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Open Instructor Course SinaTirsiaWali of Kali Silat in Va. Beach

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  • Open Instructor Course SinaTirsiaWali of Kali Silat in Va. Beach

    We will be conducting open training in Kali Silat's hottest concepts' SinaTirsiaWali, developed from the original Pekiti Tirsia, Doce Pares and Saradas practices, including Pencak Silat, Lanka Empat system of the late Suryadi Jafri. This program is held twice yearly in March & September, only in Virginia Beach, VA.

    September 9 to 13th, 2005 & March 24 to 28th, 2006 in Virginia Beach, VA
    Five day program, development and practices including the original 64 attacks system, 112 system of Sinawali, and the empty hands of Pencak Silat, Single, Double weapon combinations, everything is covered to give you the power to develop your own, school, club, organization.

    Includes, breakdown of material, 4 DVD with the systems there on the DVD and at and from the program, you get,
    1) The original 64 Attacks system, explained and clearly showing footwork, stretching practices, body mechanics, striking techniques and the magic of their drills. Including how to develop your own practices and the foundation of their principles.

    2) The Sinawali system of 22 plus ways of sinawali, learn how to manipulate them all in a re-discovery of the ancient practices of these sinawali that combined all methods in practice, not just one at a time. Begin to understand how they work in combination of weapons.

    3) Documentation: All the necessary tools to work with, logos, T-shirts caps, releases, etc. There to use in your own development in your community. Whether it's a club, school, or organization. Including Instructor Guru or Instructor Candidate Certification to teach and share these arts and sciences together, to pave the path of new developments in how martial arts are taught you must be a part of this program.

    4) You'll see for yourself, why I guarantee the success in you and in this program. Find out more by sending me a private message, or email me at Don't be confused, I have been practicing Kali Silat since 1972 and I continue my practice at 60. See you in Virginia Beach, VA this September 9-13th or in March 2006

    P. Greg Alland, Certified Master, Kali Silat
    by GM Jerson Tortal, Leo Tortal Gaje, Jr., and receipient of certification in Doce Pares by Grand Masters Canete and Canete, the late Grand Master Preses, and the late Suryadi Jafri. And among other masters and grand masters in Kali Silat and honorary recognition in other martial arts and including Chief Referee in Doce Pares, etc., etc.,
