have any of you guys been paying attention to whats been happening in somalia? the usa funded a bunch of warlords in somalia to fight muslim militants over there. this backfired, and only resulted in the muslim militia getting pissed off and taking over the entire country by force.
whats worse is i just read this interesting article today about how the somali islamic militants officially opened a nice training camp in somalia, with fighters and trainers from all over the middle east attending. http://news.aol.com/topnews/articles...990005?cid=774
lol, they got their own fucking country now, with terrorists from all over pouring into somalia to perfect their craft and the usa is partly responsible for it. our policies do nothing but fuel terrorism.
whats worse is i just read this interesting article today about how the somali islamic militants officially opened a nice training camp in somalia, with fighters and trainers from all over the middle east attending. http://news.aol.com/topnews/articles...990005?cid=774
lol, they got their own fucking country now, with terrorists from all over pouring into somalia to perfect their craft and the usa is partly responsible for it. our policies do nothing but fuel terrorism.