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This site is racist...

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  • #16
    AHAHAHAHA....sage who? is something nobody considerd.....

    WHO CARES ABOUT GREAT SAGE??..let him leave.

    Without this site he would still be riding his TKD instructors d*ck long and hard untill he finished his belt collection, millenium edition and centenial edition. Then he would get a free:

    "grapplers ain't shit" T-shirt......also comes with a free rainbow belt....that gives him the rank of supreme TKD footmaster.

    From that point on he would hang around doing hurricane kicks and rainbow kicks or whatever, remarking how he would kick a grappler in the face. How his foot is faster then your hands....and how at "his" TKD club they are Uber leet.

    Great sage.....your a chump. Your lost without this site.....

    Good luck.


    • #17
      And Bas Ruttan thinks you're really cool Kingston.


      • #18
        I too have read those posts and came to my own conlusion.
        Continuing the tradition set I am a heterosexual hispanic male who was not offended by those posts. They were not racist...stupid but not racist. Who really cares they were just telling of some observations they made. Sage if your gonna get all offended by that then adios, goodbye, bon voyage and sihanara or however you spell that. I for one am going to go eat my chorizo y papas all the while working on my fence climbing skills.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Szczepankiewicz
          And Bas Ruttan thinks you're really cool Kingston.
          LOL spanks. what can i say, im just a cool guy


          • #20
            My plan backfired. Jonny didnt even notice the broom in his house.


            • #21
              Re: This site is racist...

              Originally posted by Great Sage
              when your kids are being influenced by internet predators, or racist propaganda, it’s their freedom to do so
              I am so sick of this arguement.

              We have been having alot of press coverage of internet paedophiles and such in England recently and what really pisses me off is that if you have a 8 year old kid and you let them wander around a big city alone and they get snatched by some pervert or ran over...its YOUR fault: you shouldnt allow the kid to wander around the streets!

              How is the internet any differnet?

              Im not saying its right to be a paedophile, but parents have responsibilties.


              • #22
                Not racism just ignorance slight differnce

                I've read a couple of the threads, and much of what I read was ignorance = Lack of knowledge. Black people are faster, whites are stronger HOG-WASH. These are statements of folk of limited access to those not like them. When you use the NFL, NBA,NHL, WBA, as your sample of the world population to draw your conclusions of course you come up with Stupid as a conclusion.

                Folks these guys are not athelete because of there race duh! they get there size and strength because the train; and not because there ancesters trained.

                Natural selection are fools big words. If my parents were tall chances are I will be tall but if my parents were athletic before my birth and stopped before I grew up I would not have a predisposition to being atheletic. Have you ever looked at the parents of some pro athelets not one or two, but rather a real sample, you will find potbellies and worse.

                Guys you watch to much tube and need to make friends out side of your race to get a clue.


                • #23
                  first of all parents should take better care of their kids. Ever watch the Maury Povich show and see "My 13 year child is doing drugs and having sex!" That is pathetic. Grab your kid and beat the hell out of them. Really just beat the devil out. I'm sick of these people asking for help like they are just going to talk to the kid and straighten them out. What should happen is that the parent should get a good azzwhoopin and a good talk so they could then pass on that azzwhoopin to their kids. Tell me that your kid is nuts and you can't control him. Give me a rolling pin, a wet shirt, a goat, a pair of panties from your dead grandmothers heirlooms, $5, whiskey and an air gun loaded up to capacity and I'll set them straight.


                  • #24
                    Re: Not racism just ignorance slight differnce

                    Originally posted by Jitsu

                    Natural selection are fools big words. If my parents were tall chances are I will be tall but if my parents were athletic before my birth and stopped before I grew up I would not have a predisposition to being atheletic. Have you ever looked at the parents of some pro athelets not one or two, but rather a real sample, you will find potbellies and worse.
                    Genetics is important in sports. There are small genetic differences between races. Therefore some races will have an advantage in specific sports.

                    The differences are there and they do have SOME influence.

                    Eg. I invent a sport where you have to drink lots of alcohol without getting drunk. How many chinese people do you think will end up as champions?

                    Eg2. I invent a sport where you have to get beamed with ultra violet radiation without getting burnt. Caucasians are not going to fare well.


                    • #25
                      Can a Web site be racist? I mean, it isn't leving or breathing. Can it have a mind of its own? If so, who exactly is it racist against or for? This is a bit of a boggle. A conundrum, if you will.

                      I don't buy it. I don't think that an inanimate object can hold any racisim, or other personal views for or against anyone.

                      I also find it hard to believe that no one else took personally the ravings and ramblings of any of the posts.

                      I do respect Sage's right to have fellings about the posts, and to refuse to be a part of the site.

                      To Sage:

                      You do however realize, that by choosing to leave the forum, you are one less person fighting the good fight to stop that which you are so against. You are in fact an enabler, perpetuating the growth of that which you hate. If all the soldiers gave up the fight, the battle will have been lost.

                      You are not a coward, do not take the road of the quitter.

                      "Everyday spent training is one day closer to learning something."


                      • #26
                        Re: That's a bit strong

                        Originally posted by lynj99
                        This site is racist?????
                        Being a heterosexual black man, I for one was not insulted or angered by any of the posts you highlighted. Sure a few replys crossed the line but the most important point is that they were ignored or ridiculed. There are racists in all walks of life. Discussing blacks, whites, hispanics, orientals, asians or any other race does not make you or this site racist. Here is a fact ANY race is capable of racism.
                        I hope you were joking about leaving the site because it is an excellent resource and I haven't seen a good enough reason to leave. As MAfreak said don't sweat it. Most racism is down to sweeping generalisations and ignorance. You can't point that out by generalising yourself. The only way to beat racism and generalisations is by discussing these issues, which incidently is exactly what happened in each of those threads.

                        Just my 10 pence worth
                        I hope everybody read or will read this ^, it is great!

                        Adacas, same goes for you...thanks for understanding the difference between ignorance, and racism. Though, sometimes those terms are closely related, most of the time they are not.

