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Who thinks Thai Bri is any better then MuayThaiFighter.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by dkm
    I voted Thai Bri is better b/c he doesn't go around saying "muay Thai fighters can kick anyone's ass". True Thai boxers are suppose to be humble & prove their skills where it counts and not go around being arrogant on message boards.
    Sure he does,he's always doing that he just words it differently but the implication is exactly the same.

    Then he turns around and acts so innocent because he thinks he can get away with it and then puts me down when he does the exact same thing so he is no better.

    Thai Bri is a hypocrit.

    Unlike him at least I have the balls to admit to what I do and speak for what I believe in without worrying what others think.Only a chicken shit is afraid to speak his mind.I guess I am like another Eminem.LOL

    It is funny how people say I piss them off and say in here they are sick of my posts yet still seem to go and write in my threads makes no sense.Why post in a thread you disagree with and don't like ?


    • #17
      MuayThai Fighter:

      Lighten up man.
      I browse these forums while at work, and I appreciate the (mostly) god natured ribbing that goes around.

      It could be worse, I mean no one here is talking about your drinking habits... right Lizard?


      • #18
        Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter

        Sure he does,he's always doing that he just words it differently but the implication is exactly the same.

        Then he turns around and acts so innocent because he thinks he can get away with it and then puts me down when he does the exact same thing so he is no better.

        Thai Bri is a hypocrit.

        Unlike him at least I have the balls to admit to what I do and speak for what I believe in without worrying what others think.Only a chicken shit is afraid to speak his mind.I guess I am like another Eminem.LOL

        It is funny how people say I piss them off and say in here they are sick of my posts yet still seem to go and write in my threads makes no sense.Why post in a thread you disagree with and don't like ?
        You sad little twerp. You are beneath mankind. I am ashamed for you. Now go to momma and cry your little heart out.



        • #19
          Bri, do you always sign your letters "Wanker"



          • #20
            Only when I'm talking to one.



            • #21
              Oh No i feel emotionally scared (i think i'll start my own thread against you)

              Keep up the good work Wanker!!!!


              • #22
                <------------------ This is what I look like when I'm cracking one off.


                • #23
                  Both of you guys should get in the ring and get it on....


                  • #24
                    You should learn how to get it up, you impotent little turd toothed tit.

                    Fond regards!


                    • #25
                      I have an idea!

                      I voted Thai Bri is better b/c he doesn't go around saying "muay Thai fighters can kick anyone's ass". True Thai boxers are suppose to be humble & prove their skills where it counts and not go around being arrogant on message boards.
                      I think both Thai fighter and Bri should just freakin have out in a very bloody and brutal fight. The last man standing will be better than the other jackass and there will be no more need for idiotic forums with childish intentions. That's my idea of humble boxers proving their skills where it counts.


                      • #26
                        I'd kick the cack out of you and him, both at once.

                        I really am that tough. Ninja level, actually.


                        • #27
                          Vocal Suicide!

                          [/QUOTE]I'd kick the cack out of you and him, both at once. [/QUOTE]

                          Don't right checks your ass can not cash. You may find that you challenge an oponent who will not stop until he destroys you in a fight. Challenge if you must but be aware of a killer when smart talk one.


                          • #28
                            "Don't right checks your ass can not cash"


                            • #29
                              ??? What the hells that supposed to mean ???


                              • #30
                                heh it's supposed to say "Don't WRITE cheques your ass can't cash"

                                What confuses me is the next line "Challenge if you must but be aware of a killer when smart talk one."


                                Damian Mavis
                                Honour TKD

