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This site is racist...

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  • This site is racist...

    After the last post I read, I realize that this forum condones racist views and I no longer care to post here. There are obvious and derogatory racist stereotypes found within this forum (some listed below). However, I’m more disappointed in the fact that the moderators of this forum have continued to ignore such distasteful threads.

    There’s an old expression: if you don’t like it then leave... I intend to leave, since most people will argue for the sake of “freedome of speech”, “freedom of expression.” Just remember though. One day when your kids are being influenced by internet predators, or racist propaganda, it’s their freedom to do so... Apparently, not everyone feels we have a responsibility to humanity, even within an internet forum.

    Have a nice life.

    Racist Stereotypes:

  • #2
    Apparently, not everyone feels we have a responsibility to humanity, even within an internet forum.

    Ok, who pissed in Sage's Post Toasties????

    I'm a heterosexual white male, aged 31.

    By default I'm a racist, sexist, jingoist homophobe. For the last 2 million years every single problem (slavery, rape, murder, war, genocide, infanticide, crime, and just about everything else) can be traced back to me and mine*.

    By mine I mean white heterosexual males. A statement which in and of itself is racist. However, it's OK for some reason for me to be 'stereotyped' as such.

    The only things I have direct control over are my own actions.

    I will not be held accountable for things which I have not done.

    Nor will I pay money, directly or indirectly through taxes, to comfort said 'victims'.

    A lot of bad shit has gone down in the past. A lot of bad shit is going down at present. You want I should wave my magic wand and erase 2 million years of genetic programming so we can just 'get along'????

    A couple of nice quotes come to mind:

    Life is short. Everyone has prejudices. Now stop crying and don't waste your time on other people's stupidity
    --Michelle Malkin

    "The day we say, 'You may no longer revere your cultural heritage because of your culture's sins or the misuse of its symbols,' is the day we must eliminate every culture known to man."
    --Charles Culbertson

    And one of my all time favorites:

    “Someone has to pay, Lenny. Somebody always pays. “
    --John Edward “Teddy” Gammell

    So you, kind sir, can take your white guilt and shove it straight up your ass.



    • #3
      Hi Sage,

      I just finished reading all the links you've posted. I've come to the conclusion that you should calm down, man. All the people who started the posts are either a) idiots, or b) ignorant, and the people who replied to the posts were quick to tell them just that. I'm sure the mods have seen the posts, they probably just felt nothing got out of hand because all the replies were civil, and not like..."YOU RACIST F#$#, GET THE F^#$ OUTTA HERE!!~." Like you, I do not condone racism, that topic is very sensitive to me. Trust me, there's nothing more satisftying to me than putting an ignorant bastard in his place . Don't sweat it man, let the idiots be idiots and the ignorant be ignorant.


      • #4
        I dont like the way you posted this thread twice.


        • #5
          I dont like the way you posted this thread twice.


          • #6
            Sage actually hit the topic three times. Once in MMA Forum, once here, and once in the Shaolin thread in Chinese Arts.

            Since his thread had nothing to do with MMA or BJJ, then I moved it here.


            • #7
              It reminds me of that old Commodores song....

              Your once........


              Three tiiiiimes a Racist........


              • #8
                Clever girl....


                • #9
                  That's a bit strong

                  This site is racist?????
                  Being a heterosexual black man, I for one was not insulted or angered by any of the posts you highlighted. Sure a few replys crossed the line but the most important point is that they were ignored or ridiculed. There are racists in all walks of life. Discussing blacks, whites, hispanics, orientals, asians or any other race does not make you or this site racist. Here is a fact ANY race is capable of racism.
                  I hope you were joking about leaving the site because it is an excellent resource and I haven't seen a good enough reason to leave. As MAfreak said don't sweat it. Most racism is down to sweeping generalisations and ignorance. You can't point that out by generalising yourself. The only way to beat racism and generalisations is by discussing these issues, which incidently is exactly what happened in each of those threads.

                  Just my 10 pence worth


                  • #10
                    The voice of reason, sir!

                    Fond regards!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      The voice of reason, sir!

                      Fond regards!
                      Yes it was a good post. But are we just saying that because he is black and by complitmenting him we prove we are not racist? Thats the trouble with racism, trying to prevent it can make it worse.

                      Where is your usual insulting comment? Or do you only do that to white (and green) people?


                      • #12
                        most of those threads weren't started out of racsist tendensies but out of other interrest

                        Most of them are asking why do people of certain decent excell in certain sports

                        Some can be traced to social things like where people are living and how they are living, the fact that you might be able to escape the getto by being good at sport
                        If you make 500 Grant a year, your son is not very likely to become a pro boxing champ
                        then again if you do not have much money you aren't very likely to become a F1 racedriver or a golfer

                        but even if this is all taken into account some races are more dominant in cartain sports than others
                        If it isn't social, it can only be food or genetics

                        talking about the difference in race isn't racist, it is realistic, racist is when we would put down others, most white people will agree black people excell in a lot of sport in those threads

                        of coarse they are generalisations but life is full of those
                        Even when a research sez 15% of americans do so and so, that is a generalisation because they didn't ask everybody did they, heck chances are they didn't even ask 1% of population (0.1% is more likely)

                        Saying "the iraqi people suffered under Saddam" is a generalisation because his friends of the Bath party didn't
                        But is make taking so difficult

                        I think it's actually more racist to say that there aren't any differences than to say that there are


                        • #13
                          At least we don't have to deal with the damn'ed communists!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lizard

                            Yes it was a good post. But are we just saying that because he is black and by complitmenting him we prove we are not racist? Thats the trouble with racism, trying to prevent it can make it worse.

                            Where is your usual insulting comment? Or do you only do that to white (and green) people?
                            But he didn't say anything stupid. You, on the other hand, never let me down.

                            Dick Neck.


                            • #15
                              Today we were walking to jonnys house and we saw a broom so I picked it up and took it to his house. We left it there so when he sees it it will totaly blow his mind!

