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This would be funny if it weren't so sad.

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  • This would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    Shit like this is too common these days...

    This ought to by funny, let's see which idiots fail the observation test.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yes, newspapers are pretty common these days. Maybe someday you will be able to read one.


    • #3

      Sometimes life's just TOO good, LOL.

      Well it's no surprise the village idiot was first, Wonder which non-observant keyboard warrior will be next? Hehehehe


      • #4
        It's ok, jubaji. You're good at spelling bees.



        • #5
          Originally posted by knifethrower View Post
          It's ok, jubaji. You're good at spelling bees.

          OMG! That explains why he's such a little bitch, spell check might just make him completely irrelevant.

          Hey punk are you aware what an ass you look like yet? OBSERVATION is a key SKILL in SD.


          • #6
            Originally posted by knifethrower View Post
            It's ok, jubaji. You're good at spelling bees.

            Don't get started on that. BoringSpit will start to feel threatened and go on for several years about how useless and potentially dangerous spelling bees are in "the real world."


            • #7
              Wow 33 one wants to discuss it....hmmmmm yeah it still looks like this isnt the forum to bother posting anything in.

              Absolutely astounding the lack of observational skills...pretty sad huh? And they wonder why I don't take them seriously...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                Dude, no fair. Spelling bees are just sportive in nature and have no bearing on reality whatsoever. Asshole.

                Good observation, I'm impressed, ALMOST...

                DURR someone else failed the test...LOL this is WAAAY funnier that I expected...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                  Whew. It falls to me to state the obvious again?

                  Your post said that after a standoff with a barricaded suspect, a man was sent ot the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The attachment was so big it didn't all fit on the page, and I couldn't read the whole story. You then placed, in nearly invisible white print a statement about who might fail an observation test. Maybe you could point out, in your own words, what you'd like people to be pissed off about, and then we could all contribute. Til then, I don't think it's a lack of interest in your thread that's keeping people away. I think it's a lack of concern and care for your game or the subject matter. In any case, clarification would be appreciated.

                  Sorry the big picture got in the way...

                  As for the clarification I think we have all thats needed really.

                  DUm dee dum dee dum


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                    Yes, Bore, we get it. You're typing insults in white print. Was that really all your thread was about? Insulting people while trying to be clever?

                    Very, very mature. I gotta say, it's stuff like this that makes me glad you came back to us.
                    Well I'd paint you a picture but...

                    Figure it out yet?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BoarSpear View Post
                      ....hmmmmm yeah it still looks like this isnt the forum to bother posting anything in.

                      Then STFU and run away again.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        And yes, we all get that the dumbass's magazine is facing the wrong way. Funnier still is how she managed to shoot the guy in the thigh like that.

                        Stop insulting people and pretending to get all offended when it comes back to you....
                        Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                        Dear BoarSpear,

                        You have received an infraction at Deluxe Martial Arts Forums.


                        Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
                        So you wanna complain and get all up in a huff about people insulting you, but you start a whole thread based solely on insulting poeple and hiding your comments in white print? Jeezus, man. I really thought you were above that kind of thing. Enjoy the penalty card.


                        This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

                        All the best,
                        Deluxe Martial Arts Forums

                        Thank you for making it even funnier...STOP, get off your high horse, Look around, think..does ANYTHING about the pattern of the SIZE of the pic I posted stand out? Didnt I resize pics for you before?

                        If you werent so all fire bent to attack might have noticed a funny thing but nah, you overlooked ALL the obvious hints clues and decided to throw reson out the window along with common sense...lesson is hatred BLINDS you...this lessons free.

                        HERE's THE pm you sent me...along with a congratulations for noticing the officers magazine is ass backwards in her weapon...however you failed...the article didnt say WHO shot him at you even missed the facts in the article you studied and quoted....and you tell ME to lighten up....I NEVER expected YOU to miss that...Jubaji was a no were a priceless freebie in spite of multiple hints.

                        So now I have a mark on my permanent record...OOOO Did you get one for threatening a board member or are you special?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                          As I said in my last PM to you, this might have been funny if you hadn't made it some kind of thinly veiled attempt at insulting other members.
                          Veiled? thinly? Seemed pretty obvious to me. Also there is someone on this forum with 5000+ posts that are more than thinly veiled insults.

                          Now jump me for pointing out the obvious truth please.

                          BTW who's Bore
                          Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                          Seriously, man. For someone with as much experience and age as you say you have, isn't this a little juvenile?
                          Hmmm I could say the same about your inability to spot a backwards magazine .
                          Don't you train people in this kind of equipment Sir?

                          I think everyone on this forum with the exception of Tom Yum has insulted other members. Myself and yourself included, as well as the people who feel so insulted here.

                          Just MHO though.
                          Last edited by kingoftheforest; 12-18-2006, 03:33 PM. Reason: I wanted to


                          • #14
                            HEY!!! NO! NO! NO! Boar got a penalty card so jubaji should get a penalty card!!! RIGHT!! RIGHT!! This isn’t fair man!

                            I love this sh!t, man I feel like I’m back in High School.


                            • #15
                              of course it is

                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Jubaji - You're being an outright bastard for insulting these people. It's juvenile.

                              Ok, got it.

