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What martial art would you take for law enforcement?

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  • What martial art would you take for law enforcement?

    I was wondering, what martial art would be reconmended for someone going into law enforcement. I am not in Law Enforcement yet, but I am going thru the processes (test is coming up), so I probably have a few months if I am able to get the job (have to take the test, physical, etc......). I was thinking though, I like to start to train in something to get ready (plus not only being ready with the martial arts, but also get in shape, I hear the acadamies are tough). Right now I am going for a job in corrections (prision guard), but I am looking for others.

    I am thinking probably something with grappling, cause I hear you can't strike people. Then again, wouldn't something with striking be good (just so your reflexes are good if someone swings at you).


  • #2
    Originally posted by Darthmaul View Post
    I was wondering, what martial art would be reconmended for someone going into law enforcement. I am not in Law Enforcement yet, but I am going thru the processes (test is coming up), so I probably have a few months if I am able to get the job (have to take the test, physical, etc......). I was thinking though, I like to start to train in something to get ready (plus not only being ready with the martial arts, but also get in shape, I hear the acadamies are tough). Right now I am going for a job in corrections (prision guard), but I am looking for others.

    I am thinking probably something with grappling, cause I hear you can't strike people. Then again, wouldn't something with striking be good (just so your reflexes are good if someone swings at you).

    judo would be ideal inmop. brazillian jiu jitsu would be good as well.


    • #3
      Last thing an officer want to do is roll around an the ground with your gun on your side.

      Krav Maga


      • #4
        Wrestling, obviously


        • #5
          call-for-backup Kwon Do seems to work for the cops around here.

          Seriously, maybe Judo/Jiu-Jitsu. Although Kali might be an interesting idea, also. Do you have a decent JKD school around? That might be worth checking into.


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by rampage man View Post
              Last thing an officer want to do is roll around an the ground with your gun on your side.

              Krav Maga
              thats what someone who knows nothing about grappling would say.

              grappling would allow you to get off the ground fast, gives you good balance, wont let someone overpower you or control you physically, gives you control techniques, possibly help you keep your weapon from being taken away. krav maga is terrible for a police officer, you cant just beat the shit out of suspects and aim for their most vital organs. you will get fired.


              • #8
                Blauer SPEAR will get you to the point where you're able to use your MA in a real confrontation...

                and then anything else you want


                • #9
                  Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                  Blauer SPEAR will get you to the point where you're able to use your MA in a real confrontation...

                  and then anything else you want


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                    LOL! No, not to be confused with Boarspear.

                    Tony Blauer's SPEAR system. SPEAR stands for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response, iirc.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Darthmaul View Post
                      I was wondering, what martial art would be reconmended for someone going into law enforcement. I am not in Law Enforcement yet, but I am going thru the processes (test is coming up), so I probably have a few months if I am able to get the job (have to take the test, physical, etc......). I was thinking though, I like to start to train in something to get ready (plus not only being ready with the martial arts, but also get in shape, I hear the acadamies are tough). Right now I am going for a job in corrections (prision guard), but I am looking for others.

                      I am thinking probably something with grappling, cause I hear you can't strike people. Then again, wouldn't something with striking be good (just so your reflexes are good if someone swings at you).

                      My guess? And it is a guess since I am not part of law-enforcement:

                      Judo + Aikido.

                      Judo will teach you how to get someone off their feet in a hurry using the opponents strength and balance against them. Judo teaches some submissions, but they are not the focus like jiujitsu. Still its practiced at full speed, spontaneously and against a resisting opponent.

                      Aikido will teach you how to control your opponents balance and their limbs. Its purely defense-based; so you won't be throwing too many strikes.

                      Not sure what kind of city or town you live in, but some schools offer karate, judo and aikido - which would give you the benefit of a striking art as well (karate).
                      Last edited by Tom Yum; 07-05-2007, 09:44 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                        LOL! No, not to be confused with Boarspear.

                        Tony Blauer's SPEAR system. SPEAR stands for Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response, iirc.
                        is this guy legit? do you train in this system? cause the words on the homepage make me feel kinda skeptical. whats it all about? just want to know more about it. we have all heard about certain less than stellar programs being described in a similar manner......

                        "Blauer Tactical Systems (BTS) is one of the world's leading consulting companies specializing in the research and development of close quarter tactics & scenario-based training for law enforcement, military and professional self-defense instructors.

                        During the 1980's, BTS pioneered reality-based self-defense with their ground-breaking 'Panic Attack' drill, the design of the world's first functional scenario-based training suit and the first self-defense program based on psychology, physiology and kinesiology.

                        The S.P.E.A.R. SYSTEM™ (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) is a scientifically researched & medically reviewed personal defense measure that exploits the body’s natural responses to violence and danger. This survival mechanism, dubbed: Startle-Flinch Response has been scientifically integrated into a series of neuro-muscular drills that teaches individuals how to convert their instinctive reactions into protective and combative tactics.

                        HIGH GEAR™ is considered to be the world's most dynamic role-player gear because it allows trainers to engage in realistic and integrated scenarios in practically any environment. BTS has developed an analytic & systematic approach to scenario training by reverse-engineering real world confrontations. This program is called Ballistic Micro-fights™.

                        BTS is now a world-leader in the design of force-on-force training equipment, as well as program management for police defensive tactics, military combative training, close quarter combatives, and personal defense training. HIGH GEAR™, Ballistic Micro-fights™ and the S.P.E.A.R. SYSTEM™ are now used by many of the world's leading DT, Combatives and self-defense instructors to augment their personal defense skills.

                        Our focus, our mission and our path have not wavered since we began teaching real-world self-defense in 1979... we have been on the cutting-edge of reality-based training for the self-defense world ever since. "


                        • #13
                          I do train in this system and I think the web page speaks for itself.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by treelizard View Post
                            I do train in this system and I think the web page speaks for itself.
                            it made me rather skeptical, they just keep mentioning a bunch of buzzwords they made up themselves, i dont know what any of that is. could you tell us more about it from your own personal experience??


                            • #15
                              I've only ever heard good things about Blauer.
                              Plus he came up with those kick ass suits...

                     the way, Dick...what the **** is that video about in your sig? Take it off...fake wrestling makes my stomach churn.

