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You have the right to be tortured...

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  • You have the right to be tortured...

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    The court transcripts are Quite the read...burned with lighters, testicles electrocuted, beaten with saps, fingers broken, kicked, and threatened with a bullet in the brain (complete with a gun to plant on him)...all so they could search for pot? Yep you heard right, this was the torture to get him to sign a release to ALLOW them to search for pot...hey they found some rolling papers on him so it was all good This happens in Amerika, and the press and the govt hush it up....remember this the next time you encounter a cop.... Hearts and minds people, now days you are inoccent till they torture a confession out of you....and you thought It only happened to terrorist in foreign countries?

    Now the FIVE cops involved want to complain they got 10 months for this??!!... F**k 'em deaths too good, give them to the inmates for amusement. One bad apple can ruin the whole bunch huh? Then its obvious where we stand aint it?

  • #2
    The scariest thugs of all are the ones that have badges


    • #3


      • #4
        Originally posted by stabbychick
        . That way we can fool people into believing they are here to protect and serve.
        Thats exactly why they are here!!! To protect and serve their interest (and the interest of those who they work for.) See the looting cops protecting themselves and serving their own interst by using their state issued power and weapons to loot, others using thier issued weapons to violate the constitution and disarm the people during katrina.


        • #5
          Cops that abuse their power this way are probably the single best reason to exercise your right to keep and bear arms


          • #6
            Fuked up, man...................................fuked up...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
              Cops that abuse their power this way are probably the single best reason to exercise your right to keep and bear arms
              Seeing as the cops and our government (Bush and gang) treat us like this NOW imagine if we had no weapons? Saddam wouldnt have shit on the crap that goes on here...the guns are the only thing keeping some of these jerks in line as it is.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                Seeing as the cops and our government (Bush and gang) treat us like this NOW
                You saying this is standard fare?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by treelizard
                  You saying this is standard fare?
                  you're claiming it isnt? Read the fucking papers...see how little of it gets printed in our press...yes its freakin in are aware of the chicago prison torture chambers that have been running 24 -7 for 25 years arent you? Thats beeing desparately covered up for fear of sparking nation wide race riots, along with a number of other incidents that have come to light recently


                  • #10
                    It would be interesting to look at a percentage of incidents compared to percentage of those that are handled properly. I don't believe all cops are the good guys but I certainly don't think they're all bad guys either.

                    Street crime happens daily too, but not every person walking down the street is a criminal.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by treelizard
                      It would be interesting to look at a percentage of incidents compared to percentage of those that are handled properly. I don't believe all cops are the good guys but I certainly don't think they're all bad guys either.

                      Street crime happens daily too, but not every person walking down the street is a criminal.
                      No but you can be hauled in and tortured to see if you are though...

                      CHICAGO, Aug. 29 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Allegations that Chicago police systematically tortured an estimated 135 African-American criminal suspects and have yet to be criminally charged by local prosecutors –- prompted a petition Monday for an international investigation.

                      A group of human rights organizations, bar associations, attorneys, and community activists in Chicago sent a letter to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), asking the panel to review evidence that local authorities have failed to file criminal charges against members of a police unit on Chicago's South Side accused of torturing African-American male suspects in an effort to extract false criminal confessions.

                      Some of the victims remain in prison on convictions that were based largely on confessions coerced by torture. Others spent more than a decade on Illinois' Death Row, until their sentences were commuted by a former governor.

                      All of the alleged acts of torture took place under the direction of Former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge, who has been the subject of various legal inquiries -– and intense public controversy –- for nearly a decade. A special prosecutor was appointed in 2002 to review the case but has yet to issue any findings or file criminal charges.

                      The lack of local accountability for these heinous acts has prompted the victims and their supporters to seek international intervention. In their letter, the groups urged IACHR, the human rights arm of the Organization of American States (OAS), to hold a hearing on the alleged abuses in the hopes that the panel will issue a finding that prosecution in this case is warranted.

                      "Our judicial system has failed us when torturers like Jon Burge are free while the men who suffered their atrocities languish in prison without a fair trial," said Stan Willis, chairman of the Chicago chapter of the National Conference of Black Lawyers. "That is simply unacceptable. Because the City and State authorities have chosen inaction, we are seeking intervention at an international level, so that torture victims and their families are accorded some measure of justice."

                      The letter also points out that Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, while States Attorney of Cook County, refused to criminally investigate these allegations when they first arose.

                      Between 1971 and 1992, approximately 135 African-American men were subjected to various forms of torture common under Burge's command, including electric shocks to the genitals administered by a cattle prod, suffocation, burns, and mock executions with a shotgun, according to the letter.

                      Burge and his men have yet to be criminally charged for their conduct, though the torture that took place has been widely documented. Four men on Illinois' Death Row were pardoned by Gov. Ryan in 2001 when it became apparent that their false confessions were coerced by torture at Area 2. In addition, an investigation conducted by the Chicago Police Department's Office of Professional Standards concluded that torture under Burge was common.

                      A special prosecutor was appointed more than three years ago to investigate the torture allegations but has yet to indict Burge and his men or issue a report on his findings.

                      Meanwhile, Burge resides in Fla., collecting his police pension. The City of Chicago has continued to defend Burge at taxpayers' expense.

                      "We are tired of waiting for Burge and his men to be held accountable," said Locke Bowman, legal director of the MacArthur Justice Center, which has represented men who have been imprisoned largely on the basis of false confessions that Burge extracted through torture. "There is a mountain of proof that African- American men were tortured multiple times on the south side of Chicago under the watch of Commander Burge. He and those he supervised must be held responsible for these blatant human rights violations."


                      • #12
                        The vast majority of cops in Katrina did what again? In the time of need they became the biggest armed bunch of thugs in the area and used their authority to loot. The large majority proved themselves to be scum when the chips were down.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                          I too am of the opinion that the vast majority of cops are good people doing a tough and dangerous job.

                          By and large I agree with you here, although I think it depends on the dept. New Orleans in particular was (and to some degree still is) notorious for corruption for a while, and for good reason. I have friends who worked with the N.O.P.D. and they tell some disturbing stories. The thing is that IMHO a crooked cop is a lot scarier and more dangerous than an oridinary criminal because of their badge. With other criminals I can fight back and defend myself, but against a cop that only makes your situation worse. Not only that but who do you go to for protection? Another cop? What are the chances that cop would take my word over another cop? Most people automatically side with the police- the attitude is that whatever happened you're probably a criminal that had it coming. That attitude opens the door for some horrifying abuses.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                            By and large I agree with you here, although I think it depends on the dept. New Orleans in particular was (and to some degree still is) notorious for corruption for a while, and for good reason. I have friends who worked with the N.O.P.D. and they tell some disturbing stories. The thing is that IMHO a crooked cop is a lot scarier and more dangerous than an oridinary criminal because of their badge. With other criminals I can fight back and defend myself, but against a cop that only makes your situation worse. Not only that but who do you go to for protection? Another cop? What are the chances that cop would take my word over another cop? Most people automatically side with the police- the attitude is that whatever happened you're probably a criminal that had it coming. That attitude opens the door for some horrifying abuses.
                            Thing is if you arent a cop, they have nothing but contempt for you.
                            I'm a member of a forum that is primarily cops and SF operators, the cops have a FIT if anyone questions ANYTHING they do Two threads were locked and the person who started them (it wasnt me) was nearly run off the forum for suggesting SOME cops might be a bit pudgy...he was told they gain weight from stress and if you arent a cop you dont have the right to comment on them imagine how they're gonna react to someone tellin them their fellow cop is a criminal


                            • #15
                              That couldn't POSSIBLY be just the cops that are vocal on that particular forum.

