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Terrorism in the usa no longer a threat!!

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  • Terrorism in the usa no longer a threat!!

    good news folks the F.B.I has terrorism so well in hand they are forming anti-adult (not child) porn units!! adults watching porn at home are the newest target of the F.B.I. !! good to know all the terrorists and curruption and violent crime has been dealt with, otherwise it might look like we are trying to appease the christians again last time we were so busy investigating consenting adults sex lives(clinton's women) we forgot to watch out for a little thing called terrorism...but its all under control now...

  • #2
    just kiddin' i agree 100% percent Mike, but people need someone to point thier finger at and scream how evil that person they dont have to look in the mirror and see thier own faults...

    its all about appeasing the "special interest" groups...we need a special interest group to protect us from the special interest groups! An actual separation of church and state vs the lip service one we have now would be a great start.

    Then maybe we can start on getting rid of all the lobbiest next!


    • #3
      Happy people never complain.


      • #4
        Originally posted by HtTKar
        Happy people never complain.
        and the squeaky wheel gets the grease ....... or the noose

