Dead end
I can see by the fact that you missed many answers to your questions already in my last post. it appears that this argument is over.
I say this with all due repsect, but you have missd many of the points in my post because you have allowed yourself to be blinded by your own hope that waht you believe in has to be right. I don't disagree with everything you have said but our points aren't made on what we think is moral or not. I understand that doing the right thing all the time is impossible but you fail to see the blatant disregaurd that many of the leaders you boast on here, have for thier fellow man.
You make your points as if the people who you approve of as leaders never commited a henious act that wasn't necessary. Alot of what falls out everytime they turn the White House over and shake, is unecessary scams and coverup's that some government leader or another's dirty laundry. Covering up the existence a whore or mistress to keep her from blabbing on you is not a matter of national security. And thats just an embarrassing one nobody died there that I heard of. There are many other stories not so nice.
If your idea of a moral leader of a country is someone who will do whatever it takes to get ahaed as thecurrent leader has shown numerous times, then we have nothing furthuer to discuss. We are apparently two people who stick by our opinions strongly and I understand that you feel my opinion is stupid. That's fine but also understand that we see the world as two diffrent places. Your world is much larger than mine but I can't agree that what I see happening on either side right now is right.
Thank you for your conversation I am all typed out.
Originally posted by Mike Brewer
I can see by the fact that you missed many answers to your questions already in my last post. it appears that this argument is over.
I say this with all due repsect, but you have missd many of the points in my post because you have allowed yourself to be blinded by your own hope that waht you believe in has to be right. I don't disagree with everything you have said but our points aren't made on what we think is moral or not. I understand that doing the right thing all the time is impossible but you fail to see the blatant disregaurd that many of the leaders you boast on here, have for thier fellow man.
You make your points as if the people who you approve of as leaders never commited a henious act that wasn't necessary. Alot of what falls out everytime they turn the White House over and shake, is unecessary scams and coverup's that some government leader or another's dirty laundry. Covering up the existence a whore or mistress to keep her from blabbing on you is not a matter of national security. And thats just an embarrassing one nobody died there that I heard of. There are many other stories not so nice.
If your idea of a moral leader of a country is someone who will do whatever it takes to get ahaed as thecurrent leader has shown numerous times, then we have nothing furthuer to discuss. We are apparently two people who stick by our opinions strongly and I understand that you feel my opinion is stupid. That's fine but also understand that we see the world as two diffrent places. Your world is much larger than mine but I can't agree that what I see happening on either side right now is right.
Thank you for your conversation I am all typed out.
