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Becomming a reality based self defense instructor.

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  • Becomming a reality based self defense instructor.

    Hello. You can call me John Connor. (No I'm not from the Terminator movies).

    I've been pondering the idea for a while of becomming a self defense instructor and obviously I need to train under an organization to be able to do so. Here's the one's I last checked out.

    Rick Tew's Ninja Training, Live-In Mixed Martial Arts Camps, Travel and Training Adventure Tours Managed by Rick Tew Managed by Jim Wagner
    Martial Arts Training, Self Defense Training, Mixed Martial Arts Managed by Damian Ross
    Fight 2 Survive Managed by Mike Lee Kanarek

    There were a few others too but I can't remember them off hand. Now I don't know about you guys, but is it just me or is every one of these guys mentioned above a scam? I google up the names of each of these people (ex: Damian Ross fraud/scam) etc etc. And there's at least one or two critics of every one of these guys. I'm just in the process of deciding which one to train under. But it's also frusterating when there's always a blog of some sort somewhere on the net which labels them as a scam for whatever reason.

    Is it best just to ignore the critics and go with which one seems best? Any opinions are appreciated on these guys.

  • #2
    Have a look at Senshido Welcome to Senshido

    I've trained with Rich Dimitri and found him pretty spot on with his material, he tells it like it is, is a genuine guy and only likes what works.

    Apparently Kelly McCann is very good also but I don't know much about him.

    But hey, I'm not in the US....or even close to it so can't really give you an in depth answer on whats available over there. I'm sure you understand that yes there is a lot of scamsters out there and RBSD instructors living in fantasy land so evaluate what you find, do your research and experiment.


    • #3
      Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
      I've trained with Rich Dimitri and found him pretty spot on with his material, he tells it like it is, is a genuine guy and only likes what works.
      I'm with him there.
      Originally posted by WildWest. View Post
      But hey, I'm not in the US....or even close to it so can't really give you an in depth answer on whats available over there. I'm sure you understand that yes there is a lot of scamsters out there and RBSD instructors living in fantasy land so evaluate what you find, do your research and experiment.
      I'm not in the US either. I'm origionally from Canada but I live in China right now teaching English. Yeah. Alot of scamsters out there. Unfortunate. But thanks for the reference. I'll contact Rich Dimitri soon.


      • #4
        Hi There!
        This is Elizabeth!
        Im new in this site!
        Who is Rich Dimitri?!
        I dont know this person.Can you give me some info. about this person. Thanks!
        Its nice to have you guys!
        Keep on posting!
        Good Day to all!...

        Last edited by Tant01; 12-27-2009, 06:04 PM. Reason: URL DELETED BY MODERATOR


        • #5
          Elizabeth, check out the link to Senshido in my earlier post.


          • #6
            Before you run and spend your money on anyone out there have a look at this website and then decide if it's for you or not.

            Martial Arts Intel


            • #7
              Good blog......I notice a lot of the "instructors" are Israeli.
              I don't see anything on Richard Dimitri and, having trained with him and used his stuff in reality, I still believe his methods to be legit.


              • #8
                Sorry but that blog reads more like a hack job. I was surprised how twisted the facts are presented. For instance, the facts "revealed" about Jim Wagner are clearly stated on Wagner's website. He does not hide that he was a radio operator or that he was not in the marine corp. He clearly states what his sniper training consisted of and he does document that he was SWAT member. His documentation is clearly available on his website. I would hope people are intelligent enough to research this themselves rather than read a convoluted blog that obviously has some agenda behind it. Its always amusing when someone claims to reveals the truth but instead completely twists it around,lol!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JohnConnor View Post
                  Hello. You can call me John Connor. (No I'm not from the Terminator movies).

                  I've been pondering the idea for a while of becomming a self defense instructor and obviously I need to train under an organization to be able to do so. Here's the one's I last checked out.

                  Rick Tew's Ninja Training, Live-In Mixed Martial Arts Camps, Travel and Training Adventure Tours Managed by Rick Tew
                  Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection Managed by Jim Wagner
                  Martial Arts Training, Self Defense Training, Mixed Martial Arts Managed by Damian Ross
                  Fight 2 Survive Managed by Mike Lee Kanarek
                  COMMANDO KRAV MAGA-OFFICIAL WEBSITE Managed by Moni Aizik

                  There were a few others too but I can't remember them off hand. Now I don't know about you guys, but is it just me or is every one of these guys mentioned above a scam? I google up the names of each of these people (ex: Damian Ross fraud/scam) etc etc. And there's at least one or two critics of every one of these guys. I'm just in the process of deciding which one to train under. But it's also frusterating when there's always a blog of some sort somewhere on the net which labels them as a scam for whatever reason.

                  Is it best just to ignore the critics and go with which one seems best? Any opinions are appreciated on these guys.
                  You are going to need years of training before trying to become a Self Defense Instructor. Joining these schools are not going to get you there any faster. There is no quick way of doing it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by black knife View Post
                    You are going to need years of training before trying to become a Self Defense Instructor. Joining these schools are not going to get you there any faster. There is no quick way of doing it.
                    That is 100% correct. If you want to be a LEGIT Combatives Instructor, it will need to be through years of training AND experience. You need to experience what works and what doesn't first hand and not theoretically, and be able to convey those experiences thoroughly. The fastest way to become a pariah or of questionable background in the world of combatives is to become certified through any of the orgs you listed, with a possible exception to Kanereks org, of which I'm not too familiar with.
                    Bottom line, long distance video or internet training is the for the armchair warrior.


                    • #11
                      FYI on Wagner:

                      Jim Wagner- fake self defense instructor


                      • #12
                        OMG! Some blog on the internet trashing somebody! Must be true ! I will read it as soon as I finish reading the blog about Bruce Lee not being Chinese but in reality an alien from the planet Kubar. Its on the internet so it must be true. I love how people post crap like that as if it’s some “smoking gun”,lol. You’re kidding right? All I can say is I have spent personal time with Wagner and he was kind enough to share enough convincing documentation that he was genuine. If he is a fake then the German GSG-9 must be idiots because they continuously hire him for training.

                        Seems like Wagner does a decent job documenting his past:


                        • #13
                          You need to read through that blog and see official documents, emails (by Wagner) and statements from former colleagues- most recently by Canadian Chris St. Jaques.

                          Wagner's past connection with German GSG9 was through a company called HSS International- not Wagner. He was an assistant instructor. His website is a myriad of smoke and mirrors where he has confabulated a false background, been called on it (starting in 2008) and ever since been modifying, changing his story and creating further embellishments that defy the truth.

                          One example is in relation to DEA agent Jeff Clancy. Clancy came forward with information discrediting Wagner's BS stories about how he has taught DEA. Clancy said (I have spoken personally to Clancy about this) Wagner only was an assistant instructor helping out Chris St. Jaques who was the main instructor for HSS International. After Clancy had posted this , along with other information about Wagner on Hock Hochheim's forum, Wagner then put up on his site that Jeff Clancy was his star student and such a great guy! Do you seee how his slight of hand works? He pulled the same crap with Chris St. Jaques claiming that St. Jaques was Wagner's student. That's just one example of Wagner's arrogance- he doesn't have one black belt or credible instructor certification to his name, but St. Jaques has multiple and Clancy was a loooong time Vunak inner circle guy who has cross trained with everbody.

                          But please don't take my word for it. Check these references and see how Wagner has used his documentation tricks and smoke and mirrors to fool the gullible public.


                          • #14
                            The Jim Wagner Reader

                            Jiim Wagner - Detecting Frauds
                            Jim Wagner - Detecting Frauds?

                            The Jim Wagner 13 Questions
                            The Jim Wagner 13 Questions

                            Jim Wagner never on a front line SWAT team Jim Wagner, Phony SWAT & troubled Police history

                            Jim Wagner once sole owner of HSS International?
                            Wagner owned HSS? And Other HSS Whoppers!

                            Jim Wagner of Black Belt Magazine
                            Jim Wagner of Black Belt, Training

                            California State Military Reserves not happy with Wagner’s self-aggrandizement
                            CASDF Publicity - Topic Powered by Social Strata

                            Jim Wagner-first with reality fighting?
                            Jim Wagner and who was 1st with Reality Based?

                            Jim Wagner, Romance and the Missing Ad
                            Jim Wagner, Romance, and the Missing Ad?

                            Jim Wagner’s only USA course , 2008 terminated
                            Wagner's only US Course terminated?

                            Jim Wagner way back machine

                            Jim Wagner, only 8 months in the Army?!
                            Wagner, 8 month vet. How?

                            The anti-matter Jim Wagner page
                            Jim Wagner- fake self defense instructor

                            Sgt Wagner, Big Boots, Little Feet
                            Hock's July 2008 Blog


                            • #15
                              Please note Wagner's use of deception with his lexicon of certficates on his web site. Notably, he claims that he was an original student under Dan Inosanto (in past web copy he even stated that Dianna had a crush on him; that later was taken off after Ron Balicki was notified of this). It turns out that Wagner only ever took a seminar and a couple of classes. He displays 2 Inosanto certificates on his site that were both from a seminar camp, but he has tried to pass them off as some sort of rank under Dan.

                              Another whopper is his trying to pass off that U.S. Marine Scout Sniper cetificate as real Scout Sniper certification. I have spoken to U.S. Marines (who have that certification) who have told me face to face that that certificate is a phony. I won't tell you the tell-tale signs that the Marine told me that give it away - aside from the fact that Wagner's cert says 2-days and the real McCoy is 10 months coupled with prerequisite qualifications, namely being a Marine:

                              Scout Sniper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

