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  • #61
    Originally posted by Mike Brewer
    Instead, let me just say that there are far greater strategic interests at stake, and we likely felt it was better for us to step in and make friends with an emerging government than to let someone else, perhaps more threatening, to do so.
    Making friends? yeah, the George Bush way...kill everyone who doesnt seem to be gaining us friends....

    Pick your riot...or its reasons...

    May 9th, Newsweek reported that U.S. military investigators had found evidence that interrogators had flushed a copy of the Qur’an, Islam’s holy book, down the toilet to get inmates to talk. Since that time, protests have raged in Afghanistan, where 16 have been killed and more than 100 have been injured.

    Its a cultural thing brewer says Glad were there respecting it and making friends...

    Riots breach Kabul 'island'

    Hundreds rampaged in the capital Monday after a deadly traffic accident involving a US military convoy.

    or this 8 hour riot last week because of a triffic accident? Yeah more like they're just SICK of our shit, they dont seem friendly or glad were there to me...

    By Rachel Morarjee | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor

    KABUL, AFGHANISTAN -- Hundreds of demonstrators rampaged through the Afghan capital Monday, torching foreign aid agencies and looting businesses in a wave of violence that killed at least 14 people and wounded another 142.

    The riots brought the unrest, which has racked southern Afghanistan in recent months, within the gates of Kabul - hitherto seen as an island of stability.

    The protest was sparked early Monday when a US military convoy was involved in a traffic accident with a cargo truck that had experienced a mechanical failure. The resulting 12-car pileup killed at least one person, the US military said in a statement. US soldiers fired warning shots over the top of the crowd that had gathered around the accident. However, it remains unclear whether the five people who were killed at the scene were shot by the US military or by Afghan police who arrived to control the crowds.

    A survey of the city's hospitals found that at least 11 more people were killed over the course of the day's rioting, which caused millions of dollars of damage and left a trail of destruction along the route the protesters traveled.

    With violence in southern Afghanistan at its worst levels since the fall of the Taliban, the Kabul riots reflect a growing nationwide resentment about the foreign military presence in the country and the glacial pace of reconstruction, say analysts and residents.

    "There is a large reservoir of discontent and people are now just looking for a reason to vent their rage," says a Western diplomat who requested anonymity.

    Demonstrators set the offices of CARE and other foreign aid agencies ablaze, but also torched a Chinese brothel and Afghan businesses as the demonstrations escalated into looting.

    "Many people hate the NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] because they see all this money coming into the country and they have not been able to get jobs. They were waiting for a day like today," says Ehsan, an Afghan security officer.

    The road accident Monday morning follows a bloody two weeks of fighting around the country that has left nearly 400 people dead. Around 30 civiliarns were killed in an airstrike in southern Afghanistan last week during a battle with the Taliban, stoking public resentment already inflamed by the way Coalition forces drive around the country.

    "The US use force in the street with their cars. When Americans are in a hurry they cut people off and they don't care how they drive. We all have to wait in line behind them," says an Afghan UN employee who asked to remain anonymous. Coalition forces often move quickly as a safety precaution.

    It remains unclear whether the riots were orchestrated by Islamic militants or were a spontaneous eruption of unrest.

    "There was organization behind the demonstrations. They have literally been biding their time and waiting for a catalyst from Coalition forces," says a Western security source, who added that demonstrators were carrying maps with a marching route already marked. The protesters started in the north of Kabul, went through the center of the city, passed by the major hotels, the US Embassy, and the main NATO base, and ended up in the western part of the city. There were other spontaneous demonstrations around the capital.

    However, diplomats and many eyewitnesses said the demonstrations have been used by criminals as a window of opportunity for looting and theft.

    "Those people on the outskirts of Kabul have always been bandits and they are still thieves. They were waiting for a chance to take stuff from houses," says Rauf, a shopkeeper along the protesters' route who goes by one name.

    As the demonstrations subsided, police resumed patrols but were hassling any groups of men they saw standing in the open, punching people with no explanation and shoving them into cars. Questions will now be asked about why the police were unable to contain the riots and protect businesses and aid agencies. The riots lasted a full eight hours.

    "The Taliban and Al Qaeda are everywhere," a shopkeeper, Haji Saifullah, told the commander of American forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry, as the general strolled through the bazaar of this town to talk to people. "It is all right in the city, but if you go outside the city, they are everywhere, and the people have to support them. They have no choice."

    The fact that American troops are pulling out of southern Afghanistan in the coming months, and handing matters over to NATO peacekeepers, who have repeatedly stated that they are not going to fight terrorists, has given a lift to the insurgents, and increased the fears of Afghans.

    Things seems to be going real well, it looks like the people have picked a side, and it isnt George bush's, imagine that So much for the idea of bombing people into liking you.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
      Monty Python?


      • #63
        hitch hikers guide to the galaxy


        • #64
          shit. Well...I did see the movie, never read the books.

          I'm too cool to read, foo.

          (by the way the new Chuch Palahniuk, "Haunted", kicks ass)


          • #65
            Originally posted by Garland
            shit. Well...I did see the movie, never read the books.

            I'm too cool to read, foo.

            (by the way the new Chuch Palahniuk, "Haunted", kicks ass)

            I've been meaning to pick up something by him... it seems like everyone I talk to recomends him. I'll get to him as soon as I'm done with The Davinci Code- which is hard for me to put down. If you're ever in the mood for something that will make you laugh until your stomach hurts pick up The Hitchhiker's Guide, you won't be disappointed. *Yes I know I'm a geek *


            • #66
              Sure this is fun.

              Hey all this book talk is great guys but it seems as if this thread has died for mysterious reasons???? I thought it was going pretty good.


              • #67
                It kind of trailed off when you and Mike stopped trading compliments


                • #68
                  I believe

                  I believe the original issue was that the murders criminal way most of our leaders gained power.

                  I don't agree that that is the only way to get ahead. By sacraficing thousands of lives of people who have no stake in a business man's war to line his pockets.

                  I believe I was accused of trying to impose "my" morals on other people. Funny "my" moral set doesn't differ from the Ten Commandmants a whole lot. There are some diffrences and I'll say "my" moral standpoint leaves room for humans to be humans but....

                  Killing lots of people lying and stealing still isn't an acceptable way to win the hearts and minds of people. And if you can't win your own people's hearts and can you do it in a foriegn country???

                  Especially when you've got people murdering a whole village in the night, because maybe someone in that village had something to do with a roadside bombing in a remote area. These things happen in war, I understand this, but covering it up for 2 years is bullshit and we all know it even if we won't admit it.

                  Do you really think it's right to shake hands with the devil while you're talking to Jesus on the phone???

                  Our government screams about the U.S. being a christian country. Well if you mean hipochristianity then you got our leaders pegged.

                  That's all I'm saying, that this was our original topic since the last one seems to have deadended because no one has ever done what the Ruskies were trying to do. So if you extrapolate that with the previous history of the country you get, no unified U.S.S.R.

                  Really that's all



                  • #69

                    Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                    It kind of trailed off when you and Mike stopped trading compliments
                    Some people lose thier cool. Plus I never remember actually calling Mikey any names. I think I got the worse end of that.

                    ...My bad I did call him Mr. Cool Ice lol but how bad is that????


                    • #70

                      I'm So Ronery
                      I'm so ronery
                      So ronery
                      So ronery and sadry arone
                      There's no one
                      Just me onry
                      Sitting on my rittle throne
                      I work very hard and make up great prans
                      But nobody ristens, no one understands
                      Seems that no one takes me serirousry

                      And so I'm ronery
                      A little ronery
                      Poor rittre me

                      There's nobody
                      I can rerate to
                      Feer rike a bird in a cage
                      It's kinda sihry
                      But not rearry
                      Because it's fihring my body with rage

                      I work rearry hard and I'm physicarry fit
                      But nobody here seems to rearize that
                      When I rure the world maybe they'rr notice me
                      But untir then I'rr just be ronery
                      Rittre ronery, poor rittre me
                      I'm so ronery
                      I'm so ronery

                      I tried everything on Mr. Brewer's rist. I ensraved mirrions of peoprl and murdere mirrions more. I robbed and desrtoyed and I'm the head of a country... but no one rikes me. I'm so ronery.


                      • #71
                        I like the spinning

                        Man you are good at spinning what people say. My jewish step-mom could take lessons from you.

                        Better PM Boar and ask him just how "on the moral team" I am Sir. I didn't say that I discount your opinion on how NOW the way the world works people need to be murdering lying, thieving, cheating, bastards.

                        Shit if you don't sell out your own kin you aint gonna make it.

                        I however do not agree with these terms. Hence me only just surviving not wondering weather it will be a terrorist or my own people who will get me first.

                        I don't feel that this endless cycle needs to nor will continue at it's present rate.

                        The house of cards is falling and all the skeletons seem to be coming out lately.
                        And who has completley conquered Afgahanstan??

                        And I had actually just got bored I knew you were busy working on your Combat Facility (which sounds pretty kickass so far). I was just ronery lol.

