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"Officers Fired For Fleeing From Dangerous Scene"

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  • "Officers Fired For Fleeing From Dangerous Scene"

    Officers Fired For Fleeing From Dangerous Scene
    Two Officers Terminated, One Under Investigation

    (CBS) CHICAGO Their supervisors say when a fellow officer was in trouble at a South Side grocery store, they ran away.

    Now, as CBS 2’s Rafael Romo reports, two Chicago Police officers have been forced to turn in their badges, and a third is under investigation.

    The officers who were fired by Police Supt. Philip J. Cline were both still in training, with hopes of becoming full-fledged members of the Chicago police force.

    But police officials say they failed to take the action required of them as a fellow officer struggled with an armed man at a Dominick’s grocery store.

    Police from the Grand Crossing District responded to a shoplifting call at the store, at 2101 E. 71st St., and the suspect was armed and began fighting with an officer.

    During the struggle, three other officers turned and ran away. Left alone, the remaining officer shot and killed the armed suspect.

    The events were all caught on surveillance video, police said.

    The two officers, both women, were both about 10 months into their 18-month probationary period before they could have become full-fledged officers with union benefits. They are called PPOs in police parlance. The third officer, a man, had just finished his probation and may be fired.

    “Based on the evidence I looked at for the two probationary police officers, I decided to fire them, and there's an investigation going into the third officer,” Cline said, “He's been stripped of his police powers.”

    Cline can fire probationary officers at will, but full-fledged officers have extensive due-process rights.

    The incident was captured on a Dominick’s security camera and was reviewed by department officials. The videotape may be used to show recruits at the police academy what officers should never do.

    The man who was ultimately shot was arrested on a call that he and a woman were stealing sunglasses. When officers tried to take the man into custody and question him, he pulled away with his left hand handcuffed and his right hand in his pocket, police said.

    The man pulled his hand out of his pocket gripping a handgun, and was shot by the officers, police said. He was identified as James King, 47, of Park Forest.

    An officer suffered minor injuries during the struggle, but no store employees were injured, police said.


    ....................... PROTECT and SERVE, not Cower and Run These scum wouldnt back up thier own, imagine where a citizen in trouble stands

  • #2
    Originally posted by BoarSpear
    ....................... PROTECT and SERVE, not Cower and Run These scum wouldnt back up thier own, imagine where a citizen in trouble stands
    I don't know anything about police training, but how often to they drill for these types of situations?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tom Yum
      I don't know anything about police training, but how often to they drill for these types of situations?
      Thanks to the new PC rules for training, and LOWERED standards for entrance into the force, this is what you get...

      Besides this graphically shows what happens when the young baddass shitalkers meet a real BG...4 on one and armed and armored, 3 of the 4 cops ran...What you SAY and THINK you will do in a real situation and what you WILL do are two different things, until the baptism by fire no one will trust you.

      This is why I always stress mental aspects to training, warriorship is a obligation to yourself and others, if you arent up to the task, dont embarrass the rest of us with your big attitude and lackluster performance.

      Lowered standards, cause poor morale, poor morale produces crap like this...the system is broken.

      IF integrity, honesty, compassion and courage are present in a candidate then the rest can be taught, if not NOTHING you do will make this person a "good" LEO or soldier. Unfortunately it seems today that the unqualified and unstable are put in the field anyway just to put boots on the ground, this is why we are seeing so much unacceptable behavior of late. People arent any worse, they just lowered the standards to allow the scum into the ranks, its all about numbers these days, quality is too expensive.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BoarSpear

        ....................... PROTECT and SERVE, not Cower and Run These scum wouldnt back up thier own, imagine where a citizen in trouble stands
        I know alot of GREAT police officers...but I've also had run-ins with assholes that try to violate my CIVIL rights by imposing illegal searches of my person, and illegal stops without any REAL cause other than PROFILING.
        It is in my opinion, that these assholes are cut from the same cloth as these cowards, fuckwit PIGS with guns who brag and puff their chests when they have the power, but will run if things flip on them. Sausage, anyone?

        That is the difference between a POLICE OFFICER and a PIG.
        **** the pig...I respect police officers, but I fucking hate pigs.


        • #5

          This girl is a friend of mine.


          • #6
            I consider this police officer also a friend of mine.

            We need MORE cops like this...and NO cops like the asshole that raped my friend.
            I have several other people who I used to train with that are officers, and are absolute STAND-UP guys and great's too bad that the trash amongst their ranks reflects poorly upon their character based upon their occupation.


            • #7
              In the NYPD, a police officer that fails to perform his sworn duty and runs away from such a scenario, can be fired for any act of cowardice.

              In the Transit Bureau, we would perform tours from 1930 hrs to 0400 hrs, from point A to B on the subway, solo patrol. That meant that you took care of business by yourself. When a 10-13 (Officer in need of assistance) came over the radio, you got your ass there to assist your fellow brother (or sister) sometimes commandeering a cab or even a city bus.

              Rookies or not, this job is for some and then for none. In the case of the three officers that ran away leaving their fellow officer to fight for his life with an armed P.O.S., there’s always a need for people to make a good hamburger at McDonalds.


              • #8
                Thank you for the work you do. I have a good friend who lives in the bad part of NYC and I really think you and others in uniform might be the reason she's still alive today--taking criminals off of the streets that could have caused her harm. She's had a lot of near-misses. It means a lot when people (heh, not including the ones mentioned in the articles or others like that) who have families to come home to at night will still put themselves in harm's way to protect others. God bless you.


                • #9
                  I think that the offender was sexist, in that he didn't present a threat level that was gender normed.


                  • #10
                    I think that stuff like this will always occur ... and always has! They're people ... and there's no way to tell what one will do when faced with a stressful split second decision.

                    none. All those "standards" being relaxed? Bullshit. Here in Charlotte, one of the biggest disqualifiers of potential officers is the damn credit check ... whether you pay your fuckin rent on time! That don't mean shit in respect to how an officer is prepared to complete the academy and perform in the field. And just because you pay your rent late only means ... you pay your rent late. It has absolutely nothing to do with credibility or character.(well, it could but not necessarily)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shaolin Bushido
                      I think that stuff like this will always occur ... and always has! They're people ... and there's no way to tell what one will do when faced with a stressful split second decision.

                      none. All those "standards" being relaxed? Bullshit. Here in Charlotte, one of the biggest disqualifiers of potential officers is the damn credit check ... whether you pay your fuckin rent on time! That don't mean shit in respect to how an officer is prepared to complete the academy and perform in the field. And just because you pay your rent late only means ... you pay your rent late. It has absolutely nothing to do with credibility or character.(well, it could but not necessarily)
                      Standards arent relaxed Maybe you should check with your fellow officers EVERY FTO I have talked to says the academy isnt allowed to fail recruits, the FTO isnt allowed to fail them, and no matter what you do you cant get them off the force, at most they transfer the bad ones to admin which creats more hassles...go on ANY LEO board and try to claim that standards arent relaxed

                      In fact here's the latest comment from the LEO lounge FROM AN FTO.

                      "They are everywhere. Hiring boards aren't allowed to fail people. Then the Academy instructors aren't allowed to flunk them. Then their FTO's aren't allowed to get rid of them. Then they get turned loose in the field and do nothing. Or they go straight to the public information office down at Headquarters. And talk alot ...about something they know nothing about. Then they get promoted. And the cycle continues. I can't discuss this anymore. It infuriates me too much. We talk about it plenty at work already."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BoarSpear
                        Unfortunately it seems today that the unqualified and unstable are put in the field anyway just to put boots on the ground, this is why we are seeing so much unacceptable behavior of late. People arent any worse, they just lowered the standards to allow the scum into the ranks, its all about numbers these days, quality is too expensive.
                        Are you talking about the butt pyramid thing?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tom Yum
                          Are you talking about the butt pyramid thing?
                          I was speaking in general terms of the current behavior by LEOs and the Military in general. Everyday there is another example of piss poor training and a lack of integrity brought to light. Several LEO's have SHOT people while trying to taser them...oops If you cant tell your non-lethal weapon from your deadly firearm you are a putz, PERIOD. NO AMOUNT OF "STRESS" IN A NON LETHAL SITUATION (the latest was in tree and wouldnt come down) should so confuse you that you cant identify the tools you carry to do your job.

                          Not to mention the logic of the cop who shoots the unarmed guy out of the tree because he was drunk or crazy, mind you he meant to taser him out of the tree "for his own safety of course" and accidentally SHOT him with his sidearm...WTF kind of logic was that I the first place? "get outta the tree before you fall and hurt yourself" ..."Sir for your own safety I must insist you exit the tree"...."Sir if you dont climb down I will be forced to shoot you out of the tree to prevent you from accidentally falling and hurting yourself" THAT MAKES FUCKING SENSE TO WHO?????


                          • #14
                            QUOTE=BoarSpear]I was speaking in general terms of the current behavior by LEOs and the Military in general. Everyday there is another example of piss poor training and a lack of integrity brought to light.[/QUOTE]

                            Someone on a different list I'm on, who is serving right now, made a really good point--he said it gives and and comfort to our enemies when people are constantly hovering over the war effort like vultures circling a carcass for the slighest mistake a Servicemember makes. He even compared it to bigotry, the skin color being green (blue) and the race being the servicemember--said that if one green (blue) kills innocent civilians, people assume they all must be. And he said it hurts. WE ARE AT WAR and like he pointed out, this war is a war of ideas--what do you think the ammunition is?

                            Go ahead and rail on me some more , I know it's coming, but I would think that a former servicemember would have some more respect for those who are serving now, just like they show respect to others who have served before them.


                            • #15

