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Who thinks Thai Bri is any better then MuayThaiFighter.

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  • #31

    Hey Thai Bri..."a turd toothed little tit" ???? Is that the best you could come up with you douche bag? I don't know whether MuayThaiFighter could whip you or not, but I can guarantee that I would kick your ass. Why don't you stick with something safe like picking on old ladies or something you sissy!

    Warmest regards.


    • #32
      Oh Yeah, and BTW...your wife didn't think I had any problem with the "getting it up" part either. Tell her I had a pretty good time why dontcha'!


      • #33
        Thai Bri vs. SOUTHPAW

        Oh's on now!!! Hey SOUTHPAW I saw you the other day working out on the banana bag...yikes!!


        • #34
          You know I never really payed attention to much before Bri but you have a real nack for pissing people off. No offense meant. I think it's a true skill now that I get a better look at it. It's like you have some kind of gift that you know exactly what to say. I'm impressed.


          • #35
            Hey guys!

            Where is this wonderfull forum where I can talk stlye vs. stlye 24-7? I am soooooooooo excited. I just heard about this new fighting art. It is called Mongolian Butt fighting. You take any weapon you want, hold it with your butt cheeks and swing away. It is the latest craze. All the cool guys are doing it. some of them are even starting schools.

            I can't wait to put it up against the other great arts on the new posting thread.


            • #36
              Nothing scares me more than the thought of Spanky running around with a sword between his butt cheeks trying to cut everyone up.


              • #37
                At least TB isn't so stupid to think no MT fighter can ever be defeated by an other striking art fighter (like Karate or KB)

                Bri at least listens to other peoples argument and at time can agree with them

                MTF, just doesn't believe certain recorded things

                Apart from that TB will kick MTF's behind at any given time


                • #38
                  Re: I have an idea!

                  Originally posted by Zero18

                  I think both Thai fighter and Bri should just freakin have out in a very bloody and brutal fight. The last man standing will be better than the other jackass and there will be no more need for idiotic forums with childish intentions. That's my idea of humble boxers proving their skills where it counts.
                  Why would I fight Bri ? I fight real fighters not little boys who only think they are tough.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by dkm
                    I voted Thai Bri is better b/c he doesn't go around saying "muay Thai fighters can kick anyone's ass". True Thai boxers are suppose to be humble & prove their skills where it counts and not go around being arrogant on message boards.
                    I'm very much humble and I have proven my skills several times in a ring and even in some real fights.

                    Me arrogrant!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's funny,I don't consider myself arrogrant,maybe an asshole sometimes but if that is t he case so be it.

                    I just give my opinions and experience .Like Bri I get straight to the point if people don't care what I say that's their problem not mine. I say it as it is.

                    Besides if Thai Bri doesn't agree with my statements and most of all doesn't even do Thai Boxing then he shouldn't be using the word "Thai "in his name sort of contradictary I'd say. I'm proud of the style I do so I use it in my name but obviously Bri Thai isn't proud of his art or he wouldn't be using this Thai word after all he told me he doesn't even to Thai boxing.

                    I'm starting to get the feeling that Bri Thai isn't even in Martial arts or that if he is he's probably a beginner and will take any side that seems to be the majority of this forum whether he agrees or not.


                    • #40
                      Bri is an experienced Martial artist from what i can gather - he is capable of discussion on the merits of arts different to his own. (sometimes and often with funnily sadistic comments towards the end of each post!) But he is capable of curtosy.

                      So he gets my vote.

                      MTF seems to just say - MT is best - your all crap if you practice anything else! so there! - then not reply when you completely prove him wrong about his own assumptions!

                      looks like your in the lead Bri!

                      Nice to see another mature ' my dick is bigger than your dick' discussion!



                      • #41
                        Actually my dick is the biggests and most mature (its been ripening for the last few months)


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MuayThaiFighter

                          I'm starting to get the feeling that Bri Thai isn't even in Martial arts or that if he is he's probably a beginner and will take any side that seems to be the majority of this forum whether he agrees or not.
                          Well I have this feeling that most here think this about you, we have been discussing with Bri and have found him to be open and listen to what other have to say

                          If I say to you that no MT fighter has haver gone through to the second roud of the open Kyokushin world championship ( all there championships are open) or that Kurosaki was the only karatefighter to defeat his Thai oponent in a MT match at that time, you just don';t believe it even though it is on record

                          Because Bri is more open, he is more likely to have learned stuff along the way, also as a cop he is more likely than any of us to be applying it in real life


                          • #43
                            Where's your heart man?

                            Hey Thai Bri...what's up dog? SOUTHPAW threw down the gauntlet, and you didn't even respond? I bet he could kick your ass!!! MuayThaiFighter might have to get in line.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]

                              Well I have this feeling that most here think this about you, we have been discussing with Bri and have found him to be open and listen to what other have to say.

                              If I say to you that no MT fighter has haver gone through to the second roud of the open Kyokushin world championship ( all there championships are open) or that Kurosaki was the only karatefighter to defeat his Thai oponent in a MT match at that time, you just don';t believe it even though it is on record

                              Because Bri is more open, he is more likely to have learned stuff along the way, also as a cop he is more likely than any of us to be applying it in real life

                              "Well I have this feeling that most here think this about you, we have been discussing with Bri and have found him to be open and listen to what other have to say."

                              I don't care if most think this about me because everyone is allowed their own opinion.

                              Besides I know I have done a few different styles and plan on doing others in future like Aikido, Judo, Arnis or Kali.

                              I have a 2nd degree blackbelt in Goju Ryu and Meibu-kan karate(which I studied for 12 yrs.)

                              I have also done MuayThai and Grappling for last 5yrs.and continue to do so.

                              So this means I am open to other styles but I also have my opinion on styles that I think are useless for self-defense.

                              Not once did I ever say that a MuayThai fighter has not lost against a karate person.I know it happens but very rarely 9 out of 10 x the MuayThai person has been proven to win in fights.

                              I said MuayThai is the best for "STAND UP" never once did I say it was the best art in the world.

                              However I also said that the best arts are mixed martial arts styles I wouldn't be able to say this if I wasn't open to other styles and if it had never been proven before.

                              I know that no one style is good on its own they all need to have both stand up and grappling to be any good. I do still believe as a "SINGLE STAND UP "art though that MuayThai is the best but not the best art altogether in world.

                              I am allowed to have my own opinions based on my experience just as every one else can.


                              • #45

                                I find it true wisdom not to predetermine any fighters lot, in that all fighters are different and even in the same martial art styles may vary, humility for a fighter comes naturally, but personally I see all fighters equal outside of the ring. When you step into the squared circle, cage, lion's den, octagon, or any other ring that is worth fighjting in then and only then can true determinants be made of fighters.

