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armoured vehicles

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  • armoured vehicles


    Here in Northern Ireland all of the armoured army (and police) vehicles (and watch towers and police stations) all have a layer of steel mesh around them to detonate RPG's before they hit the actual vehicle (or tower) armour.

    I never see that on vehicles in Iraq. I would like to have it on a Hummer if I was in it especially with RPGs being so popular.

    How come they dont have them?

    Has the armour improved and they are no longer required?


  • #2
    I feel so ignored...sob sob

    Does no one know the answer to this question or is it just not worth answering?


    • #3
      Hey cam, I am sorry that I did not see this tread as well.

      When the company that I was with was doing the up-armor it was on a couple of different trucks (we called everything over there a truck). Anyway, the metal mesh was still all over the convoy trucks the TCNs were driving, but the armor kits and the new glass that went with them were designed to get rid of that need.

      I am not 110% positive, but we had trucks that came back that WERE hit by RPGs and the Marines did survive. The Kit is pretty incredible. your were basically adding a half, sometimes a full inch of steel to this thing. Now, it takes alot of thier "quick needed" speed away, but they can take a serious hit.

      Here are som pics that I took of the shop. I will try to get out some more.
      hope they help.

      use this as some what of a the pic of the HUMMWV, EVERYTHING that IS NOT painted in a camo pattern is armor.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks Guys, Great pics.

        That looks like some pretty serious armour.


