How do you -*persons*- feel about the moral dilemma that faces many soldiers sent over to the invasion of Iraq to take part in a war that they don’t believe is just, to kill people who are defending their country from foreign invaders, and all for a president they didn’t vote for. Are they cowards for not standing up for their moral beliefs?
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Conscientious objectors the real heroes?
Fair play mate. But do you not agree that some people joining the US military did not have invading Iraq in mind when they swore to defend USA. And so they may find themselves in a position where they are sent to a war which they think is unjust right. And hell of a lot of people join up because there's sod all work for them in civvy street right. Saying that soldiers should follow orders blindly is a cop out innit. It's shifting the blame, not taking responsibility for your own actions right. What do you say to that mate?
Originally posted by nutterWhy's that mate? Come on, explain your viewpoint to us without just throwing insults about mate.
(Damn...harder then I thought it would be)
So if you were ordered to shoot looters in New Orleans you wouldn't have the moral fibre to say "No, I'm not going to do that"? You must be so brave to blindly follow orders mate. As for the recent invasion being legal, well that's a matter of opinion so yet another cop out innit.
It's a bit materialistic to say that a soldier's duty dictated by his paycheck is greater than his moral duty as a citizen of the world innit.
Originally posted by Mike BrewerWhat about the moral issue in accepting pay, bonuses, and all that stuff from an organization you are morally against? What does it make you if you are willing to take money, medical care, educational benefits, housing, food, school for our children, retirement, and career training from an organization that you find reprehensible?
The war in Iraq was declared illegal by the UN right. And re your New Orleans cop out answer, I asked IF you were ordered, I didn't say he did order it. IF he did, you wouldn't have any moral problems doing it? Bang bang, nothing like the smell of dead civilian in the morning hey mate.