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A cultist is....

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  • A cultist is....

    A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment [i.e., the Right of the people to keep and bear Arms]; and who distrusts big government. Any of these may qualify [a person as a cultist], but certainly more than one [of these characteristics] would cause us to look at this person as a threat, and his family being in a risk situation that qualified for government interference. ~Janet Reno~ While serving as the US AG.

    So by the this definition how many of you can be legally tortured???

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
      I'd say it puts Janet Reno's head on the block first. Anyone with that much animosity for churchgoers and home schoolers must be in some kind of anti-cult cult, wouldn't you think?
      Yep, its called the New World Order...its led by grave robbing cult members called the skull and bones society...our current president (and most of those before him) slept in the coffin full of dirt so he's in...have you slept in coffin of dirt with the members of your cult chanting around you all night?.... Or are you a dangerous christian who sends his kids to sunday school and believes in the constitution?

      But there isnt anything wrong with this country or it's leadership


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
        Actually, I have slept in a coffin. See in college there was this girl who was studying to be a mortician - real kinky chick - and I...wait. This isn't what you were talking about is it?

        Dude, honestly, I don't see anything wrong with any of these organizations' rituals. The Skulls, the Masons, the Christians, the Jews - some might even say all the costumes and bowing and foreign languages and ritual dances in martial arts; it's just the ceremony and traditions that make those members of those organizations feel like they are part of something unique, and that they sahre a bond that other non-members can't understand. Unless you want to fight all the fraternities and sororities, the Moose and Elks lodges, and every other fraternal society out there (Fraternal Order of Police?) then you have to accept that while it may be wierd as hell for you to lay down in a coffin, it may be just as strange for someone else to devote their lives to studying an energy and points within the human body that modern science cannot even prove exists.

        All I'm saying is that if you want other people to show tolerance for pot smoking long haired bike riding hippies, you might have to show some tolerance for their rituals too. After all, Boar, you're one of the first ones to tell them "Let me live my life." Turn-about is fair play.
        Uh huh so now you defend the boners rights to consider US the criminals? These freakin wierdo's are the ones with the wonderful soundbites and wierd rituals..... Bohemian grove anyone? BTW so what about grave robbing?Thats criminal activity....If the CULT required you to do it, isnt that a criminal conspiracy?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
          Actually, I have slept in a coffin. See in college there was this girl who was studying to be a mortician - real kinky chick - and I...wait. This isn't what you were talking about is it?


          D'oh! Just when it was getting good...


          • #6

            1918 letter claims Geronimo's bones found

            A letter asserts some of Geronimo's remains are in a tomb at Yale's famed Skull and Bones headquarters.

            HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A Yale University historian discovered a 1918 letter that raises anew questions about a secretive Yale student society and the remains of the American Indian leader Geronimo.

            The letter, written by a member of Skull and Bones to another member of the society, purports that some of the Indian leader's remains were spirited from his burial plot in Fort Sill, Okla., to a stone tomb in New Haven that serves as the club's headquarters.

            A portion of the letter and an accompanying story were posted Monday on the Yale Alumni Magazine's website.

            At one of the most selective universities in the country, Skull and Bones marks the elite of the elite. Only 15 Yale seniors are asked to join each year. Alumni include President Bush, Sen. John Kerry, President William Howard Taft, numerous members of Congress, media leaders, Wall Street financiers, the scions of wealthy families and agents in the CIA.

            Members swear an oath of secrecy about the group and its strange rituals, which includes devotion to the number "322" and initiation rites that include confessing sexual secrets and kissing a skull. The atmosphere makes Skull and Bones favorite fodder for conspiracy theorists.

            Its most enduring story concerns Geronimo, who died in 1909. According to lore, members of Skull and Bones — including the president's grandfather, Prescott Bush — dug up his grave when a group of Army volunteers from Yale were stationed at the fort during World War I.


            • #7
              It is my understanding that this "quote" attributed to Janet Reno has been discredited as a hoax.

              It is my belief that is someone is going to join or start a cult, why be involved in one that is no fun. No Christmas or other holiday celebrations, celibacy, giving all your money to the leader, giving you wife to the leader, drinking poison kool aide and giving it to the kids, eating poison apple sauce in order to get on the space ship, no drinking, drinking animal blood. Forget all that junk.

              A good cult would have only indulgence in all carnal pleasures, plenty of fertility priestesses, lots of love potion #9, peyote, etc.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dim Wit Moc
                It is my understanding that this "quote" attributed to Janet Reno has been discredited as a hoax.
                It's my understanding only republicans claim that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dim Wit Moc

                  A good cult would have only indulgence in all carnal pleasures, plenty of fertility priestesses, lots of love potion #9, peyote, etc.
                  Damn it I guess we aren't as secret as we thought


                  • #10
                    Heheheheh jealous of lying scum that feed off others? NEVER.

                    I really dont care one way or another about the boners, they arent who matter, the only people who decide the fate of America are the American people.

                    You sound pretty content right now must be part of the 29 percent of America who doesnt dissaprove of the job Bush is doing.


                    • #11
                      Whaaaa? Me and you dont always agree? say it aint so

                      BTW Bush isnt capable of eating pretzels without choking, i'm sure he isnt competant enough to run secret anything....He couldnt even keep the note he wrote to condi asking permission to go the bathroom a secret

                      and oh yeah, I like how you compared archaeology to grave robbing stunts by cults.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Like I said, great debate, right there. Come know you wanna. Tell the truth... It's okay, everybody knows already. You can say it. Who's the man?
                        Man if it aint one nutthugger around here, its another!! there you go huggin your own nutts


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                          It's okay, Boar. They're huge. There's room for you, too.
                          Whoa too much info, you know, don't ask don't tell and all.

                          Besides, you've got me confused with nutter.

                          Nutter's Brewers ballsack Companion.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BoarSpear
                            A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has a strong belief in the Second Amendment [i.e., the Right of the people to keep and bear Arms]; and who distrusts big government. Any of these may qualify [a person as a cultist], but certainly more than one [of these characteristics] would cause us to look at this person as a threat, and his family being in a risk situation that qualified for government interference. ~Janet Reno~ While serving as the US AG.

                            So by the this definition how many of you can be legally tortured???

                            Lol this person is an idiot if they really said that. It gave me a good laugh though.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              I voted for the guy, and I still think he has done some great things. I have parted company with him on immigration (see my last few sentences), and I am concerned about how he's handling Iran (though I still completely understand why he's shying away from face to face talks with Ahmadenijad, and I do agree with his reasoning), and how he distinctly isn't handling Hugo Chavez. I'd say on the whole, I still support him as the President, but I am disagreeing more and more. What I do not and will not say, though, is that he is part of some grand conspiracy to take over the world, and I do not for one second think that his actions have been the result of any membership in any fraternity. That's just dumb. It irks me to see him ignore the advice of so many from his own party, and the good ideas from people that aren't in his party, though. He's a leader that has a lot of good people around him (and by good, I am referring to their job competence). Good leaders listen to those kinds of people. Yes, they know when to make their own decisions, but I think he might be cutting off his nose to spite his face. You can lose all the support you want from the "big pool" if you know that the people close to you will support you in doing the right thing and proving yourself in the end. But when you drive away the people who got you there and backed you up all along, you're asking for disaster. I think our President is dangerously close to doing just that.

                              So, yeah, I guess I approve of his Presidency, but I also have to say that he's missing more than he hits of late. Between the ports deal (which I didn't really have as much a problem with as you did, but I still didn't like), the shifts in military spending that are cutting so many training functions in favor of new weapons systems, and the immigration issue, I am one of the un-silent 71 percent. Still, I can't help but believe that as a citizen of a democratic republic, you can separate issues from people and still get things done. Long story short, I approve of a lot of things, and I part company on a lot of things. But hell, man. I can say that about you and me, too.

                              By the way, nice shift from "These cults are the root of corruption in American politics" to "I don't care." Give me some props. That was good debate right there!

                              Wow, we share very similar views... not that I didn't already know that, but this reinforces it. Good post.

