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All Hell has Broke Loose!!!

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  • All Hell has Broke Loose!!!

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    Israel bombards Beirut amid spiraling attacks

    Thursday, July 13, 2006; Posted: 10:31 a.m. EDT (14:31 GMT)

    Smoke rises from Beirut's main airport after Thursday's airstrikes.

    Beirut airport closed after attacks (6:00)

    Kidnappings lead to brink of war (3:15)

    Israel-Lebanon crisis (2:42)

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    Do you think the Israeli military response inside Lebanon is justified?
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    Manage Alerts | What Is This? BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) -- Israeli warplanes bombed Beirut's international airport and the navy blockaded Lebanon's ports in a sharp escalation of its military campaign Thursday.

    Hezbollah guerrillas fired scores of rockets from Lebanon into northern Israel in the most intense bombardment in years.

    The missiles killed one woman and at least 10 others were hurt in the attack on Safed, about 13 miles (20 kilometers) from the Lebanese border, which local officials said not been hit by Hezbollah rockets since 1972. (Watch the rocket's explosion and town chaos -- 1:45)

    Beirut's main airport was forced to close after Israeli fighter jets hit all three of its runways, leaving huge craters and making them unusable.

    Other airfields also were attacked Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said, but details were not immediately available.

    Israel said it targeted the airport in the capital's suburbs because it was used to transfer weapons and supplies to Hezbollah, the militant group that captured two Israeli soldiers and killed eight others in raids earlier this week.

    Lebanese Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat called the airport strikes a "general act of war," saying they had nothing to do with Hezbollah but were instead an attack against the country's "economic interests," especially its tourism industry.

    At least 45 people have been killed in Lebanon since the violence began Wednesday, Lebanon's health ministry said.

    After the airport attack, planes began dropping leaflets warning residents of an impending attack on an area of southern Beirut where Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is believed to live. (Watch the first reports on the runway bombings -- 6:00)

    If that happened, Hezbollah said it would attack the northern Israeli city of Haifa, where 300,000 people live.

    Israel: 'We mean business'
    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday he fears a "regional war is mounting" with Israel's two ongoing military campaigns in Lebanon and in Gaza, where forces were deployed after the capture of an Israeli soldier last moth.

    "This is not our interest and will not bring peace and stability to the region," Abbas said.

    President Bush warned Israel to take care not to "weaken" Lebanon's government.

    Bush also stressed during a visit to Germany that Syria "needs to be held to account."

    Hezbollah enjoys substantial backing from Syria and Iran and is considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel. The group holds posts in Lebanon's government.

    Israeli Security Cabinet Minister Isaac Herzog said: "We are taking strong measures so that it will be clear to the Lebanese people and government ... that we mean business."

    The United Nations will send a team to the Middle East to urge both sides to use restraint, a spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Thursday.

    Captives named
    Israeli airstrikes were aimed at targets used by Hezbollah for storing weapons, the Israel Defense Forces said.

    Warplanes also hit al-Manar television station because the station is used by Hezbollah to incite and recruit activists, the IDF said. Al-Manar continued to broadcast, a Lebanese security source said.

    Israel's Cabinet authorized a "severe and harsh" response to the abduction of the two soldiers, named Thursday as Ehud Goldvasser, 31, from Nahariya, and Eldad Regev, 26, from the Haifa suburb of Kiryat Motzkin.

    Hezbollah called for a prisoner exchange but, as in Gaza, Israel has rejected the call.

    Hezbollah chief Nasrallah told reporters that seizing the soldiers was "our natural, only and logical right" to win freedom for Hezbollah prisoners held by Israel.

    Nasrallah said the two soldiers had been taken to a place "far, far away" and that an Israeli military campaign would not win their release.

    More than 70 Katyusha rockets have hit Israel in the past 24 hours, the IDF said.

    Missiles hit the Jewish town of Carmiel and adjacent Arab village of Majd el-Krum in northern Israel, the army said, according to The Associated Press.

    Buildings in the northern Israeli town of Nahariya also were damaged by rockets, according to CNN's John Vause in the town.

  • #2

    will this situation lead to the justification of a nuclear strike on Iran to derail their enrichment process?

    we know they want to knock out the reactor but don't have planes that can do it. so what do you think? Is something like that even possible?


    • #3
      I think it's all Racial Hatred on both parts. Can you imagine what life would be like without arms to protect yourself from Bigotry. Let me clarify myself. Anyone who hates you just because of your color or your religion is guilty of a Hate Crime. Like Clint Eastwood said in the Unforgiven, "You should have Armed yourself"


      • #4
        That term hate crime still bugs me. Crime is crime. In this case I think the restraint of the superior power causes the problem.

        How long would it take for Israel to complete a genocide of the entire palestinian population? Hours??? Who could stop them in time?


        • #5
          My beef

          The only problem I have with Israel is they used terrorism to gain the country faster (King David Hotel Bombings). How can they complain when the indiginous people want to live on land that belongs to them.

          Didn't our goverment do the same thing to the Native Americans? What right did we have to kill them and drive them off thier lands? What right did the world have to give away the palastinians home?

          Nobody is doing the right thing in this situation as far as I can see. What happened to the Jews during WWII was terrible but is it right for them to do it to the Palastinians?


          • #6
            Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            That term hate crime still bugs me. Crime is crime. In this case I think the restraint of the superior power causes the problem.

            How long would it take for Israel to complete a genocide of the entire palestinian population? Hours??? Who could stop them in time?

            There is one of the key distinctions between the two sides. Israel has never made it the cornerstone of their political identity to destroy all Muslims. On the other hand.......


            • #7
              I read it, Mike. Its not looking too stable over there.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                The only problem I have with Israel is they used terrorism to gain the country faster (King David Hotel Bombings). How can they complain when the indiginous people want to live on land that belongs to them.

                Didn't our goverment do the same thing to the Native Americans? What right did we have to kill them and drive them off thier lands? What right did the world have to give away the palastinians home?

                Nobody is doing the right thing in this situation as far as I can see. What happened to the Jews during WWII was terrible but is it right for them to do it to the Palastinians?
                Dude, you are right on. They employed the exact same ruthlessness and tactics of the "so-called" terrorist suicide bombers of Islam against the BRITISH and the International Peacekeepers of that era. Not many people under 50 remember the circumstances of the creation of the Israeli state ... or that almost immediately after supporting it's creation, the US, Britain and several other world powers realized they'd created a mess and tried to "un-create" it but of course, it was too late!

                Hell yeah, the Israeli response is totally dispropotionate ... but what can we say ... we violated several international laws in attacking Iraq unilaterally and this mess is just an "echo" of that debacle. Israel enjoys support in the US due to the large Jewish popn here in the States as well as the ignorant fans of "bad-ass diplomacy" riding around in pickup trucks and bustin beer cans on their heads ... they wouldn't be nearly as bold without the support of the West technologically and militarily they've enjoyed since their creation no matter what they've done to our own troops in terms of espionage and unprovoked attacks.

                Well ... we claimed they were unprovoked. Knowing what I do now of our nation's leadership over the years, I wouldn't be surprised if they were well within their rights to bust caps in our asses on those occasions.


                • #9
                  I wouldn't put it past the forces that be to have created this crisis to cause a shift in terrorist focus til after the upcoming US presidential election ...


                  • #10
                    God I hate this. They keep coming closer to my country, hope war doesn't start here next. =(
                    I doubt the beirut airport was used to supply weapons though, ofcourse I'm just making assumptions but can Lebanon even take that risk? They are destroying an amazing country, if anyone has been to Beirut they would find it amazing. They are just doing the same thing as terrorists, they are targetting civilians by the day. Palestine is being demolished and now Lebanon, and I don't see why they won't do it to Syria/Iran too. The only country which now doesn't have any beef with israel is Jordan and they will probably find something soon to threaten them with.

                    They say they are at a disadvantage but in fact if they wanted they could destroy all of us 10v1 because of the technological advancement they are at.
                    They picked Palestine and they knew they will be surrounded by Jordan/Lebanon/Syria/Iraq/Iran/Saudi Arabia and they are whining? They should have thought about that from the start.


                    • #11
                      What I don't understand is Why do they always want the other guy to disarm? What kind of sense does that make in a contemporary world. It's like I say, O.K. Boar and Mike Brewer give away all your knives and guns and we can live in peace. It defies all common sense.


                      • #12
                        Well how is that a good way to handle things? Honestly, if someone does something bad to you, do you go kill his whole damn family? I don't think so, if someone wants to take revenge they do it to the person who did it. And this is whats happening in this case, a couple of cults or extremists or whatever you want to call them are provoking them yet they go and kill people who have nothing to do with it, how is that helping in any way?
                        Don't say Lebanon doesn't care, you might as well say Hezbollah doesn't care but blaming the country is wrong.

                        They want a peaceful co-existence with biased rules that ruin the whole thing. Honestly, if they actually wanted it, it would have happened, despite all these extremists ruining everything.

                        You said it yourself, they actually cared about there country they wouldn't have done things to provoke a war. Ding ding.... They don't give a shit about anything but their dumb beliefs. I just don't see how you think Iran will use the nuclear warheads while the USA, Israel and other countries who have them won't. You have no proof backing it up because these are all assumptions based on nothing but stereotypes, even though you might be right, you still can't be 100% sure.

                        Of course its tragic that casualties die because the rockets were targetted at civilians, but Israel isn't doing anything to make it better.

                        I usually don't take part in these discussions because they are quite pointless, especially the middle east crisis or whatever you want to call it. Everyone sticks to his opinion like glue and is never open to other opinions, ofcourse that probably applies to me too.


                        • #13
                          It's time to call the situation what it is.

                          It's been dirty war over there for a long time, maybe it's time we quit pretending that it isn't (and by 'we', I guess I mean 'I').


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gregimotis
                            It's been dirty war over there for a long time, maybe it's time we quit pretending that it isn't (and by 'we', I guess I mean 'I').
                            If you live close to here you would have noticed that a long time ago.


                            • #15
                              part of the problem is these middle eastern countries seem to encourage violence towards israel. Then these groups of "radical islamists" form and start using violence. These groups are allowed to conduct themselves in these countries without fear because even if the governments of these countries don't support them, they do not take action against them.

                              They showed the lebanese people in the streets after the Israeli soldiers were taken. They were celebrating this "victory"

                              Having an army that carries out rhetoric that some of these governments spew, while at the same time saying "they don't represent the people or the government is pretty convenient" If these countries were not supporting these terrorist organizations, they wouldn't be there.

                              The palistinians Elected Hamas to lead them. If they were not intelligent enough to realize that this would cause hardship then can you really feel sorry for them?

                              For there to be peace in the middle east, the islamic people must stand up against these terrorist groups. They need to renouce violence and seek compromise. Using terror attacks against a well armed adversary is only going to cause the loss of many lived.

                              At some point you must forget the past and start looking towards bettering the future. But for this to happen the people need to realize that these groups and their tactics are bad for them. At this point it does not appear that these islamic people realize this.

