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Punching Power and Slapping Power

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  • Punching Power and Slapping Power

    If I train and become proficient in iron fist. Will this mean by punches will be more deadly ? lethal ?

    What would happen if an iron palm guy slapped someone hard would they cause broken bones ?

  • #2
    I don't know about slaps breaking bones. It doesnt seem logical, if you think about it. But I have heard of open hand stylists using slaps to destroy internal organs. Like the heart and in the stomach region. I'm not sure if that helped at all. A well placed palm heel will break the jaws of most people. An open hand to the face will break a nose and if you hook your fingers you get a eye gouge as added bonus (ala the tiger claw).


    • #3
      i don't know where the power comes from on the slapping issue but i do know that a tiger strike will stop a heart, crack a sternum, and break a jaw. i know other weapons that look like slaps that are actually very powerful strikes in rapid succesion meant to kill an opponent.


      • #4
        my master trained iron palm and his hands were like damn stones. they were hard as hell and heavy. his slaps, even light ones, would knock you off balance. i watched him break cinder blocks that had two phone books on top of them with light forehand and backhand slaps. i imagine if he can do that he can break bones.


        • #5
          This whole thread has got to rate a B+ on the Bullshit Rating. If people start prattling on about mysterious Chi, it will probably get an A.


          • #6
            Why is it so bullshit, Bri? Don't MT fighters train their fists and shins to be rock hard. Don't they build them up so their strikes are more powerful? That is all iron palm is. It isn't some mysterious shit, it is a long term process of building up your entire had until it is really, really hard. Same exact idea as MT.

            Why is chi so stupid and bullshit? Explain then what all the music is for around a MT fight. Why do MT fighters bow and prey to all four corners before a fight? It has to do with spirituality and getting the spirits on your side. If you train MT in some watered down gym maybe this doesn't take place, but go to Thailand and see if that is still practiced.


            • #7
              Thai's wrap their hands, and the ones that do the serious shin conditioning don't wakl too well when they're 30.

              You can potentially hurt your hand in a fight. If you punch to the head, that will increase your chances dramtically. But you are pretty likely to come out with hands in one piece if you train and use open handed blows. It isn't rocket science.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Thai Bri
                Thai's wrap their hands, and the ones that do the serious shin conditioning don't wakl too well when they're 30.
                It depends. There are some old school Thai trainers out there that fought in Lumpini and Rajadamnern stadium (200+) fights who can still fold sand bags upon impact of their kicks.


                • #9
                  They should never be used with the intention of disabling your opponent but merely after blocking, stunning him, and following up with a substantail strike that causes damage.

                  I garantee you that a good slap to the ear or groin area will bring down or stun most opponents....slaps are usefull in stressfull situations as they are natural movements like throwing objects and easy to perform.... but attention should be taken that the hand has to be relaxed before the impact...


                  • #10
                    They should never be used with the intention of disabling your opponent but merely after blocking, stunning him, and following up with a substantail strike that causes damage.

                    I garantee you that a good slap to the ear or groin area will bring down or stun most opponents....slaps are usefull in stressfull situations as they are natural movements like throwing objects (easier to perform for beginners) and safer than punches....


                    • #11
                      i have found alot recently how many people try to get the quick fix on their practice...

                      if you want to punch hard, practice and instead of asking about iron palm, try it and then apply it...

                      go...oh iono..break some bones,



                      • #12
                        Ask your training partner to slap you as hard as he can on the ear, eyes, neck or groin I am sure you will change your mind afterwards .....
                        Systema, fmas, silat makes use of slaps and there are reasons for it.....


                        • #13
                          The problem with "slaps" is that they conjure up thoughts of some woman in a 1930's film slapping a man's face for not buying her a drink or something. The non believers out there obviously don't know how to throw them.

                          I fought such a non believer in an interclub competition a few years ago. It was submission wrestling, but kicks, knees and slaps were also allowed.

                          He came at me with a low guard, and I nearly took his head off. The ref allowed him a breather so that he could have another go (it had only taken 3 seconds....). He came again, I caught him again, he went to sleep.


                          • #14
                            I once got badly slapt on the left ear when I was a kid, result: over 1 month hospital and still 30% auditive lost..... and I used slaps (a.o. groin) during fights and saw it working....

                            I think these non believer also think strikes the groin, clawing (eyes....) and pulling hair are unmanlike actions...


                            • #15
                              You have a point. Personally I'd don a frilly dress, sit on Spanky's knee and sing "If you were the only boy in the world....." if I thought it would give me a better chance in winning a streetfight.

                              But let these manly types keep their favourite punches. We don't want the guy at the X Ray machine in in Accident and Emergency to be out of a job.

