't get to train often. The only times are when my cousin visits me or when one of my friends piss me off. I am mostly on my own and try to learn from as many sources as possible. As for dogs I really am curious as to what they taste like but I couldn't do that. My dog woudl freak out if he saw me cooking up some chow. Get it chow, like the dog...never mind. Also cats. I hate cats so I would have no problem eating one of those little bastards.


                        • #13

                          Yum cats! to each his own. I myself could never consume an animal that licked its own arse. Aferall. you are what you eat.
                          I had an epic battle with a german shepard once. I was twelve. It was angry. It chased me and I ran. Never ran so fast in my life. I ended up cornered on someone's porch.
                          Ahh the suburbs. Everyone has garden hoses there. And in Sacramento summers, everyone knows to stand back when ya first turn on that hose . The water can be scorching. I pointed it at the angry canine and squeezed the nozzle.
                          "ai ai ai ai ai ai ai!!!" stupid dog. Moral of the story : be like water my friends.


                          • #14
                            Adacas, that's funny...cats ain't bad eatin' either...different, but good! Too bad you aren't hooked up with a gym in Fresno, there are lots of good boxers and MA practitioners there.


                            • #15
                              another good way to ward off an angry dog is to eat a lot of kimchi (korean).
                              If you've ever been to korea, you know what I mean.
                              that stuff literally comes out of your pores when you eat it, and the smell is less than appealing to the unfamiliar.
                              If a dog, with their great sense of smell got near you, and could stand it (which is hard to believe) he certainly would release within a milisecond of biting you.

